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Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

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  • #46
    Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

    Originally posted by Sawell
    Not at all, I just don't wish to resort to jumping up and down to try and win. If a bunny hopper kills me, fine. It doesn't bother me, the bunny hopper is playing to win... and I'm playing to have fun, I think you've got your wires mixed there. If I cared about stats, then heck... maybe i'd act like a loon also. If I didn't adapt and overcome, I wouldn't be playing.

    Next time, before you come here... with personal insults in hand, read the reply in full. Just because I don't believe in it, doesn't mean I can't/don't cope with it, and it also doesn't retract my right to express my opinion on the matter.

    As for the running for cover/reloading, I often do the same... the moment you are at a serious disadvantage I believe you should do everything in your power to balance it, as you would in real life.
    It wasn't a personal insult, I was stating fact. You do, in fact, play to win. The only difference is, for you winning is not getting a high score, but being better than your opponent. The entire point of games since pong was to challenge yourself and defeat the challenge. When you say "I play for fun"... you're lying. You play to beat the challenge of the game, like everyone else, that to you is fun. Otherwise, you can just watch a war movie where you can relax and not have to make any movements.

    You also stated that bunny hopping is not part of the game. How do you know this? Are you a BF2 developer? Were you on the development team at all for even a minute of the dev cycle? It is part of the game because it's in the game.

    And to the people saying that clans are ruining this game, you've got it the other way around. Clans don't ruin the game, they promote it by creating communities.

    It's the developers that ruin the game. The BF2 devs quite obviously did it here. They made some weapons extremely easy to use and others more difficult to use. So, the players that want a challenge (like myself) choose the more difficult weapons. The players that just want to rack up kills are going to choose the easy weapons. Most of the people that chose the difficult weapons will complain that the easy weapons don't take any skill.

    And as far as saying the people that are only looking to get points are ruining the game, that is also false. You can't blame them. One of the most promoted features of BF2 was the new stats system and awards. I feel that the awards ruined the entire franchise... while others like it. I, too, admit that I play for points sometimes -- as most of you have.

    If the gameplay sucks, it's the developers fault, not the gamer. You can't blame someone for using the weapons & tactics given to them in order to win... that's just stupid. It's like telling the US Marines not to use white phospherous shells in Fallujah, Iraq because its "cheap" (I know this game isn't real combat, but it depicts real combat, and you guys play it because it depicts real combat.. however badly it does).

    All of the "whoring", "hopping" and "203" things are not exploits, cheats or unfair play. They are completely fair because both sides have access to these weapons -- or an equivalent. It was the developer's fault that the 203 dosen't have a min. distance and is the ridiculous weapon as it stands.

    I can't believe you guys are accusing people of being assholes for using the weapons that the game puts forward.


    • #47
      Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

      Originally posted by Sgt Sly
      It would be so simple for DICE to code that you can't shoot when your feet don't touch the ground!


      • #48
        Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game


        just friggin' deal with it or uninstall the game


        • #49
          Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

          Originally posted by Devil_Dog-9
          Bunny hopping just remindes me too much of "Tribes"

          And 2 If they use bunny hopping along with superman they are just as accurate as you are while crouched...ghey.

          EA should just put a 1-2 sec pause between hopping to prevent this sort of "Tribes" like behavor.

          Bunnyhopping and other lame Tactics that "Exploit" the system are why I LOVE the NEWB TUBE. Instant death in my hands...bunny hop that you ***.
          Actually, I tested and bunnyhopping + prone (does not) = Perfect aim.
          Actually I saw quite a spray of bullets against a wall when I was testing. Now maybe it is true that when the person lands their aim is improved, but if you were good enough, you could lay down and have perfect aim before they jumped up in the air and laid down....right?

          "Bunnyhopping and other lame Tactics that "Exploit" the system are why I LOVE the NEWB TUBE" lmao......Hey if you like to get 1 kill and then get shot while you are reloading thats your deal, I prefer to get as many kills as I can before I die. I use all my weapons, Pistol, knife, carbine, and c4 depending on the situation. Pistol, you can pick off a slow squad member without the rest of the squad knowing where u are. Knife, kill those pesky snipers, and for when u run out of ammo. well as a semi-auto sniper, and full auto in close combat. C4....mmmmm well c4 has many wonderful uses I honestly couldn't imagine relying on only 1 weapon, a grenade launcher to survive.

          And to whoever said that bunnyhopping is a tactic for CS players....I have used bunnyhopping and I have never played CS. I played the Unreal series so Alright bad example because in Unreal - UT you can jump and have perfect aim. mmmmm. I wish I could jump side to side really fast like in unreal....I miss dodging. .


          • #50
            Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

            You made an extremely valid point there.

