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We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

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  • We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

    As we all know, BF2:SF is out, in that game there are some unlocks.

    Those unlocks can be used in the standard BF2 game , only by guys who have SF offcourse, they who don't have SF can't use those weapons in BF2 (or you have to pick it up somewhere) .

    Meaning the guys who have SF can even use flash bangs in normal BF2, on maps like karkand and stuff they have a big advantage if you ask me, and we suckers who don't buy the game right now are screwed!!

    an extra screen here
    I don't care for the extra shooting weapons, but if the SF owners on karkand can do this (see screen)

    even the rader is out

  • #2
    Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

    which is why we all call EA money grubbing ******s who try and use any dirty trick to sell thier product...but then again who will play normal bf2 when they got sf.


    • #3
      Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

      Well sounds like an EA endorsed Exploit to me...well to can play at that game...if SF weapons are allowed to be used in Vanilla BF2, That gives an unfair advantage to SF people, Pay for an advantage over thy fellow gamer hmmmm sounds like a "hack" to me...

      But I agree its F*cking retarded to have to buy another product just to keep up with other gamers, this never would have happened in BF1942 or BFV I predicted this was going to happen. "That would be F*cking retarded if EA makes you buy SF to get the new weapons, smart maketing but retarded and noob like...why can't we just have BF2 vanilla the way we want it?"


      • #4
        Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

        cry. i don't even use the unlock. Go buy thme if you want them. :cry:

        Vehicle whoring FTW


        • #5
          Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

          Okay but it isn't like the new guns are uber powerful or anything. They are still balanced. And technically no we can't because the new unlock are for classes that only the SF expansion pack has (like US Navy Seals).


          • #6
            Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

            Im not 100% sure, but i think SOME of the unlocks are available to all, but not all of them.
            Im more annoyd at the server listing we cant purchase SF until 28th in qld, well Goldcoast one seems to be running the normal BF2, if so there are like 4 playable servers.

            And the so calld patch fix again JEEBUS!!!

            I have neva really had a crash to desktop problem, i installd the patch just an hour ago....and 5 mins into a game crash.....(once again EA has let us down nuthing new) dont know why i expected anything more.


            • #7
              Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

              Since SF is out I see alot of "red" servers in the browser, so I ticked the box "same version only" and get only servers without the expansion.

              Problem solved unless I'm missing something (which I usually do)


              • #8
                Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                This sucks... :laugh:


                • #9
                  Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                  Originally posted by Jeza
                  Im not 100% sure, but i think SOME of the unlocks are available to all, but not all of them.
                  Im more annoyd at the server listing we cant purchase SF until 28th in qld, well Goldcoast one seems to be running the normal BF2, if so there are like 4 playable servers.

                  And the so calld patch fix again JEEBUS!!!

                  I have neva really had a crash to desktop problem, i installd the patch just an hour ago....and 5 mins into a game crash.....(once again EA has let us down nuthing new) dont know why i expected anything more.

                  some guy in the SF section said he could use the F2000 and flashbangs on karkand.

                  and who cares about the fact they aren't uber weapons, we can't use them and they can, and they have flashbangs what seems uber to me in infantry fighting


                  • #10
                    Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                    Heh, maybe he can use flashbangs on SF's karkand, but not in stock BF2's karkand, that would be rediculous. But, its EA.


                    • #11
                      Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                      Originally posted by The 13th Raptor
                      Heh, maybe he can use flashbangs on SF's karkand, but not in stock BF2's karkand, that would be rediculous. But, its EA.
                      If you buy SF you can use the new SF unlocks on stock BF2 maps. You can't use the grappling hook and zipline.


                      • #12
                        Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                        Im pretty sure there are BF2 servers and there are SF servers.

                        Like the thing said, Sf servers have that green icon with a two next to them. My geuss is if you make a BF2 without the green icon server then you cant use the SF unlocks on it.


                        • #13
                          Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                          Originally posted by Al3x
                          Im pretty sure there are BF2 servers and there are SF servers.

                          Like the thing said, Sf servers have that green icon with a two next to them. My geuss is if you make a BF2 without the green icon server then you cant use the SF unlocks on it.
                          wrong, you can't mix up maps on a server for starting (like 1 SF map and after that one BF2 map).

                          It's or you play BF2 , or you play SF , but the guys earning unlocks in SF are able to use those weapons in BF2


                          • #14
                            Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                            I have not seen this to be the case yet...


                            • #15
                              Re: We as non SF owners are screwed!!!

                              SF owners are haxors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

