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Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

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  • Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

    I thought about dumping 400 bucks for a new ATI X850 XT video card - but then I thought about buying a whole new system to get better frame rates. THen I hear people who have virtual supercomputers (AMD watercooled systems with SLI technology) complaining about poor framerates. In addition with the poor engine that this game is built on plus the plethora of hackers out there - I decided that it's absolutely silly to dump so much money for this silly game (although I love it!).

    I think I'd rather wait for the XBOX 360 and the XBOX 360 version of this game. THe XBOX 360 is virtually equivalent to a pretty decent gaming machine that'll yield at least 4x Anti-Aliasing plus you can play on High Definition. The other great thing is that you won't have to worry too much about hackers.

    Call it sacreligious (among die hard PC gamers perspective) but I think it's probably the best option from both a cost point of view.

    I would love to hear your opinions!

    All the best!


  • #2
    Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

    does the XBOX360 support a mouse and keyboard? good luck trying to aim and such with a analog stick


    • #3
      Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

      xbox 360 is for n00bs and kiddies who cant afford good comps, the xbox will be passed in technology and power in a few months in pcs


      • #4
        Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

        The Xbox 360 is a piece of crap when you think about what it was supposed to be. I played COD II demo and the graphics were quite sub par compared to what you can get on a high end gaming machine.

        Look at the Xbox version of BF2, it sucks compared to the PC version so why wait for the 360 version to suck as well?

        Also, anyone with a liquid cooled AMD high end rig either is lying about having poor framerates or did something wrong with thier rig, or (most likely) doesn't have poor framerates at all.

        FX-57 with 2 512mb 7800GTXs, 2 Gig of RAM and a 10k rpm hard drive, lol poor framerates my ass.


        • #5
          Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

          Xbox-360 owns peroiod if you spend 400 ****ing $ on a video card you are sad need to get laid your proberbly scared of light


          • #6
            Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

            THe XBOX 360 is virtually equivalent to a pretty decent gaming machine that'll yield at least 4x Anti-Aliasing plus you can play on High Definition. The other great thing is that you won't have to worry too much about s.
            Also, no its not equivalent in to a high end machine, cost for cost, yeah it probably is, but not if you compare it to high end machines. And as far as goes wtf are you talking about? I have never seen a on a (ranked) server in my life.


            • #7
              Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

              Originally posted by SmokeySnipe
              Xbox-360 owns peroiod if you spend 400 ****ing $ on a video card you are sad need to get laid your proberbly scared of light

              Or alternatively you have a jobs which pays way too much and have nothing else to do with the piles of cash!!


              • #8
                Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                Originally posted by (BG)patton
                xbox 360 is for n00bs and kiddies who cant afford good comps, the xbox will be passed in technology and power in a few months in pcs
                That may be true. I can afford a new card and a great system - but:

                1) I don't love this game enough to waste that sort of money

                2) I don't want to get into the cycle of dumping $500 every six months for the next best video card or other add-ons - probably because I'm not as hard core as many people here.

                3) I'd rather play with noobs and kiddies rather than playing with hackers and script kiddies.

                4) Yes, the xbox 360 will be passed in technology and power in a few months by more powerful PCs but it's a difference between paying $500 vs. paying $500 and $4000 for the next latest and greatest video card or a new PC machine (JUST TO PLAY BF2? Forget it!).

                5) Unless EA improves the engine that it's built upon - you'll always need a better video card for every subsequent release of BF2.

                Just my humble opinion.


                • #9
                  Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                  Xbox-360 owns peroiod if you spend 400 ****ing $ on a video card you are sad need to get laid your proberbly scared of light
                  The 360 is an overheating pile of crap, it has a bunch of bugs, and while cost efficient, consoles will never be as powerful as PCs. Well, probably never.

                  And no, I don't loath all consoles, the new ps3 will probably be pretty nice from what I have been reading.

                  Or alternatively you have a jobs which pays way too much and have nothing else to do with the piles of cash!!
                  OR, people really like thier graphics and refuse to buy the crap that microsoft trys to sell to the masses....

                  EDIT: by the way, I don't have a high end rig, I have a 2.8 pentium 4 with 768 meg of ram, and a 9800 pro, decent...but nothing spectacular.

                  I have a pretty decent machine (not the best but decent) and I'm resigned to the fact that I'm not going to dish out another $4000 to buy a water cooled machine just so that I can get FPS improvements in this game. At the end of the day where does that really get me?
                  I understand what you are saying, what you did is probably a good choice. Buying a 360...umm probably not a good choice.


                  • #10
                    Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                    Originally posted by Alcorr
                    Also, no its not equivalent in to a high end machine, cost for cost, yeah it probably is, but not if you compare it to high end machines. And as far as goes wtf are you talking about? I have never seen a on a (ranked) server in my life.
                    Well you're right it's probably not equivalent to a $4000 alienware system - but then there are plenty of smarter ways I can spend $4000.

                    Listen - I'm just trying to be sensible. I wrestled the urge to order a better machine (at least better than what I have) yesterday - an ALIENWARE ALS machine. I ordered the machine yesterday then reluctantly cancelled today. Then I woke up this morning and kicked myself, thinking "What the Feck did I just do yesterday??? So I cancelled the order.

                    I have a pretty decent machine (not the best but decent) and I'm resigned to the fact that I'm not going to dish out another $4000 to buy a water cooled machine just so that I can get FPS improvements in this game. At the end of the day where does that really get me?


                    • #11
                      Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                      Originally posted by Alcorr
                      The 360 is an overheating pile of crap, it has a bunch of bugs, and while cost efficient, consoles will never be as powerful as PCs. Well, probably never.

                      And no, I don't loath all consoles, the new ps3 will probably be pretty nice from what I have been reading.

