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Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

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  • #46
    Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

    You need to get a different game. Here is why.

    Battlefield 2 is only loosely based on reality.


    • #47
      Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

      Originally posted by CaptJordus
      Can it actually hit something more than 15 feet away?

      The mp5 sucked so bad i figured the mp7 would too.
      If they stand still for you yes! great fun close range, but sucks ass compared to medics G36e.

      The M4 would make engineer FAR more fun.


      • #48
        Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

        Originally posted by gungho
        Yeah maybe IRL an engineer has a rifle, cause the army go into battle equipped to give soldiers the best advantage possible. But in BF2, the balance is like "Paper-Rock-Scissors". Each kit is good against somethings & poor against others. Vanilla BF2 kits are OK, if you want engineers with rifles, get a MOD to do it & leave vanilla alone. Its just more likely to happen this way.
        The medic kit ain't, the G36e is deadly vs all infantry at all ranges, yes it can't hurt tanks, but thats what tow/armour and C4 is for.

        The engineer kits has mines great for TK's, close combat weapons and a wrench {which is the worst point scoring weapon vs ammo kit or medic heal/revive}.

        The engineer is the weakest class, snipers have it tough but the engineer has it worst. Yes if an engineer gets in armour yeah!!!! But how often does he? And how often have you had to chnage to engineer to fix an asset got owned and then changed back to your normal class???


        • #49
          Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

          Originally posted by dirtylarryuk
          The engineer is the weakest class, snipers have it tough but the engineer has it worst. Yes if an engineer gets in armour yeah!!!! But how often does he? And how often have you had to chnage to engineer to fix an asset got owned and then changed back to your normal class???

          We've found your problem.

          If you're and engineer and you aren't in/supporting a vehicle, you are playing the kit wrong. I'm finding that a lot of people complaining about the engineer don't actually use the kit well at all.

          Engineers are damned powerful when they are supporting armour assets... preferablly in a collum. One loan engi in a tank is just fodder. However, an engi in a jeep following a tank can be deadly. Two engis in armour working together and being supported by smart grunts is scary.

          So... you want a longer range engineer weapon? Where's you mounted .50 cal, eh?


          • #50
            Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

            screw reality i like my shotgun...cept the mec one

