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Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

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  • #46
    Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

    I kill people pretty fast, many times with one shot (<3 G3)
    (No I do not hack)

    and did you guys know that the pistol is the games most accurate weapon? No deviation, small firering cone.. pwnsome


    • #47
      Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

      Originally posted by [WOLF]bbob
      I kill people pretty fast, many times with one shot (<3 G3)
      (No I do not hack)

      and did you guys know that the pistol is the games most accurate weapon? No deviation, small firering cone.. pwnsome


      Dont give away the secrets!

      Let the masses keep thinking the G3 sucks and the pistol is worthless!

      I have had players cry foul when shooting with the G3 at times... They shoot at me and I spin around and POW! lucky G3 headshot and its over before I can even blink. 40dmg vs squishy spec\medic\engie... delicious!


      • #48
        Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

        The original post that started this thread was about MP5 1 shot kills. I have experienced this in one of my games recently. The guy could do nothing wrong. I had full health and blam! 1 shot dead from MP5. Since I am not the only one this happened to, I am begining to suspect it was some kind of cheat. I dont remember dudes name but they were just dominating killing everyone. It was just red names on the left round after round. I just left because it seemed wacked.


        • #49
          Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

          Originally posted by ColonGlock
          The original post that started this thread was about MP5 1 shot kills. I have experienced this in one of my games recently. The guy could do nothing wrong. I had full health and blam! 1 shot dead from MP5. Since I am not the only one this happened to, I am begining to suspect it was some kind of cheat. I dont remember dudes name but they were just dominating killing everyone. It was just red names on the left round after round. I just left because it seemed wacked.
          Well the MP5 can't 1 shot kill, but it is full auto, and it has a relatively high rate of fire. It would be hard to tell the diff if you caught two rounds in the head.

          That said, there are plenty of cheats around. Maybe you ran into one of them.


          • #50
            Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

            It was one shot, I know because I heard it just before dying.


            • #51
              Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

              Just because you heard one shot, doesn't mean only one was fired. That happens to be one of the guns that I've found to have it's sound out of sync sometimes. Sometimes it will fire two shots and only play the sound for one, or fire one and play two.


              • #52
                Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                Originally posted by Berrern
                ...Aimbots are rampant in older games, like Counter Strike and Tactical Ops.
                An aimbot actually aims for you when you turn it on (if there's an enemy anywhere near you, your crosshair automatically locks on him), and depending on its complexity it can be packed with features like:
                - Aim selection (head/torso/leg)
                - 180 degree turns (on/off)
                - Lag compensation (on/off) - this aims slightly infront of the enemy when he is running.
                - Rapid-fire (on/off) - when turned on, and you hold your fire button, it's like hammering your mouse button (to prevent recoil/increased deviation) instead of holding it down.
                - Auto-fire - this is the worst cheat ever, and I can't believe people use it. It not only aims for you, but fires automatically when your crosshair lands on an enemy. No use for a mouse with this turned on...
                LOL! Why stop there? You could just have a "player" bot that does everything for you, meanwhile you move on to other things, like spend more time with your family.

                BTW, sometimes I have the unnerving experience of being consistently shot by the same player regardless of where I respawn. Maybe I'm just imagining this, but it does seem to happen.


                • #53
                  Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                  Originally posted by Ghostrun
                  ...That said there is a variety of hacks out there that show players positions and what not that can account for people knowing exactly where you are no matter how well hid you think you are.
                  On rare occasions I've experienced a graphics anomaly where the landscape will suddenly turn black--and transparent--allowing me to see though hills and other scenery. It spoils play for me, but if it can happen like that, I assume somebody's figured out how to invoke it on demand.


                  • #54
                    Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                    It would be nice to have damage stats!


                    • #55
                      Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                      Originally posted by idash
                      It would be nice to have damage stats!
                      Ya i know, that and bullets fired. I want to know where i usially hit the people or get hit. Limbs, head, chest, groin, etc.

                      O ya...G3 ROCKS!


                      • #56
                        Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                        Originally posted by Berrern
                        I haven't seen any aimbots for BF1942 or BF2 though, I've heard rumours that it's impossible to code it in - but you never know what kind of hacks those people keeps private.
                        It's not impossible, just can't be done with the games native code like it was in the UT engine. The Python scripting that BF2 has makes it even easier to pull off than it was in BF42 or BFV, Helios already pointed that out, and I know I don't have to explain who he is to you lol. I'll not bother to get into details on all that stuff though, nobody needs to get bad ideas.


                        • #57
                          Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                          I have a very good aiming, i am 1. Pleace in Assault Riffles with 25% Aming, its the best in the Top20, and i often kill my Enemy´s with one shot. U Just have to Aim in The head of ur enemy and shot....
                          Importend is to have Low Graphik Settings.


                          • #58
                            Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                            There are always cheats out with every game and hacks but you can't auto-aim with every weapon of BF2 because each weapon is programmed seperately. Hope this helps. BTW the G3 and M95 ARE capable of 1 shot kills without needing a hack of any sort.


                            • #59
                              Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                              i had this probly once and i know THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THIS IS POSSILBLE. I was in karkand playing around on USMC and a support soldier got me with one shot with his machine gun, Standing up. Not prone he should up aimed till i looked at him and booom i was dead from a RPK 47. I looked up his stats and he was a staff sgt with 90 hours play. But on the good side his stats was reset i think


                              • #60
                                Re: Elite players= 1shot kill or hack?

                                Originally posted by Lord_Zorba
                                There are always cheats out with every game and hacks but you can't auto-aim with every weapon of BF2 because each weapon is programmed seperately. Hope this helps. BTW the G3 and M95 ARE capable of 1 shot kills without needing a hack of any sort.
                                Doesn't matter if every weapon was programmed seperately. The bots just get worked so that the projectile for each individual weapon is coded into it to take into account for speed and drop; then the targets distance, speed and direction are figured in. I used to do some betatest work for an anticheat team for a different game and spent plenty of time ripping apart other peoples aimbots to see where they were hooking into the game

                                I've played enough games for a long enough time to realize that there will always be people who ruin it for everyone else and that if someone wants to make an aimbot, all it takes is a little patience and a little know how. It's sad, but there are people who take the time to do that **** to a game, for them, that is the game

