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Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

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  • #16
    Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

    The only time I'm "guilty" for virtually killing another player is when I am afraid of knifing a dude and instead, waste bullets so I don't have to face the scenario where the person may turn around and shoot me to death amd then feel "guilty" for wasting the bullets.

    Also, why are we putting the word, "guilty" in quotes? ALSO, Robocline, that medic revival crap is da FUNNIEST stuff ever! I do it ALL the time, once I revived a team-mate like 3 times and then looked around the corner to see a supply kit-laden enemy who I shot and then revived the guy again but at that time, I was behind the corner and the person I was reviving was really close to me so I didn't need to run over to him to defibrillate his ass.


    • #17
      Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

      I feel bad too sometimes... then I look at my score and smile.


      • #18
        Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

        Originally posted by NiteCyper
        Also, why are we putting the word, "guilty" in quotes?
        Because the word guilty slightly describes how I feel, but GUILT isn't the only feeling that I have, so I use the word "guilty" lightly.


        • #19
          Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

          how about the word sympathy i think it would fit a little better


          • #20
            Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

            Originally posted by Robocline
            how about the word sympathy i think it would fit a little better
            Sympathy is definetely a much better word to describe how I feel towards it.


            • #21
              Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

              eh, i dont get why snipers ought to catch grief from people in regards to their ability to make kills from concealment. sure there are times when u keep taking the same guy's head over and over again. but hey he's just gonna have to learn how to scan for and counter snipers isnt he. there's a certain satisfaction that comes from outgunning the same medic turned sniper turned newbtuber turned 24/7 sniper hunter. and there is a certain degre of intrigue when i get out gunned by a certain opponent, opposing snipers especially... keeps me on my toes at least.


              • #22
                Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                I feel bad about it when the other team is getting raked over the coals. Like if I see they all have a bunch of snipers or morons on their team, and there's like one guy trying to take a base and nobody's helping him out, I feel bad when I kill that one guy who's trying to do the work of the entire team by himself. Kinda sad to see him lying there dead while trying to win when all the snipers are still alive wasting space and helping out nobody. Otherwise, no, not usually. Sometimes I feel bad about killing medics while they're trying to heal people, but then again when I kill someone, then I die only to hear "Clear! You'll live buddy, now get back to the fight!" as the enemy medic zaps the guy I just waxed back to life, it makes me feel a little less so.



                • #23
                  Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                  When I play BF:2 I show no mercy


                  • #24
                    Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                    Originally posted by Strike|Danny
                    When I play BF:2 I show no mercy


                    • #25
                      Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                      Originally posted by Channel5NewsAt10
                      eh, i dont get why snipers ought to catch grief from people in regards to their ability to make kills from concealment. sure there are times when u keep taking the same guy's head over and over again. but hey he's just gonna have to learn how to scan for and counter snipers isnt he. there's a certain satisfaction that comes from outgunning the same medic turned sniper turned newbtuber turned 24/7 sniper hunter. and there is a certain degre of intrigue when i get out gunned by a certain opponent, opposing snipers especially... keeps me on my toes at least.
                      What, snipers get kills. What game are you playing? I wish more people would use sniper as currently 99% of people using it are useless. I hunt snipers with my l85.
                      Battle desciption.

                      Sniper shoots and misses
                      I hit once
                      Sniper shoots and misses
                      I hit once
                      Sniper hits ( heal my self instantly )
                      I snipe sniper.

                      I love people claimming how good they are with the sniper, because then I look'em up on BF2 Tracker and see that reality and how good they think they are do not meet.


                      • #26
                        Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                        i usually pinpoint snipers and send a teammate up the ladder to see if there's a claymore and if not then he gets a knife kill if there is i'll revive him (if i can) and go up the ladder myself

                        i love sticking a knife in a snipers back


                        • #27
                          Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                          Originally posted by Robocline
                          there's nothing better than running out to revive someone and then running like a little girl because someone is sniping at you or a tank is coming the other way

                          i wish more people had the same outlook as you then there wouldn't be so many gp30 dorks out there
                          LOL :laugh: :laugh:
                          That's gold, I feel the same way. I get lag quite often so it makes it really hard to be an effective shooter, so I run around like a girl reviving people.

                          If i had a dollar every time i got shot because of lag i would be able to buy many more copies of this game.


                          • #28
                            Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                            if its not real then why do i dream i'm dropping ammo bags, reviving soldiers, and blowing up artillary...why? please tell me why...


                            • #29
                              Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                              Originally posted by Orion126
                              if its not real then why do i dream i'm dropping ammo bags, reviving soldiers, and blowing up artillary...why? please tell me why...
                              Uh........ maybe you play too much?



                              • #30
                                Re: Ever feel "guilty" for killing players?

                                I do sometimes feel sympathetic, especially when someone is trying really hard to shoot me at long range, and sometimes hitting and then I just fire my grenade, go prone and wait for it to hit. Also sometimes when I am using c4 I feel sympathetic.

