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Why Does EA Hate America :(

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  • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

    Originally posted by xxThe_Dice_manxx

    The best jet is the j10 it'll take down any other jet easily,The migs however suck bad they turn slow and are slow basically.

    The next best jet after the j10 is the f35b only loses out on its turning circle although it is better armed.

    The bombers are no match for any fighter,if a fighter with a decent pilot gets behind you you've had it.

    Now as popular(american) belief goes , the amercans have the best of everything never mind the best military.

    Incorrect! they just spend more than everyone else.

    As for EA hating america, erm well dosent everyone hate america????

    But never mind that, the discussion was about the bias of the planes and in my opinion the only plane that will beat any american plane hands down is the j10.

    All the other planes either hold thier own or will lose to the american planes.

    But then again its all down to the pilot.

    No need to tell you that stealth bombers dont appear on radar, and fly at much higher altitudes which prevent super sonic flight if you get too high.
    Its too complicated to get into details because all the technical specs of the air-intake and its importance for super sonic flight can start a debate for days.

    Of course any fighter can take out a bomber, but a bomber is not about fighting, its about not being seen untill its too late. Those that fly at much higher altitudes are harder to see on a pilots scope.


    • Re: Why Does EA Hate America


      Theres stealth bombers in BF2?????

      I must have missed them pffffft.

      What you on about?


      Stealth bombers dont fly at higher altitudes and the altitude does not effect sonic flight.

      The blackbird however does fly at extreme altitudes and still holds the record for the fastest plane in the world mach 3 or something, I'm not gonna check the facts.

      The reason why stealth bombers fly so slow is the speed increases the heat signature thus it wont be as stealthy and it flies low to get below radar.


      • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

        Originally posted by Strike|Danny
        lol it seems everybody hates us until they are getting attacked, then it's oh please help us.
        How old are you?


        • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

          america has the blackhawk which is by far the best transport helo. as for the planes it jusst epends of ur flying style and how well you fly. im good with any af the fighters, as for the f-15 it is teh roxor!


          • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

            Originally posted by glasseye
            the blackhawk is the only thing EA got right! the usmc should have the best gear because its america god dammit!
            allowing the sand monkies and dirty commies to even have a chance at victory is unamerican and practically treason!
            america is the best at everything everywhere for ever! not just in game but in real life too! the rest of the world should be grateful to america for protecting them from the savages that are just plain unchristian. the only reason america hasnt nuked the entire planet already is because america is just so damned great. if jesus was a country, he would be america.
            I take it that you don't live in the US and may be bordering on a self imposed inferiority complex? Or just have a big 'hate on' for us. And that has anything to do with the way **** is coded in game because?


            • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

              *****NEWSFLASH****** EA EATS BABIES!!!!!111one!!eleven!!1

              Quick call out the National Guard


              • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                Originally posted by IVfluids
                I take it that you don't live in the US
                well done columbo. what gave me away? was it the location: australia on the left hand side of my post?

                Originally posted by IVfluids
                And that has anything to do with the way **** is coded in game because?
                beats me. ask the op.


                • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                  Most of you people who bash the US either forget about stealth or have no idea what it is. In a mock dogfight an f22 took down 15 f15s and the pilot called it "too easy."

                  Stop living in the 80s people, its not migs 29s and f15s anymore. And faster does not automatically make a plane better. An f22 or even a f14 with its phoenix will pick off a mig29 from over 20 miles without even being detected, which is usually how dogfights work in real life these days. Hence why the US airforce decimated the iraqi air force with mig 29s in the gulf war, which actually had pretty good soviet planes. And that was without the f22.

                  If this game was 100% realistic as far as technology ea would be bombarded with OMG WHY IS AMERICA TOO GOOD emails. It would just be one person calling in an airstrike and B2s leveling everything while the iraqis try to lock on with a million radars.


                  • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                    F-22 > any other plane ever...


                    • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                      Originally posted by glasseye
                      well done columbo. what gave me away? was it the location: australia on the left hand side of my post?


                      • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                        Originally posted by JTBell
                        Some fact about the jets would be nice for you to provide; you just gave your opinion (which, as far as I know, is worthless anyways). Also, this is now one of my favourite quotes:

                        Yeah, your post totally proved to me that the US is full of compassionate people and doesn't deserve scorn. I wonder which part of your arrogant speech led me to believe that:

                        No, not that one......

                        Yeah, %$&# starving children.

                        I agree. It's THEIR fault a freak accident that killed hundreds of thousands of people hit them.

                        Fantastic idea, you racist piece of ****.

                        Yeah, civilians suck. They..... wait, what did they do to us again?

                        First issue, about your whole "nuke our problems" school of thought (or, lack of thought) is going to cause serious problem, because, people other than the US has nukes, and those people are going to be ****ed. Also, if a large disaster, such as a hurrican, hit you, would you want people to help you? I'm guessing yes. Now, if you and your balls-to-the-walls selfishness decides to cut off relief money to a country hit by the world's deadliest natural disaster, who the hell is going to help you, you moron?
              , he was being sarcastic bud'. You read a little TOO deep into that one.

                        If you would have allowed a sense of humor to shine through you would have noticed simple refrences to all the the U.S. does for the world; not saying we should actually stop just showing what would happen if we DID stop.



                        • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                          The mock dogfight was actually against 5 f-15s. I watched it on the history channel on the program "Heavy Metal" or something like that. The Raptor did rape them though. The f-15 pilots all commented that they never saw it coming. It wasn't even a dogfight. It was a slaughter. This whole event was to boost support on the f-22 because certain sides claim it's a waste of money and the f-15 is just fine.


                          • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                            Originally posted by SF-Cleric
                            The mock dogfight was actually against 5 f-15s. I watched it on the history channel on the program "Heavy Metal" or something like that. The Raptor did rape them though. The f-15 pilots all commented that they never saw it coming. It wasn't even a dogfight. It was a slaughter. This whole event was to boost support on the f-22 because certain sides claim it's a waste of money and the f-15 is just fine.
                            yea, and I think the f15 is definitely not just fine. The mig 29 which many middle eastern countries have already has its advantages over the f15 especially at close ranges.


                            • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                              when the f22 goes into server, air superiority in any conflict will belong to the us


                              • Re: Why Does EA Hate America

                                Yo thats is being racist and also stupid dont think America is always the best you never know what will happen tomorrow

