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BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

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  • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

    <3 insane. Plus, DC didn't have laser designator mr.first poster.


    • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

      Originally posted by BryanG
      All I know is this "Desert Combat" is looks ugly as hell next to BF2.
      Yes, and we all know that graphics mean everything
      DC was an awesome mod avaliable for the price of $0, but I guess you can't see that.


      • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

        In the world of kiddy gamers, graphics mean the world. If the graphics suck, then the game is a shame really. Im gonna teach my son to love what he gets, whether it is like everything else he wants or not To make the future of gaming a better place


        • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

          Say what you want to say but DC and PoE both lasted longer for me, and had me for over half a year each, while BF2 kept me interested for less than 2 weeks which is kind of disturbing.

          Props to thread starter that was nice flamebait.


          • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

            Originally posted by Ion
            Since when can't you hop in DC?
            You can't hop 10 ft in the air. Bunny hopping was not a problem in DC.

            Like munchies said, I played DC constantly since .3, never got tired of it. Played BF2 since release, already tired of it.


            • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

              Originally posted by Thameth
              But you see thats the problem. When EA bought Trauma alot of people were lead to believe that BF2 would basically become an official DC2.

              Yes BF2 if freakin great, but alot of us wished it would have kept or implemented more of DC or the idea's from DC into it.
              What you say is true, but you fail to take into account the number of mongrels in the forums who would go on and start whinging about how BF2 is merely a glorified DC and nothing really changed....

              Some people just cant be pleased can they!


              • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                Originally posted by Mbigitty
                In the world of kiddy gamers, graphics mean the world. If the graphics suck, then the game is a shame really. Im gonna teach my son to love what he gets, whether it is like everything else he wants or not To make the future of gaming a better place
                Well I'm 18 and the fact is I love to see how far games have come and that means the graphics technology.


                • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                  if a game is good, its good...
                  if its not, its not...

                  graphics are only iceing on the cake...
                  if a game has SOSO graphics, but the play KiCKS ASS... then its a KiCK ass game...

                  If a game has AWESOME graphics but gameplay sucks, then the game just sucks...

                  graphics are not THAT important AT ALL...
                  Only for children maybe...

                  Have you ever held something shiny and sparkly in front of an infant ?
                  they just want to hold it so bad...

                  Some of you in here are like infants...


                  • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                    Haha, infants........that was good.

                    BryanG, "how far games have come" mean a lot of things, not the least of which is gameplay, and BF2 took a big step BACKWARDS compared to DC.
                    All I know is this "Desert Combat" is looks ugly as hell next to BF2.
                    Okay, BF2 has better graphics, i'll give you that. But honestly, it ends there. When it comes down to it, DC pushes the limits of the BF1942 engine. Thing is, a LOT of people are going back to playing Desert Combat, even after BF2 is released. People who have actually tried DC and KNOW what multiplayer fun truely DC, and a bunch are dropping BF2 for it.

                    And the fact that so many people on this forum (a BF2 forum) are defending DC also says something. Maybe the EA fanboys should actually play DC for a week, you'd play it a helluva lot longer i bet.


                    • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                      The whole AA thing is really irritating... All the people who can't fly well want AT kits with stingers so everyone and their mother has AA missiles, and all the aircraft are useless... The people who can fly want AA as ineffective as possible so they can rape all... There should be a middle ground... I think DC had that one right with the AA kits you could pick up during the level... That way they can have a limited number and still have effective infantry based AA.... It'd be great if EA could implement something like that in a patch...

                      As far as the DC/BF2 thing, they're both good games.... You just have to keep in mind that BF2 is now at the equivalent of DC .1 ... Give them some time to refine it and add stuff before you make direct comparisons...


                      • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                        DC had about 50 choppers per map.


                        • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                          The difference is that BF2 is a retail game, retail games arent supposed to use excuses like "this is just our pre alpha testing build dont blame us" because it isent supposed to happen to a retail company, people who payed money for a game want it to be good and fun to play, excuses arent worth money.


                          • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                            Hey can anyone post video's of them or someone else doing manouvres in DC that you can't do in BF2, I see a lot of people complaining that you can't do certain things in BF2 that you could do in DC. If you want to explain to people like me who have never played DC why the controls are better this is the way to do it.


                            • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                              actually the other day i played some really good hours of DC and these are the things i missed from BF2

                              - Graphics of course
                              - IRON SIGHTS!!! (actually i was playing CS the other day and i tried to raise the sigs on the M4 and i got killed because i didnt remember that instead of the iron sigs it was going for the freaking silencer :P) damn!!!i hated that...
                              - The AI of course!!!
                              - and the commander and squad mode
                              - oh and the guillie suit :P

                              all the other good things belong to DC honestly!!! by the way, im really looking fordward to the g36..,. i mean, POE :P (i just love the G36)


                              • Re: BF2 SUCKS Compared to Desert Combat

                                Originally posted by CXZAR
                                - oh and the guillie suit :P
                                You mean the guillie suit that shows exactly where you are on satellite and uav scans?

