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The patches have killed the realism.

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  • The patches have killed the realism.

    BF2 was never been a totally realistic game. I mean just the concept of being able to bring someone back to life with defribrillator paddles kill any notions of realism in this game.

    But now it has gotton even worse.

    The identify friend or foe mines and claymores feature is really stupid. Mines and claymores are not that high tech :hmm: They should detonate no matter who it is that rolls over one or walks near one, good guy or bad guy.

    And the idea that an engineer can defuse a claymore? come on! He should'nt even be able to get close enough to it to defuse it :|:

    BF2 has become more of an arcade game than a modern combat strategy FPS game.

  • #2
    Re: The patches have killed the realism.

    I'll take having fun and not getting tk's because of other people's stupidity over realism any day


    • #3
      Re: The patches have killed the realism.

      yeha. 2nd post is spot on.
      Id rather have fun than get randomly TK'd.


      • #4
        Re: The patches have killed the realism.

        Pass on realism.


        • #5
          Re: The patches have killed the realism.

          No disrespect but this was never ever intented to be realistic.
          And I will agree 100% with post #2


          • #6
            Re: The patches have killed the realism.

            Yes, EA has definitely gone way out of their way to make this game as noob friendly as possible, to the point of being ridiculous. Even though there are big huge red warning icons over the mines and claymores and a big bright red warning icon shows up on the righ side of your HUD when your nearing a friendly mine or claymore, people still somehow get themselves tk'd.

            Not only has EA already done it's best to reduce the skill needed, so that new players have a good chance against experienced players, now they've gone to the next step of dummy proofing the game so inattentive players and noobs alike can't get killed by friendly mines and claymores.
            Like baby proofing a home, they are baby proofing the game, and what a shame.

            Fortunately, in competition play, most leagues and ladders require that game setting allow players to be killed by friendly claymores and mines. Otherwise competiton matches would turn into a joke as well.

            Only problem is that in their zeal to make the game as noob friendly as possible which each new patch they seem to introduce a host of new problems.:shakehead

            POE where are you??


            • #7
              Re: The patches have killed the realism.

              I enjoy this commonly used argument because people who bunnyhop/m203 whore say that by fixing these issues Dice has "noobed" up the game. I would like to take this opportunity to reverse the issue, and say... how easy is it jump and prone all over the place when you're being shot at? I used it when it was around and it makes dodging shots easy as hell... so the strategy that is more "noobish" is really based on your perspective and preferred style of play. Spamming the space bar is actually incredibly easy. I find that watching where you're going, always having to monitor where the enemy is, and traveling in groups w/ squads without having the prone spamming and jumping as a crutch is actually more difficult.. go figure.


              • #8
                Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                why not have bunny hopping and dolphin diving? why not take it 1 step further and put in double jumps a morph ball and laser rifles; screw realism


                • #9
                  Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                  Originally posted by =[BFT]= Sr7
                  I enjoy this commonly used argument because people who bunnyhop/m203 whore say that by fixing these issues Dice has "noobed" up the game. I would like to take this opportunity to reverse the issue, and say... how easy is it jump and prone all over the place when you're being shot at? I used it when it was around and it makes dodging shots easy as hell... so the strategy that is more "noobish" is really based on your perspective and preferred style of play. Spamming the space bar is actually incredibly easy. I find that watching where you're going, always having to monitor where the enemy is, and traveling in groups w/ squads without having the prone spamming and jumping as a crutch is actually more difficult.. go figure.


                  What he said.

                  And btw for mr "I want realism"
                  Claymores don't auto detonate when someone walks in front of them. They are charge detonated with a hand held generator or trip mined. And yes you can walk right up to a claymore and it won't go off regardless of what "team" you are on.

                  And one of the things engineers do by Military Occupational Speciality IS clear mines. EOD is another one.

                  And as far as being able to drive over them. Friendly mines are marked. You wouldn't drive over it. But the idea is the same. Friendlies know where the mines are and the enemy doesn't.

                  But for the life of me. I can't ever remember dolfin diving in real life. Fuxkin idiot.

                  If you want realism go enlist. I hear they are still hiring.


                  • #10
                    Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                    Dolphin diving and prone spamming, I just could never do, even after 3 years of playing BF, I just suck at that type of key manipulation, and to be able to stay on target, well forget it. I could never do it.
                    So the patches have worked in my favour, in that regard, not that I agree with it, but hey, I'll take it

                    Thing is, I've played Americas Army, very cool, very realistic relatively speaking, but this isn't AA, it's BF.

                    Not sure though how we got from mines and claymores to dolphin diving


                    • #11
                      Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                      Originally posted by |D|-Crazycanuck
                      Dolphin diving and prone spamming, I just could never do, even after 3 years of playing BF, I just suck at that type of key manipulation, and to be able to stay on target, well forget it. I could never do it.
                      So the patches have worked in my favour, in that regard, not that I agree with it, but hey, I'll take it

                      Thing is, I've played Americas Army, very cool, very realistic relatively speaking, but this isn't AA, it's BF.

                      Not sure though how we got from mines and claymores to dolphin diving

                      Thats just the way dolphin divers minds work. LOL


                      • #12
                        Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                        Originally posted by whoosh
                        And as far as being able to drive over them. Friendly mines are marked. You wouldn't drive over it. But the idea is the same. Friendlies know where the mines are and the enemy doesn't.
                        As on the game they are marked, about as brightly as a flashing neon sign, but in the game you can drive over them

                        I never use the realism arguement, seems silly to me. I left the military 18 years ago, I don't expect a video game to recreate reality.
                        I play for fun and no other reason.


                        • #13
                          Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                          Originally posted by |D|-Crazycanuck
                          As on the game they are marked, about as brightly as a flashing neon sign, but in the game you can drive over them

                          I never use the realism arguement, seems silly to me. I left the military 18 years ago, I don't expect a video game to recreate reality.
                          I play for fun and no other reason.

                          Yeah. Something about the 15 deaths just really rains all over the realism arguement.

                          I've been retired now for awhile. But I'm pretty sure everybody is still only issued one death.


                          • #14
                            Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                            I agree dolphindiving and bunyhopping was very realistic, we need that back... erhm...


                            • #15
                              Re: The patches have killed the realism.

                              Originally posted by SaUrOn
                              I agree dolphindiving and bunyhopping was very realistic, we need that back... erhm...

