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Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

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  • #46
    Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

    Originally posted by xRAMBOx
    a 20yr army(amy lol) vet playing bf2 pfffft whateva .how old are you 60?from vietnam????or vet from gulf 20 yrs ago?

    if he was a Night Stalker , he was in the Gulf in ´91 that´s 15 years ago


    • #47
      Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

      Originally posted by bloodbrood
      oh and can i ask a quick question ive been dying to know how to do...
      how do you switch to a machine gun when yur on a jeep while driving? whats the button for that? thanks sirs!
      I belive that F1 - F6 are vehicle positions. If you hit F2 you should switch to the gunner.


      • #48
        Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

        Originally posted by Ghost-MOH-
        Haha EA made a typo. They spelled Insurgent as Insergent in the flag tabs.
        That sums up how cheap and shoody this expanision is going to be it so obvious it going to be **** just look how much a disappointment BF2 was to most people and then imagine that with less stuff.


        • #49
          Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

          Originally posted by Psycho
          That sums up how cheap and shoody this expanision is going to be it so obvious it going to be **** just look how much a disappointment BF2 was to most people and then imagine that with less stuff.
          if there is less stuff, surely there will be less disappointment?

          They can remove little as they have added little.


          • #50
            Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

            Originally posted by Al3x

            I'll buy it anyway.

            yep, so will i.

            let the griping continue...


            • #51
              Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

              Originally posted by xRAMBOx
              So every kit wont have a grapling hook ,how will u use a zip-line without a hook to get ya there?also i think they should have added the ability to carry two main weapons like AA does
              You fire the arrow with your crossbow. The arrow has the wire attatched to it.


              • #52
                Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                So let me get this straight...a Guy's in a can either toss tear gas, flashbang or a grenade? What a decision.

                Originally posted by Talus
                Because you have to be WEARING it to get the benefits and it'll cut down on your field of vision BIG TIME!

                So you gotta decide when to put it on


                • #53
                  Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                  Originally posted by Nodhere
                  So let me get this straight...a Guy's in a can either toss tear gas, flashbang or a grenade? What a decision.
                  Why not all of them?

                  Tear Gas - the smoke and the limited vision makes them miss the flying...
                  Flashbang - Blinded, the enemy cannot run away from the...
                  Grenade - The player is blown to pieces.

                  or you could just throw the damn nade in the first place!

                  Wouldn't that be a big waste of 3 nades if there wasn't anyone in the room!


                  • #54
                    Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                    Originally posted by iddqd
                    I doubt they would actually be much different from what's already in the game. I mean look at it the way it is now; Cobra is owning hardcore Why do you think Apache would be any better, or different for that matter? It will probably just be a heavier cobra; which would make it identical to Z10 (the Chinese chopper). I very much doubt that it would get a powerful cannon like the Havok (the russian chopper MEC uses), because real life Apache doesn't have one. Also, I very much doubt it will get hellfires instead of the TV missles we're used to. Probably for the same reason the Super Cobra doesn't have hellfires; they would be just too easy to use.

                    oops double post :/
                    actully the Apache has a bigger cannon on the front i believe its a 30mm and the cobra is 20


                    • #55
                      Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                      Originally posted by iddqd
                      You're not getting this. You see, no matter how wonderful/****ty Cobra and Apache are in the world of atoms, it has no relevance to BF2. Why? It's just a game! They can make any vehicle have any stats they want. They could make a buggy shoot laser beams if they really wanted to.

                      And of course, in interests of balance, the Apache will be kept as similar to the existing attack helos as possible.

                      On the side note, don't even compare Apache vs. Cobra. They were designed for different things. Plus, Cobra is a generation behind. Now, Apache vs. Havok is a valid argument, and I'm sure helicopter fanboys would be prepared to passionately argue on the subject until it loses all meaning.
                      Well technically the devs take the real world versions and adapt them to video games...I'm sure the Apache is going to be different from the Cobra just makes sense....And the cobra is not a generation behind the AH-1Z (the one in the game) only came into service a couple years ago....Just because it looks like the Vietnam Era Cobra does not mean that it is... (Also the AH-1Z is one of the first 4-blade Cobras)

                      They are introducing new attack choppers for all warring factions so one can say they will be different then the current attack choppers available in the current BF2


                      • #56
                        Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                        Originally posted by xRAMBOx
                        a 20yr army(amy lol) vet playing bf2 pfffft whateva .how old are you 60?from vietnam????or vet from gulf 20 yrs ago?
                        Hey Einstein. Try using the quote button so people know who you're trying to belittle.

                        Since you asked....I proudly served from 1977 (age 18) to 1997 (age 38), which makes me 46 now (just in case you couldn't do the math ). Spent my last 7 years as a hand picked volunteer in the "Night Stalkers" (160th Special Ops Avn Regt. Airborne).

                        So, how does my age factor in to the discussion anyway? Don't you think you'll be doing whatever it is that YOU enjoy, when you reach my age?
                        For your sake, I hope so!


                        • #57
                          Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                          You have got to be kidding me. I'm racking up so many points with AT as it is. at least 40 per match. It doesn't need a boost. Though, sniper, engineer and support do need one badly.
                          And that's considering the fact that an AT soldier usually only gets about 3/4s of the points he deserves, since there are no points for getting an enemy out of his tank.


                          • #58
                            Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                            ok why the hell does the sniper have a zipline...this is crazy...if you want to get up on a building you need to have another soldier with you...damn they must be kidding...a sniper is a lone wolf and not a rusher...IMO you cant use the zipline for wont help you in any way....EA CHANGE IT!!!!


                            • #59
                              Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                              Originally posted by Leviathan
                              Out of all those new gadgets, then ENGINEER doesn't get any of them? That makes no sense.
                              Cause no one likes engineers, really all they are good for is reapir, tank/APC driving, or city maps where there in nuce and close. Ever tryed calling for repairs? How many engineers show up on the map? Thats right may be one if your lucky and odds are he's on the other side of the map.


                              • #60
                                Re: Run For Your Life! The Super Kits Are Coming!

                                Originally posted by Fu11force
                                if there is less stuff, surely there will be less disappointment?

                                They can remove little as they have added little.
                                No because everybody thinks there is going to be tonnes of new stuff, they are seeing things.

