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What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

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  • #31
    Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

    I miss the coastal guns from BF1942. I also miss the AC-130 Gunship from the DC mod. Besides that I love what they did with BF2(minus the bugs & other crap).


    • #32
      Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?



      • #33
        Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

        I don't miss anything because I still play BF1942.
        Regrets...I have them few...for eg. ranking sistem that works like a glue for all idiots & morons in the world...


        • #34
          Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?



          no bullet deviation.


          • #35
            Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

            I used to miss the flak guns but, after getting used to the phalnx/aa on the ship and aa on land I don't miss it as much. Used to play Coral Sea (EA99 is still up and running and, busy most of the time) almost exclusively and, since my flying was lackluster, I would normally wrench and shoot down planes with aa.

            Now, with the amount of "mine, mine, mine" and the attitude about planes I find it pretty satisfying to jump in the aa and harass planes/choppers when possible, especially when USMC on a carrier cause the first pilot from the other side always comes and tries to get a big score by wiping all the "mine, mine, mine" pilots off the deck.

            I do miss the "Mighty M1" which I could use like a sniper rifle in BF42 while in BF2, the engineer only gets a whimpy shotgun.

            BF42 is not dead, it will live on. I still have the CD ready to pop into the drive when I'm up for some fun where I don't have to worry about how many points I'm getting.


            • #36
              Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

              I miss the tunnels and mobile spawns in BFV.
              Music in the vehicles.
              Colored Smoke.
              Shoulder Fired AA.
              Time Bombs.
              And the number one thing I miss is the mortars.


              • #37
                Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                I wish anti tanker had stinger, not m16 or whatever that gun he's carrying


                • #38
                  Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                  Originally posted by rombaft
                  Just wundering, BF2 gave us many many extra's in the game, but maybe you don't like those extra's,or miss some things from the old days.

                  For me, what I miss .

                  - the flake cannon sites : would be great against choppers and maybe jets
                  - and one from BF vietnam ; I miss tha fact you could transport tanks and stuff with a chopper

                  What I regret comming .

                  - the artilery : I hate it, it's beeing abused, kills you while you can't do anything about it, commanders put it everywhere, teammates or not, who cares, it messes infantry fights up, ....
                  I agree with you on the artillery aspect. I think it would be much better
                  if there was a clearer warning to your teammates when arty is coming
                  in your area...say...your screen turns a red tint color.. or something
                  flashing to get your attention... a lot of times I do not have time to check
                  the mini map because I am in close combat...then BOOM..Im dead by
                  my own arty... which in my opinion shouldnt have even been dropped in
                  the first place.. idiot commanders ruin more games for me, than anything
                  else in BF2. I would like to see the commander and all these silly FAKE
                  aspects of BF2 removed totally.. Since when is there a radar that shows
                  where all your enemies are on a battlefield? Thats just corny.

                  Sure if both teams have a UAV it should be fair, right? well, not when one
                  team has a decent commander and the other team has a guy who wants
                  to be spec ops and fight all game instead of commanding..just so he can
                  get his 2x bonus.


                  • #39
                    Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                    Originally posted by bigpappa
                    i miss servers that turned FF off so u didnt accidentally tk someone.
                    rgr that, TKing is outta hand, it should be a federal offense.


                    • #40
                      Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                      I do miss the "Mighty M1" which I could use like a sniper rifle in BF42 while in BF2, the engineer only gets a whimpy shotgun.
                      indeed , then the engineer realy had a chance to defent himself, now when the engineer gets spotted by an enemy and the enemy is on medium or further range, the engineer is dead


                      • #41
                        Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                        Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                        Talk about modern warfare...and heat seeking missiles.
                        Honestly I'd prefer the flak to the heat seekers. I also miss the mobile arty.


                        • #42
                          Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                          i miss: the fun , arcadey feel where you could get quick loading time, great fps and over all enjoyment especially with dc.the maps were a lot better like DC Lostvilage Normal/Nopara. the single greatest thing in computer gaming ever.


                          • #43
                            Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                            Originally posted by rombaft
                            Just wundering, BF2 gave us many many extra's in the game, but maybe you don't like those extra's,or miss some things from the old days.

                            For me, what I miss .

                            - the flake cannon sites : would be great against choppers and maybe jets
                            - and one from BF vietnam ; I miss tha fact you could transport tanks and stuff with a chopper

                            What I regret comming .

                            - the artilery : I hate it, it's beeing abused, kills you while you can't do anything about it, commanders put it everywhere, teammates or not, who cares, it messes infantry fights up, ....
                            I'm speaking from a Desert Combat point of view, never played much BF42.

                            Stationary AA guns-
                            The ground AA missiles are cool and all, but it should be complimented with ground AA guns also for more effectiveness.

                            Variety of ground vehicles-
                            One type of vehicle each for both sides? boring. Hell, I am not even sure there are any stock maps out of the box that had more than one tank in them, where is the big armor slugfests that we all enjoyed from both BF42 and DC? Again, there isn't any of that... boring.

                            Variety of maps-
                            13 (being generous and counting Wake) is just not enough. BF42 had 21 maps at the end and DC had 50 of them when combined with modded BF42 maps. Even with out the Day2 versions of maps in DC, they still had 42 maps, take the BF42 remade maps out and you can still count 24 freakin maps. Hell, straight out of the box BF42 had 18 maps. 16-32-64 player sized maps does not make 36 maps, it's still the same ****.

                            Mobile Artillery-
                            This is where artillery belongs. Rocket launching platforms and mobile howitzers on maps that are big enough to suit them.

                            Personal Stingers-
                            They should have been the unlock for the AT kit, I love the DAO, but that could have been put in a different class (assault would be my choice). Instead of getting the guided AT missile, if you use the unlock for that weapon kit, you would get a personal AA missile instead. That would have left you making a real decision over what part of the kit you want to use, what is more important, taking out the armor or the aircraft.


                            • #44
                              Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                              I must be one of the only ones that feel that way I guess lol. I am actually back to playing DC, I'm already bored with BF2 because of some of the already things I had previously stated. BF2 is a really excellent game, but I feel like I was sold a bit short. Not to mention, I think because BF2 is extremely popular, it has attracted alot of idiots to the game.

                              I am almost wondering if DC could achieve about 80% near visual quality as BF2 has just due to forcing more polys onto the models and ****. I am partially convinced that is the reason BF2 has the system requirements that it has, it (refractor engine) was probably optimized a bit, but the rest is just Dice taking advantage of the fact that most computers nowdays can handle the higher cpu and ram loads.


                              • #45
                                Re: What do you miss or regret comming in BF2 from BF1942?

                                Originally posted by IVfluids
                                I must be one of the only ones that feel that way I guess lol. I am actually back to playing DC, I'm already bored with BF2 because of some of the already things I had previously stated. BF2 is a really excellent game, but I feel like I was sold a bit short. Not to mention, I think because BF2 is extremely popular, it has attracted alot of idiots to the game.

                                I am almost wondering if DC could achieve about 80% near visual quality as BF2 has just due to forcing more polys onto the models and ****. I am partially convinced that is the reason BF2 has the system requirements that it has, it (refractor engine) was probably optimized a bit, but the rest is just Dice taking advantage of the fact that most computers nowdays can handle the higher cpu and ram loads.
                                I agreed with you on AT with stinger like in DC
                                is there lotta ppl still playing DC?
                                haven't played DC in a long time, i might go install it if there are still planty of ppl playing and server...

