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[VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

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  • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

    no wonder why they have to keep patching up bf2, they have everybody working on bf2 2142.


    • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

      Yeah, But it all depends on how far they want to go with it.
      It also depends on how far they can go with the game engine.
      I am asuming since its a new game they will have some new tweaks
      and new features add into it.

      And not just mod the same engine.
      As far as i can see the must have in order to get mechs to walk around on the feild. and you can thell from the trailer the explosions are a little bigger.

      But will that also include more features for the modding camunity as well.?

      ... . .I for one wouldnt mind placing a PHysX chip on my busS!


      • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

        Don’t forget that EA are churning out games by the dozen on all formats!

        Rich Barstools.


        • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!


          But im just waiting for them to put somthing back into to this format.
          Since it seems that PC might get some of the short end with some of the
          new games coming out.
          I for one havent seen eny Steelbittalion for PC..:cry:

          And as far as I can tell STEELHOUNDS will be for Xbox3.60 only.


          • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

            Hi-Def version of the Movie

            IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals. Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when new trailers arrive, that includes during events like Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Plays, E3, The Game Awards, Gamescom, and more. Check out our playlists for trailers coming to your preferred gaming platforms like PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. For more content, visit or check out our other channels: IGN - IGN Games - IGN Guides - IGN VR - IGN Movie Trailers - This is only a small taste of the videos and content available from IGN. Get more, visit

            You can hear some of the Sounds rather nicely as well, gun fire and vehicle movement/sounds


            • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

              Great video quality on that link


              • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                Originally posted by Pirelli
                Great video quality on that link



                • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                  This game will rock!!! I have read the PC gamer article and it's going to be very good.


                  • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                    Anyone up for some speculation on the funtion of the top mounted turret on those Mechs?

                    I'm guessing second player controlled AA cannons.


                    • Re: [VIDEO] Battlefield 2142 Preview!

                      Co-Pilot - AA and TV-Guided
                      Pilot - Mini-Gun and Surface missiles, one or the other

                      Someones gonna' have or maybe split the 2? One Mini-Gun and TV-Guided for the Pilot and one mini-gun and AA for Co'? either way it'll be great fun!
                      Man that Video puts the graphics in a better perspective and it's still 7 months away.

