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[VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

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  • #46
    Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

    i dont understand y we r even talkin about this. its obviously fake plus bf2 just came out a couple months ago. play bf2 and dont try and find wats comin next. its gay.


    • #47
      Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

      Originally posted by AK47-Warlord
      wtf does battlefield 2 has do with this ? and its not about enjoying its about how company supports the **** they put out, take a look at Valve and take a look at EA, case closed.
      you play for hundreds of hours on a "buggy" game you paid fifty bucks for then you spend hundreds of more hours bitching about how they dont support it, make up your mind, either play it, or dont, you cant bitch about it and play the **** out of it.

      and your original post was talking **** about how people went out and bought it day one, just like they will 2142


      • #48
        Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!



        • #49
          Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

          Looks great! I'm willing to give it a chance. If the reviews are positive I'm sure most of you will jump on board.


          • #50
            Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

            Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
            No wonder they cant fix thier the regular busy making another buggy game.
            my thoughts exactly


            • #51
              Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

              Looks great! I'm willing to give it a chance. If the reviews are positive I'm sure most of you will jump on board.
              If its anywhere NEAR as buggy as bf2 you can count me OUT!


              • #52
                Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                Originally posted by Alcorr
                If its anywhere NEAR as buggy as bf2 you can count me OUT!
                Well hopefully (and I admit this is a stretch) if that were the case the reviews would beat its ass.


                • #53
                  Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                  We should make some sort of petition saying we are not going to support this game until they fix BF2. I think the reason why BF2 was popular was because bf1942 left a good impression. Not a good move when BF2 is all broken.
                  Who's down for this? I think EA has forgotten we're the reason they're still in business..


                  • #54
                    Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                    At the VERY least, this might kill all those noobs who say they want a sim. And i am seeing another "would be a good game except for the HUGE SHOWSTOPPING BUGS" (SF review) review from gamespot.


                    • #55
                      Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                      Originally posted by AK47-Warlord
                      ... Valve support their games till the end, Valve cares, Valve listens and Valve FIXES whatever is gotta be fixed, EA has lots to learn.
                      QTF. Look at 1.6 and CS:S. Both games are still supported till this day.

                      EA is milking battlefield dry. SF, EF, AF, 2142.. all addons which you have to pay for? Valve has been adding maps/fixes/etc.. for 1.6 and CS:S for FREE and continue to do so. EA has taken forever to address some of the issues that have been in Betafield.. sorry.. Battlefield 2 for the longest time. Dont get me wrong I LOVE bf2 and have put about 200 hours into it with no end in site but I hate that EA doesnt support BF2 as well as they should.


                      • #56
                        Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                        All I know is they better have a proprer mix of alien/infantry,mech,UFO/ Aircraft maps and not a big cluster fck with everything on it..:laugh:

                        Im sure Ill buy it,probably will be fun....I woulldnt say Im excited about it though:|:


                        • #57
                          Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                          looks really bad, sorry this is where the BF series ends

                          hopefully someday game companys will realise why no one buys sequels to dirt


                          • #58
                            Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                            Same BF2 engine to me means the same bugs we have now, red/blue tag bug(they still can't or won't fix it) add 50+ other bugs we all know about and will they all still be there in 2142? Made me laugh when they said they are adding a buddy system. BF2 is meant to have that too and is still advertised as having a buddy system and hovercraft (oh no lets save that for 2142)

                            For me it will be come and read TotalBF2142 and see the complaints flood in about how buggy it is and damn we were silly to be ripped off again. Same company+same game engine+same crappy beta testers = new buggy BF game.


                            • #59
                              Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                              somehow this is what everyone said about SF, yet they still bought it......


                              • #60
                                Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                                Originally posted by Ronin581
                                you play for hundreds of hours on a "buggy" game you paid fifty bucks for then you spend hundreds of more hours bitching about how they dont support it, make up your mind, either play it, or dont, you cant bitch about it and play the **** out of it.

                                and your original post was talking **** about how people went out and bought it day one, just like they will 2142
                                You are a moron son, stop assuming you know everything, I never complained ONCE about BF2, I just say their support for their games is ****, not only BF2 but same goes for Fifa series and other titles.
                                And they still havent fixed some long known bugs, but that ok cause most of the bugs are in BF2, there are only few on SF which is what I play, but the point remains that EA is a money hungry **** company who wont last too long because they dont care about their customer base, but thats ok even the biggest idiots will realize that they are being ripped off and stop supporting such bs.

                                Originally posted by enik
                                QTF. Look at 1.6 and CS:S. Both games are still supported till this day.
                                QTF ???

