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years of playing now i give up

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  • #16
    Re: years of playing now i give up

    Originally posted by unununium
    Does anyone know what he's talking about?
    I think he wants to quit becasue he is dissapointed.


    • #17
      Re: years of playing now i give up

      Have you ever thought about playing the game in a league?

      Most players in leagues are very good and dont give a crap about stats. Constant pubbing will leave you disappointed.

      Playing in organized 30v30 battles with ranks and squads will keep you going....though it doesnt count toward any precious stats.

      problem is you have to pay for it...$9.95 for 3 months. 3 battles every week, 2 of them last 10 hours, 1 lasts 4. Look into it, trust me, its fun.


      • #18
        Re: years of playing now i give up

        nothing wrong with the stats(whoring)


        • #19
          Re: years of playing now i give up

          Originally posted by xRAMBOx

          gee that huge winge feels good and if u dont feel this then ya brainwashed
          really? what's a winge? anything like a wedgie?


          • #20
            Re: years of playing now i give up

            chill out, just a game, the patches have only made it better imo but w/e, u gusy bitched before them and now bitch after them so whats the point


            • #21
              Re: years of playing now i give up

              Seriously, what's the point of telling the entire community that your leaving? OK your leaving, thats great, so don't expect people begging for you to stay.


              • #22
                Re: years of playing now i give up

                thanxs for ya support guys ive been playn since 42 came out. I prob wont quit but the games gone alot diff since fairplay and respect and the fun with it.I do enjoy and have some great gun battles ,then arty stuffs that up

                Guess i like infantry work most of all and that makes me bottom of the food chain.

                But u do see how far out there stats are they must look hunched back ,crippled fingers ,hair growth evrywhere ,super bo,no depth perception and food and human excrament around them to play that long:laugh:


                • #23
                  Re: years of playing now i give up

                  Originally posted by Wargimp
                  Hehe... and this time from a barely litterate ex-forum whore.

                  All this whining about stats 'n stuff is really easy to solve. Simply don't make it your goal. I never have... well, aside from finding it amusing to attempt to improve some and seeing some awards as personal challenges. Regaurdless... I don't see stats as something to go for. I see them as an aside that makes things interesting.


                  Play on UNranked servers.
                  Want your unlocks?
                  Find one that has globel unlocks enabled.

                  How hard are these ideas to comprehend?

                  yeah, stats to me = new rank so i can A.) Have higher chance of playing as commander B.) Use an unlock to pwn ppl


                  • #24
                    Re: years of playing now i give up

                    ironically, it seems the clan morons and whiners are leaving bf2.

                    funny that this guy himself is in a clan.... and xsteelrainx was actually complaining in caps lock on a recent karkand game...

                    really, i have played since the start of bf1942 and basically all of its great mods, and find no reason for complaint.

                    except that claymores ruin the infantry urban maps, but mashtuur is still fun and the vehicle side still insanely fun.

                    i like infantry work too, but hell, take a tank or jet sometimes, its fun and reminds you of the good old desert combat desertshield times. or no fly zone! they need that one.

                    and dont worry, the good mods will be out this summer im sure.


                    • #25
                      Re: years of playing now i give up

                      im not in a clan??? RAMBO wouldnt work so i did x next to it -=ami=- wanted me but i like being a vigelanty like the real rambo


                      • #26
                        Re: years of playing now i give up

                        Originally posted by Chris_Redfield
                        Redirected to here-

                        I actually clicked on that link


                        • #27
                          Re: years of playing now i give up

                          Wait, I'm confused. How did you play BF2 for years when it's been out for less than 1 year?


                          • #28
                            Re: years of playing now i give up

                            Originally posted by xRAMBOx
                            im not in a clan??? RAMBO wouldnt work so i did x next to it -=ami=- wanted me but i like being a vigelanty like the real rambo
                            He he the real Rambo. *snicker*

                            And thank the Gods that you came to your senses and lightened up a bit and said you weren't leaving after all. I was really worried about how I was going to fill such a gaping void in my existence. I mean seriously, the hue and cry on this forum alone would be almost too much to bear.

                            The .... horror......


                            • #29
                              Re: years of playing now i give up

                              Originally posted by unununium
                              Does anyone know what he's talking about?
                              Yup. The sky is falling.


                              • #30
                                Re: years of playing now i give up

                                @topicstarter, actualy, did you ever play BF1942 ?

                                there was lots more TK'ing going on there, nowbody cared for there points, now they care a bit, because there are stats.

                                in BF1942 , I remember, hitting someone on accident and just taking away some of his healt, you had a 50% chance he turned, called you .... and TK'd you , also on the island maps, for getting a plane, it was dam hard, they TK'd you more then for planes as they do now, same story for tank .

                                and then you had the funny boys, who just came in, and TK'd for fun, also happend more then now .

                                please don't talk like it was all perfect and sunshine in bf1942 , there where as much or more retards in the game then as there are now .

                                Offcourse you didn't had statpadders , but actualy , ingame, I don't give a dam for statpadders, you know why ? because they don't bother the other players, ingame it are only the TK'ers who are a pain in the ass (and the claymores noobs offcourse)

                                yeet another point, be glad there are statwhores on your team, because statwhores want to make as much points as possible, and how do you get points in bf 2?

                                caping flags
                                killing enemy's
                                healing/reviving teammates
                                resuplieing teammates
                                repairing teammates

                                are thos bad thing or what ?

                                and, if you did play bf1942 , can you honestly remember how much some engineer was repairing your tank?

