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Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

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  • #31
    Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

    Well in sf they have the mp7. But still hes got a point. But were would the shooty go if no one will carry one. I think its awsome so imo


    • #32
      Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

      i would like it if the engineer could just get a simple bolt rifle if so, i loved my no. 4 rifle of BF 1942


      • #33
        Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

        An engineer having a short-range shotgun or SMG makes sense because:
        -You're supposed to use it for self defense, not full frontal assault

        It's the same as with the AT. You're supposed (DICE's path of thinking) to use it to defend yourself while repairing your vehicle or laying mines, so you don't get any mid-/long-range weapon, except for the pistol.
        That we players choose to use the engineers differently is another story.
        Also, I personally just love the norinco, because of its instagib capability. The jackhammer's nice, but has the clip size limitation, and I'm not too hot on the BF2 version of the saiga.


        • #34
          Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

          Originally posted by Biff Exploder
          i couldn't kill allmost anyone with the automatic rifles :P , automatic guns just dont work with me, the same thing happens with the shotguns in bf2.
          How couldn't u kill anybody with the M1 garand, it's semi-auto, and it's awesome for all purposes, including sniping AND CQC.


          • #35
            Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

            i dont know, its just weird, with the bolt action ones i could kill everything better then the snipers, but with the garand it was never like that, and the garand was weaker, with the bolt action ones it would be 1 shot in the head and 2 in the rest of the body, while sometimes with the garand i would need more.

            same happens to me with the automatic shotguns in bf2 , they are weaker and make me shoot to fast (not speaking of the DAO its very powerfull but not as accurate as the pump action ones) the automatic shotguns (the mec and jackhammer) are a big NO for me hehehehe, i just use a mp7 when on mec now.


            • #36
              Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

              yep have to say id love to see the M1 garand in bf2, humm thinking of the bf1942 days such a nice rife for when you want to plant some anti tank mines and wait for the apc/tank to come along, was so nice to be able to pick anyone off that gots to close whilst you waited.


              • #37
                Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                Just think m24 with out a scope.
                Would be nice if the engineer kits were a single or dual types of explosives with a fairly good rifle like the ak74s or m4 or something like that and make a real crew class with the wrench or something. /shrug


                • #38
                  Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                  Originally posted by Biff Exploder
                  play drumms,
                  .. lmao.


                  • #39
                    Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                    It sucks when you spawn and don't get to the APC or Tank in time and your left there running around with a shotgun until someone picks you off from out of your shottys range.

                    No one runs up to an engineer to kill them, and when I'm fixing something out of my vehicle is when I need something with decent range, the shotgun isn't it.
                    Dunno if I wanna waste my first 2 unlocks for the MP7.
                    I think I use them on another class and just deal with the engineer kit.


                    • #40
                      Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                      Give the class a chain saw!!!


                      • #41
                        Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                        The MP7 is a good weapon. Saved me many a time where the shotty would have failed me.


                        • #42
                          Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                          Engineers should crawl around with this thing

                          14,5mm, thats 2 times as thick rounds as the PKM


                          • #43
                            Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                            This might be a bit more practical

                            Boys Anti tank rifle. Who needs shotguns


                            • #44
                              Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                              Let's say it together.
                              BF2. Is. Not. About. Realism.


                              • #45
                                Re: Engineer needs rifle, or atleast a rifle unlock, here is why.

                                Originally posted by Bullit_toof
                                This might be a bit more practical

                                Boys Anti tank rifle. Who needs shotguns
                                ROFL, this looks like a friggin tent pole...