                      OR, people really like thier graphics and refuse to buy the crap that microsoft trys to sell to the masses....

                      EDIT: by the way, I don't have a high end rig, I have a 2.8 pentium 4 with 768 meg of ram, and a 9800 pro, decent...but nothing spectacular.

                      I understand what you are saying, what you did is probably a good choice. Buying a 360...umm probably not a good choice.

                      I haven't bought a 360 yet, I'm in no rush to dump money for a product that is temporarily in short supply and loaded with bugs. I'm considering an alternative - maybe PS3. Just waiting on the sidelines for now until the prices come down, more releases are made, and bugs are fixed.

                      I have almost the exact same set up as you Alcorr. I have a 2.8 GHz machine with a 9800 pro card. I get 35 fps on SF and around 55-65 fps on BF2 - everything on video quality on medium except geometries and textures on high - with 2x anti-aliasing -- not bad but playable. My system is less than a year old and the card was purchased less than 6 months ago and I'm already behind the curve. Lots of people on this site claim they have purchased an ATI X800 or better. ATI cards are apparently in short supply and even discount vendors are asking for at least $350 a pop. With how quickly new technology is hitting the market especially in the PC industry in addition to higher demands placed on them (BF2 SF especially) - I already feel like I'm chasing my tail or at least required to do so to fully enjoy these FPS games.


                      • #12
                        Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                        I haven't bought a 360 yet, I'm in no rush to dump money for a product that is temporarily in short supply and loaded with bugs. I'm considering an alternative - maybe PS3. Just waiting on the sidelines for now until the prices come down, more releases are made, and bugs are fixed.

                        I have almost the exact same set up as you Alcorr. I have a 2.8 GHz machine with a 9800 pro card. I get 35 fps on SF and around 55-65 fps on BF2 - everything on video quality on medium except geometries and textures on high - with 2x anti-aliasing -- not bad but playable. My system is less than a year old and the card was purchased less than 6 months ago and I'm already behind the curve. Lots of people on this site claim they have purchased an ATI X800 or better. ATI cards are apparently in short supply and even discount vendors are asking for at least $350 a pop. With how quickly new technology is hitting the market especially in the PC industry in addition to higher demands placed on them (BF2 SF especially) - I already feel like I'm chasing my tail or at least required to do so to fully enjoy these FPS games.
                        Yes, it would be a good idea to wait for the ps3, sony hopefully will do further testing to make sure they won't be shocked if their system is buggy like microsoft's is.

                        And yeah waiting when around computers is always a good choice, technology always gets better and the longer you wait, the more bang you get for your buck.

                        I do want to say though, you can get a really high end machine for less than 4k, remember, alienware does make profit and liquid cooling is nice, but expensive at the same time. I don't recognize the name of the 4k machine you mentioned, do you have a link to the site that has the stats of the comp?

                        By the way, another thing to keep in mind is that physX processors are coming out and I don't think current motherboards support them, I can't give you a real good description of what these things do other than basically all they do is process physics, the calculations are built into the hardware as opposed to the software of the video card having to do all the calculations.

                        That results in a much faster gaming rig.

                        Another thing to keep in mind is that hyper threaded games are in development, and so dual core processors are a must if anyone wants to buy a new computer....two cores both running a game is like two processors running a obviously much faster.

                        So yes, waiting is a good idea, but buying 360 = bad idea, sure I might be a bit biased, but really....when the ps3 comes out, its probably going to be way better than the 360....

                        O yeah by the way, a 512mb nvidia 7800 GTX is probably the best card you can get atm, benchmark tests done by pc gamer (magazine) continually place nvidia way ahead of ATI....


                        • #13
                          Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                          Originally posted by Alcorr
                          Yes, it would be a good idea to wait for the ps3, sony hopefully will do further testing to make sure they won't be shocked if their system is buggy like microsoft's is.

                          And yeah waiting when around computers is always a good choice, technology always gets better and the longer you wait, the more bang you get for your buck.

                          I do want to say though, you can get a really high end machine for less than 4k, remember, alienware does make profit and liquid cooling is nice, but expensive at the same time. I don't recognize the name of the 4k machine you mentioned, do you have a link to the site that has the stats of the comp?

                          By the way, another thing to keep in mind is that physX processors are coming out and I don't think current motherboards support them, I can't give you a real good description of what these things do other than basically all they do is process physics, the calculations are built into the hardware as opposed to the software of the video card having to do all the calculations.

                          That results in a much faster gaming rig.

                          Another thing to keep in mind is that hyper threaded games are in development, and so dual core processors are a must if anyone wants to buy a new computer....two cores both running a game is like two processors running a obviously much faster.

                          So yes, waiting is a good idea, but buying 360 = bad idea, sure I might be a bit biased, but really....when the ps3 comes out, its probably going to be way better than the 360....

                          O yeah by the way, a 512mb nvidia 7800 GTX is probably the best card you can get atm, benchmark tests done by pc gamer (magazine) continually place nvidia way ahead of ATI....

                          I also looked into a DELL XPS 600 - configured it online with Pentium dual processors and an Nvidia 7800 GTX SLI dual cards. Came out to be $3400 with a Dell premier discount - less than 4 Grand but at the end of the day I asked myself: "ARE YOU NUTS???".


                          • #14
                            Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                            Ok wtf. You guys are going ape**** over something irrelevant. I'd spend that $400 on a 7800GT. A lot more bang for the buck, And you should have a little bit left over.

                            On the 360, I myself apply the six month rule to everything.


                            • #15
                              Re: Forget about new video card or system XBOX 360

                              Pentium dual processors
                              I think you mean dual core, yes there IS a difference. And yeah the GT is more bang for buck but a 512 GTX is still moderately more powerful...

