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Ethics & what constitutes a good game

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  • #46
    Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

    Originally posted by 7zerO3
    Commanders should be the biggest team players there are.
    I agree, but before everyone starts knocking any commander who does not sit face down for 30 mins. The best commanders I have seen in action sit as a passenger in a jeep or APC. They use the commander interface for 70% of the time. But for the rest they heal/revive or repair, often act as anti infantry on the jeep 50' cal or as anti spec ops in the APC. Yes these commanders get NO extra points for there heals or repairs, but your team has an extra gun man and sometimes especially if they are medics or engineers this seems to make a huge difference. Spotting should be used to show your armour where their armour is and the occasionaly stubborn sniper. You dont have to sit and point every single man on the map 10 x a second.

    If they are an engineer in a jeep they can follow your armour and use crates for the front line not just throw them at base if a spec ops blows up commander toys, I always destroy a crate once it repairs a commander toy in case a spec op comes back and reloads. Many MANY commanders just throw crates at thier base to fix assets that commandos are blowing up just to give the commandoes more ammo. Why people do this is beyond me and one of the most amusing yet daft things I see on a regular basis.

    A commander that drives an APC or tank is different, but Jeep, APC, boat or Transport copter passenger is often a smart commander.

    A commander who sits as driver in an APC/TANK or Attack Chopper is often a complete moron...


    • #47
      Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

      A good Commander should always look at the map and stay out of sight. You see more things on your map then when you are running after your troops. You see all on the map, spotted vehicles, your troops & spotted enemy troops. When your are always looking at the map you can react as quickly as possible. And helping your team better then when you are running around.

      I don't know anything about being commander -it's boring- because i mostly play as a sniper. but i have spend enough time on BF2 to see how a good commander works.


      • #48
        Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

        I have many guns and knives and stuff. I bought this game to kill people. Where ever you whoever you are if you show up red I'm going to kill you.

        I don't care if it's an uncappable flag. If you are stuck there,that is on you mate.

        The only "rule" on a server should be no tk'ng. Other than that people should be free. Quit trying to impose moralistic rules for a game about killing people. Adapt or die. If your getting owned at your base it's time to re evaluate your tactics not make rules.

        Bottom line is, it's my knife. Don't tell me how to twist it when I stick it in you.


        • #49
          Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

          First off, camping an uncapturable base is base raping. Its unsportsmanliken, and it is unfair. I forget the name of the map, but its the one for SF where the rebels control all the flags, and the russians have just one uncapturable spot, and theres a flag right outside of that base, that is by default, part of the rebels. Now, I dont mind having that flag there, but the fact that its defaulted to the opposing faction, and pretty much right in the way of every path that the russians have out, its a ****ty spot. Everyone on the rebels side spawns there, and ends up killing any and everyone that spawns, or even tries to make a run for it when they spawn on the russian side of things. Its a poor design, and I hate that level for it.

          Now, if its a capturable flag, and youre "camping" to capture the flag, then thats fine. Anyone that spawns on a flag youre "camping" to capture, is fair game. You are, after all, tryin to capture that flag at all costs.

          Personally, if youre a commander, being in an APC is the best place. Mainly because it takes more than a knife to kill you, and you get a warning before youre killed. Although you should hold back a bit from the front lines and command. Most commanders when commanding, at least in the field, stay in a pretty strong vehicle to save themselves, and continue commanding the battlefield. Its proper strategy for a commander, but they shouldnt always be right on the front lines. Too easy a chance for you to not notice the warning that someone has locked onto you with a rocket launcher. A commander in a plane, or chopper is unacceptable. Theres no way you can fly, and command at the same time competantly. If youre a passenger then thats fine, you dont have to pay attention to anything, so long as youre not in a crucial position (ie gunner on a transport) that requires attention.

          If everyone is hanging outside of a base thats not capturable, and its the only base the opposing side has, its unfair. Why? Because you are not giving them a fighting chance. If youre a rebel, and the russians have only 1 uncapable base, and youre camped around that base (especially the level I spoke of earlier) then you are, more or less, stat padding, and getting easy kills.


          • #50
            Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

            Originally posted by glaucoma
            When a commander occupies a vehicle other than a boat or car, I'll immediately mutiny him because he's either not using it and therefore taking away team resources, or he's not commanding to the fullest and thereby a very worthless commander. Decide what you want to do, but don't do both at the same time.
            Simply put, this is just your opinion. You don't get to decide if he's doing his job or not. Mutiny all you want, the chances of it being successful are slim to none. Just because you don't think someone is being beneficial to the team, does not mean they are'nt. Im tired of people around here saying you can or cannot do two things at the same time. It's not our fault that some of us can actually muti-task. If you can't, don't whine to us.


            • #51
              Re: Ethics & what constitutes a good game

              Personally I won't camp an uncap base. You're never going to stop them from spawning and you can't capture it, so what’s the point? Oh yes... stats.

              I will let someone go by me if they are down to one un-cappable flag. I will give them a sporting chance. I enjoy a challenge. I do not enjoy watching a team be demoralized for no other reason than to make a point. If your team is so l33t that they can shut the opposition down to one flag, then they can do it again right? Let them try to move out and do something. Show some class.

              Raping a main uncap because you can does not justify it. People CAN do a lot of things and yet they don’t. Why you ask? Well, because it's the right thing to do. Show how great and merciful you are. Show how you have mad skillz by forcing them back yet again. Don't sit outside the gate and pummel them to bloat your uber stats ego.

