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RANT About Flash Bangs

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  • #46
    Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

    I dont mind the expantion pack at all, i think is cool, i dont own it, but is mess up that the weapons tranfer over the vanilla BF2, now everyone has to change their strategy because of stupid flshbangs, the weapons are cool, but i dont think is a big deal, just the flashbangs.


    • #47
      Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

      Originally posted by papi4baby
      I dont mind the expantion pack at all, i think is cool, i dont own it, but is mess up that the weapons tranfer over the vanilla BF2, now everyone has to change their strategy because of stupid flshbangs, the weapons are cool, but i dont think is a big deal, just the flashbangs.
      Get a friend with SF to unlock the weapons for you


      • #48
        Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

        Hey atleast this takes the heat off the

        Seriously do you people read what you write....UNFAIR its UNFAIR blah blah blah....I got news for ya if you think it is unfair that someone spent 30 more bucks than you and got a few more things to use in the SAME game....well where the hell have you been hiding for the past oh 100 something years???????? this is not a new concept....


        • #49
          Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

          Love flashbangs

          and gas.


          • #50
            Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

            i dont really mind i dont get flash banged alot. and i like picking up new kits.


            • #51
              Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

              I dislike flashbangs. I have them, but they are a delay for me between switching and usage. People aren't usually blinded that badly, and I never get flashed.

              People flash in CS because their nade sucks, why blind someone if you can kill them with nades?


              • #52
                Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                Originally posted by papi4baby
                I FRACKING HATE THEM, anyone else

                No but seriously i want to punch the person to put this on this game
                part of the game now.....over


                • #53
                  Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                  I have been flashed and killed a couple of times and have returned the favour a couple of times. It really has not come to dominate gameplay in basic BF2 though. I don't think the impact was as big as people where worried it would be.

                  They aren't the easiest of things to use, as a mistake will see you as blind as the enemy or the enemy really not all that blinded as you are swtiching back to a proper weapon.

                  The fun factor of using them against choppers is fastastic though...

                  I have the expansion and at first I thought it was a little unfair including them in the original game for SF owner to unlock, but I am changing my opinion as it becomes obvious that they are not really changing how the game is played...


                  • #54
                    Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                    Originally posted by JuzzyDee
                    I think it's a good idea. From a marketing point of view of course.

                    Why isn't everyone whinging about Valve or ID making games that are only Windows compatible. It gives those who run windows an unfair advantage over those who like to save money and contribute to community programs using open source software. The advantage being they dont have to **** fart around just to play the game in the first place, emulating windows mind you.

                    It's the same thing really. It's about maximising your position in the market, and as far as I'm concerned, it's only a few bucks, the only reason you'd be whinging about not wanting to buy the expansion is if you're a crack addict on welfare payments. What else can you get with those few bucks? It's not like it's $100, and it's not like you get nothing at all. It's good fun having those few extras.
                    Wow amen and preach on.... someone else tell these kids its called the gaming "Industry". Money first your enjoyment SECOND.


                    • #55
                      Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                      Ok, i am a decent/average player.

                      What is the big deal? I have been "flashed" many times in normal BF2, and I have NEVER been killed as a result. Its EASY to just move out of the way while it wears off...

                      Kinda funny, I actually thought it was a cool idea, but in practice it doesn't kill the person. IMHO, I rather use a normal grenade since that kills.


                      • #56
                        Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                        Tip: Get flashed ? Chuck a grenade and run away till it wears off. When I say run, I mean get out of where the hell you got flashed. You won't die.


                        • #57
                          Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                          I am fortunate that I have only been flashed once. I did not get killed, but it was kinda crazy for a few seconds. I was also in a tank and had one thrown at me, but the guy on top who was on vent went blind and I didn't sitting inside driving.

                          I don't agree with them being brought backwards into vanilla BF2, but I have not been pwned by them, so in the end, it does not matter as much to me.

                          I also don't just play Karkand, which is where the biggest complaint comes from. I play on our clan server which rotates maps and may only see Karkand once a night.


                          • #58
                            Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                            I have not bought the expansion and do not plan to. I have not encountered many flashers, but I have been killed by the SCAR quite a bit. I think SF must suck because it seems alot of the people who bought it are spending alot of time on non SF servers. I agree with the notion that SF stuff should be on SF servers only.


                            • #59
                              Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                              Originally posted by bigpappa
                              exactly, it basically forces people to pay 30 bucks just for flashbangs...
                              ->> i dint payed for it...

                              ->> i trow a nice smoke and boom flashed...

                              ->> my teamate die in front of me with the famous fs2000... i take it...

                              ->> why pay for something you can get with the original game and the patch 1.12 installed?


                              • #60
                                Re: RANT About Flash Bangs

                                I can't think of anything more fun than getting a headache for something hitting your head, then look down and go all "Oh ****" before brilliant white light and a vacuum cleaner completely disables your eyes and hearing.
                                I go WEEEEEEEEE every single time