            BF2 is about action packed fun and something like that will only detract from the gameplay. Your example was spot on too... there are numerous instances when someone is hiding behind a sandbag and I need to leep over to get to them. In real life, I could just peek my rifle over the sandbag without jumping over. This must compensate for such a limitation.

            Project Reality is the perfect solution to the poster who doesn't want shooting while jumping. The mod is aimed at creating more authentic gameplay for BF2, thus making it ideal for such limitations.

            My personal recommendation has always been to spread the crosshairs all the way out when someone jumps. That way, they can still shoot, but the rounds will go all over the place.... such as it is in life. Try hopping around your room and holding a rifle (if you have a rifle of course) and pretend you actually have to aim at something. Then pretent you have gear. You'll still be able to take out those close range targets (as in your example), but wont be able to do squat at medium-long range. Even at close range, if someone is aiming and you are jumping, you will lose.


            • #51
              Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

              Originally posted by Wargimp
              No, I don't think that jump shooting should be removed. I think it should be limited. It's been suggeted time and time again that jumping should take some sprint energy. I think that's the "most perfect" solution.
              It takes five letters to post and the point is made.
              That should do it.


              • #52
                Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

                Originally posted by 3rd ID Crow
                I am not a 'hopper' like in the noob tube sense, etc..

                When I am out of ammo and in close combat, I hop.... sorry, I don't want to die and I want to reload and kill the other guy. He does the same 9 + times out of 10.... so be it.

                Running accross the way and a tank start lighting me up w/ his MG, I hop, again...the tank guy doesn't get out and switch to his rifle for a "proper fight" so I just keep hopping til I'm behind something or dead.

                It's in the game and for both sides, if annything it's one of the most balanced things in the game 'cause eveyone gets it accross the board.

                J-10, M203 in close quarters, APC -v- infantry, MEC chopper chain gun there's where the gripes should be/ are.

                This whole argument boils down to.....

                "Will you please stand still so I can shoot you now"

                PS - You don't have to be even remotely skilled to not get shot down by AA in the game.
                Actually, you're wrong on several counts. First, you need to be a good (skilled) pilot to achieve consistent kills. Second, this "stand still" is a bunch of crap. It has nothing to do with that. Instead, it has to do with the idea that you don't do something ridiculously unrealistic. Bunny hopping is bs, pure and simple, especially when it's combined with firing grenade launchers at people.

                If you don't like to get caught without ammo, think ahead. Don't be so dumb as to empty your magazine. Or switch to another weapon. There are lots of options, but hopping? It's bush league, all the way.


                • #53
                  Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

                  Originally posted by -=0b|ivion=-
                  Bunny hopping is a tool for those who are more concerned with score than with skill. That's all it boils down to.

                  It's an obvious exploitation of game mechanics.

                  If I'm outgunned and I take for the hills, I might jump ONCE. Maybe.

                  Is Battlefield 2 a military simulator? No. It's just a game. But it's a game that's structured as closely to real life as it can be, while still maintaining it's entertainment value.

                  Jumping is a tool that allows the player to more readily traverse difficult terrain. That is its purpose. Bunny-hopping is abusing that tool by using it for other than its intended purpose.

                  Not to mention that it seriously detracts from other people's enjoyment of the game. Nothing distroys one's suspension of disbelief faster than unrealistic behaviour of a realistic figure in a realistic environment. It's a crutch for people who can't aim well with a mouse.
                  Well said. I agree 100%.


                  • #54
                    Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

                    I bunny hop to avoid AT rockets being shot at my feet by AT kit players. After they miss, it's a knife to their chest while they are trying to reload/switch weapons. It works like a charm.

                    +I Fight Fire(Cheap) With Fire(Cheap)+


                    • #55
                      Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

                      Originally posted by Ruhanga
                      Dear god, do you people play in clans?
                      I know that I'm going to get flamed for this, But STFU! Don't come here crying if someone knows how to exploit the system more. More tricks you know = The better you are. This "Honour" that you all play for is fool's play.

                      There is only losing and winning. No cheap win or honor lose. If bunnyhopping can get a upperhand when playing againts people like you, then I will hoppedy hop my butt smooth.
                      So you admit you have no honor? Gotcha.

                      There is something really sad in someone selling integrity so cheaply. You're not better. You're just better at exploiting.

                      Too bad you can't see the difference.

                      And by the way? Nobody but the clans give a rat's ass about clan performance. It's totally meaningless. It says nothing about your abilities, especially if you bunny hop like an idiot to gain those points.


                      • #56
                        Re: Bunny Hopping and Exploiting the game

                        I usually only hop when I run out of ammo or am trying to get away from tank or apc. It's true that a moving target is harder to a medium range hop or two can actually get you out of some sticky situations...

