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  • #31
    Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

    Oxygen masks.

    There should be a 'pilot' class, but don't stop at jets. You can't use any seat in a vehicle except a passenger seat if you don't have driver kit.


    • #32
      Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

      Originally posted by BoozeMonkey
      Dude...relax....deep breaths...okay....its just an idea maybe it could be like commander where you can become it any time. you click lets say a button that says "pilot application" and boom you lose your rifle and your now a pilot till your next death. im just trying to help come up with a plan . maybe if you could think of something other than shooting other peoples posts down. you could come up with an idea? and i dont think any idea is stupid it might help us get to a better solution . sometimes people just look at stuff from the wrong angle.

      Edit* i agree with the take it and go. but some people disagree with that Rombaft and pull out the ol' 50 cal lol

      Edit #2* Hmmm would this put an end to opposite team plane stealing? if you arn't a pilot you cant take plane.
      Another good idea "Pilot application" only enough for each plane ,heli and so forth, But once you die "pilot application" is gone. you no longer can apply that round or you can rotate through the team. This gives everybody a chance, unless you have a pilot "ACE" who can survive the whole round. TEAMKILLS within a certain distance of Heli or plane doubles in points from -4 to -8. This is so "pilot application" doesn't get moved to another person or start rotation.


      • #33
        Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

        i agree for a jet or coptor, but I wouldnt go far enough to say that one needs to be an engineer to drive a tank or apc. But you do have a good point.


        • #34
          Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

          and in start of round, 10 people are aplying for pilot, who is going to be one then ???

          the one with the best score in jet or chopper ?? ok, nice, new people can forget about flying something then, and the veterans will whore every single round


          • #35
            Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

            Originally posted by rombaft
            and in start of round, 10 people are aplying for pilot, who is going to be one then ???
            Highest rankers.


            • #36
              Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

              Originally posted by munky99999
              Anybody who jumps into a plane. loses their primary weapon and become a pilot class. That way pilots who jump out are more realistic.
              Doesn't anyone read the previous posts? I think this is an excellent, and simple, idea. Get your regular kit, run to check the hangar, if you're first to the plane you get it but lose armor/grenades/c4/main weap and keep the pistol only. And you should get a pilot helmet, just for fun

              If someone else beat you to the plane, you can still be useful and get back into the battle (hardcore planecampers won't do that, I know). If there's a queue-system ppl would still be waiting in the hangar for their turn in the plane, being totally useless to the rest of the team. You'd get rid of the plane tkers of course, but they should be instabanned anyway.


              • #37
                Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                Originally posted by GSG9xSNIPER
                PILOTS should only carry a Colt .45 or 9mm . The only people whio can fly a plane or jet are "PILOT CLASS" no other people can fly. Heck I'm a pilot this would be great for the game.
                actually i like this idea, id also say pilots and spec ops are the only parachute haveing people.

                this is a great idea for a mod, but i dont think this community would go for it.


                • #38
                  Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                  Crap idea.


                  • #39
                    Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                    id also say pilots and spec ops are the only parachute haveing people.

                    this is a great idea for a mod, but i dont think this community would go for it.
                    Actually, that's already in PRMM..only SF can open chute....

                    The real question is:why most people fly?
                    ...I believe that is 4 stat-point whoring on any particular class they are playing.
                    If u need a certain badge or ribbon, what is easier than jumping in a plane and rack up points and kills 4 that particular badge/ribbon?

                    Since the game counts the kills per-class, regardless of what u'r using to get them( jet/chopper/armor/arty ecc....) it's easy to see why players are jet whoring and so on...

                    Best idea so far, is that as soon as you jump in ANYTHING that can fly/drive you become a pilot/driver with SEPARATE STATS, so kills and point go toward a different class...PILOT/DRIVER.
                    I guess then, getting all those "EXPERT" sniper badges actually USING the sniper rifles will not been that easy....


                    • #40
                      Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                      how about to make however many jets there equal pilot slots? that way you solve a few problems, theysort of do that in call of duty 2 on some maps only 2 or 1 person can become a snipper, helps keep it all under control and balanced teams then you wouldnt get tked for jet maybe, also you wouldnt just gt people standing on airfield waiting and leting the team down, and there could even be a wait yoour turn option or something to make it fair so everybody can get in the jet.


                      • #41
                        Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                        I agree! This would also stop the people using jets and attack choppers for transpotation only. If they want to switch they will have to get a pack from a dead person. Great Idea!


                        • #42
                          Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                          Originally posted by ZAGOR
                          Best idea so far, is that as soon as you jump in ANYTHING that can fly/drive you become a pilot/driver with SEPARATE STATS, so kills and point go toward a different class...PILOT/DRIVER.
                          I guess then, getting all those "EXPERT" sniper badges actually USING the sniper rifles will not been that easy....
                          Excellent, I like that. But if you jump in a jeep/apc you should keep your default kit equipment so when you jump out again you're back to your old class. But as long as you're in the drivers seat or behind a vehicle mounted gun, you're a DRIVER. Ppl sitting at the back of a jeep with their own gun in their hands should probably keep their class.

                          But for pilots I still like the idea of keeping the pilot class even after they exit the vehicle, with no weapons except a pistol.


                          • #43
                            Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                            Originally posted by ZAGOR
                            Actually, that's already in PRMM..only SF can open chute....

                            The real question is:why most people fly?
                            ...I believe that is 4 stat-point whoring on any particular class they are playing.
                            If u need a certain badge or ribbon, what is easier than jumping in a plane and rack up points and kills 4 that particular badge/ribbon?

                            Since the game counts the kills per-class, regardless of what u'r using to get them( jet/chopper/armor/arty ecc....) it's easy to see why players are jet whoring and so on...

                            Best idea so far, is that as soon as you jump in ANYTHING that can fly/drive you become a pilot/driver with SEPARATE STATS, so kills and point go toward a different class...PILOT/DRIVER.
                            I guess then, getting all those "EXPERT" sniper badges actually USING the sniper rifles will not been that easy....
                            Who cares about class do know you can check the weapons stats too right??


                            • #44
                              Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                              Originally posted by F.Rabshaw
                              There already is a pilot class... sniper with an m95. Always gets the plane he wants.


                              • #45
                                Re: Add a PILOT CLASS

                                I think it's a good idea which will be abused by immature players, like so many features in game...I like the idea of a queing system for the planes/choppers, which I mentioned in this post:


                                Here's a brief summary:

                                Nominate a certain radius around the chopper/plane/tank spawn etc. The game sees who enters the radius first (like a flag radius, but maybe smaller) and awards the player a place in the queue, with a message saying what that place is...quite simply the first one there, as long as he stays within the radius, gets the next asset..and number 2 the gunners seat etc.

                                Surely this can't be hard to script, though I'm not a programmer

