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Silliest server rules you've seen...

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  • #76
    Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

    My personal favorite was a 24/7 Wake Island - Masthur City -Karkand. [but it was mostly 24/7 Wake Island]

    "Play Nice, Dont be a Bitch"

    -Server has been down for a awhile. =(


    • #77
      Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

      Maybe I should post a photograph to show you how racist I am.


      • #78
        Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

        "We kick players for pushing other players off the carrier."


        • #79
          Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

          Originally posted by ||ass||variable
          I have a higher standard for using my brain instead of relying on broad, ignorant, inflexible rules that reek of lazy personal morals instead of a genuine interest in "good game experience".
          Actually, you don't have a higher standard. You've made that argument about "I get kicked for saying "wtf" but not for shooting someone in the head and then unloading hundreds of bullets into their dead body" as if it had merit.

          It doesn't. Swearing and game violence are not related, otherwise people wouldn't swear during card games, checkers, chess, or monopoly, among others. But they do. Some people just like to swear, some don't. That is it. Just like in a real war, some people swear and others don't. So one doesn't necessarily lead to the other. Violence is not "worse" than swearing; it doesn't excuse it. There is no hypocrisy when the server owners make their preferences known and remind you that is a game, and should be played with due regard for others' views.

          If you don't like the rules, fine: find a server that doesn't have rules about swearing and play there.

          But to claim that people who don't like swearing and put in rules about it are ignorant and inflexible ignores your own unwillingness to modify your behavior; and your claim that swearing is necessary for "a good game experience" is really very silly -- clearly, the people who put in the anti-swear rules feel very differently.

          As for myself, all I ask is that no-swear servers make their rules known. That way I can keep my finger off the "F" key.


          • #80
            Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

            Originally posted by Arkasha
            Actually, you don't have a higher standard. You've made that argument about "I get kicked for saying "wtf" but not for shooting someone in the head and then unloading hundreds of bullets into their dead body" as if it had merit.

            It doesn't. Swearing and game violence are not related, otherwise people wouldn't swear during card games, checkers, chess, or monopoly, among others. But they do. Some people just like to swear, some don't. That is it. Just like in a real war, some people swear and others don't. So one doesn't necessarily lead to the other. Violence is not "worse" than swearing; it doesn't excuse it. There is no hypocrisy when the server owners make their preferences known and remind you that is a game, and should be played with due regard for others' views.

            If you don't like the rules, fine: find a server that doesn't have rules about swearing and play there.

            But to claim that people who don't like swearing and put in rules about it are ignorant and inflexible ignores your own unwillingness to modify your behavior; and your claim that swearing is necessary for "a good game experience" is really very silly -- clearly, the people who put in the anti-swear rules feel very differently.

            As for myself, all I ask is that no-swear servers make their rules known. That way I can keep my finger off the "F" key.
            Simply put: People who consider swearing intolerable, especially in the context of gameplay violence, are ignorant about the reality of both.

            At its core, a curse word is a word. A collection of letters attached to an idea. The difference between the word sh*t and feces is purely cosmetic. Can you tell me the difference? The REAL difference? The only one these people know is that God, or mommy, or whoever told them once that it was bad. There's no real explanation as to why, but gosh almighty, you better not say it.

            It's patently ridiculous for someone to get all up in arms about a word (which has many "acceptable" synonyms that have the exact same meaning) and then participate in thinly veiled, violent, virtual warfare between real nations.

            It's okay to simulate shooting Middle Eastern people in the head, but heavens no, don't say f*ck. That's just offensive.

            I understand that it's their personal choice, but it's a goddamn ridiculous one.

            I don't think you're credible or justified in kicking someone for saying "wtf" while you simultaneously perform virtual murder. That's like deriving enjoyment from watching someone get sodomized on television, but telling your daughter not to pick her nose.

            Wake up already.


            • #81
              Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

              Meanwhile back on topic, I think the silliest rule Ive seen was "Use of Aircraft and Armor is for clan members only". Needless to say I couldnt help myself I put C-4 on all the Aircraft I could find and left the main base in an Apc right before I got Booted. I couldnt help it.

              As far as the cussing goes, I got a warning the other day for calling some guy a Weenie, Teeny Weenie. If someone on the other team states how good they are, I really enjoy talking smack right back at them. This guy went from about 60 points in a round to about 10 because he was arguing with me. I have had people leave the game on my account, I think its called psychological warfare. By the way If that guy is reading this I still think your momma likes my noob tube. LOL....Red


              • #82
                Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                You need to wake up, words carry meaning. Even a first grader knows that. By your reasoning, people shouldn't be offended by the "n" word.

                On the other hand, killing characters in a video game has very little meaning. You're equating apples and hammers.


                • #83
                  Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                  Originally posted by CS-Evolution
                  You need to wake up, words carry meaning. Even a first grader knows that. By your reasoning, people shouldn't be offended by the "n" word.

                  On the other hand, killing characters in a video game has very little meaning. You're equating apples and hammers.
                  Racial slurs are an ENTIRELY different story - read my previous post in this same thread.

                  "When it comes to curse words, who cares? Most have basic meanings, and their synonyms (like sex and fu*k) are just variations on letters and pronunciation. So why is it so bad?

                  Other words, like racial slurs, are LOADED with bad juju - emotions, history, hate, prejudice, bigotry. Racial slurs should never be tolerated."

                  However, I've never seen "sh*t" mentioned in a history book as a tool for oppression, hatred, or even violence.


                  • #84
                    Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                    My favorite:
                    Really, absolutely no Christian fundamentalist on this server. Go elsewhere.


                    • #85
                      Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                      The only thing I hate about some servers isn't really a rule. Its more of the way the server is managed. Servers where admins kick you for being better then them. Thats why I joined a good server network(Team Wonderful).

                      As far as swearing goes though. I would say that is the next questionable rule. I personally don't mind swearing as long as it isn't dirrected at a peron(s) and it isn't strong vulgur. It can be an intense game at times and even I will say crap or something like dangdigity. Something that would be considered more funny then offensive to others. Strong vulgur should be unacceptable in any servers. Just as common courtessy.


                      • #86
                        Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                        I read you. But my point is, all words carry meaning with someone or another. It's not the place of us to place that meaning, or say we're better off for disregarding it.


                        • #87
                          Re: Silliest server rules you've seen...

                          Originally posted by CS-Evolution
                          You need to wake up, words carry meaning. Even a first grader knows that. By your reasoning, people shouldn't be offended by the "n" word.

                          On the other hand, killing characters in a video game has very little meaning. You're equating apples and hammers.


