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What's up with the n00b seargeant

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  • #46
    playing time does not equate to skill... if all i wanted was a high K-D ratio I'd play assault or medic and just pop ppl at range.... as it is, i play SF most often taking out tanks and such...


    • #47
      hum maybe he just want to have a bit fun. i do so somedays too join a bomber or play as commander and drinking coffee.


      • #48
        MAYBE he got tired being a tank whore (which MIGHT explain how he became sargeant) and is now practicing to be a BH whore.

        kinda like me, but the opposite. i can get anybody on my team over 90 points in one round (assuming they all listen to me and spawn as engineers) in a BH but could do no better than score 20something points in a tank. and then someone would make a post about how they played with a sargeant that can't even drive a tank for 5 minutes without getting blown out!


        • #49
          Rank does not mean JACK in this game.


          • #50
            There are only two advantages to rank in this game:

            1. You get preference when opting to become Commander
            2. You get to unlock more weaponry

            Otherwise, as it's been stated numerous times before (in this thread and outside of it), rank generally means diddly-squat.


            • #51
              Originally posted by ozziegt
              Just to add to my previous comment, why does KDR even matter so much? Your SPM isn't much higher than mine, and my accuracy rate is much higher than yours. We could compare stats all day.
              Accuracy means nothing :P have you ever played the support class? Also, SPM just reflects how long you have played a medic.


              • #52
                Well there is always another option as to how they got that high in score and rank... maybe they purchased there account..

                Ran into that plenty on AAO!


                • #53
                  lol what do you think he is performing at his best constantly. Maybe he was just ****ing around.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by j4k3
                    MAYBE he got tired being a tank whore (which MIGHT explain how he became sargeant) and is now practicing to be a BH whore.

                    kinda like me, but the opposite. i can get anybody on my team over 90 points in one round (assuming they all listen to me and spawn as engineers) in a BH but could do no better than score 20something points in a tank. and then someone would make a post about how they played with a sargeant that can't even drive a tank for 5 minutes without getting blown out!

                    WTF.... Dude why does most everyone think that all the good players just tank whore.

                    Damn dude I know that most of the good players do not tank whore all the time. Just because yall cant do combat very well doesnt mean others cant either.

                    Own up. I slap tank whores in the face by capping flags and taking numbers all in my DPV.....


                    • #55
                      one private owned me...and i own alot of other coporals..namely nick#####

                      i dont think rank matters that much, but i definately can get a bunch of people to join my squad if i tell them im corporal.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Foxtrot
                        Accuracy means nothing :P have you ever played the support class? Also, SPM just reflects how long you have played a medic.
                        Actually SPM isn't just about playing medic. It's combat, repairs, reloading units, and capping flags as well. And you have hardly played support at all so I don't know what that means...


                        • #57
                          He bought his BF2 account on EBAY!


                          • #58
                            I played with a Sergeant the other day, the guy was so proud of his rank, thought that he could oust the commander if he wished it. As far as I know once the commander is in place, you have to create a mutiny vote.

                            Guy had no concept of teamwork, and made sure to tell me that he was ranked... whatever as commander and XYZ as overall.... All I could think to myself is, yeah ok, so you play a lot? what is the big deal? Never thought rank would make people feel like they accomplished anything.

                            Until another program comes out to give legit stats perhaps on a monthly basis, similar to what BF tracks had. The BF2 rank system only proves who has been playing the most hours.

                            Obviously with more play time, comes more information, you know more and more what works and what doesn't work, on different maps. You learn how to move, when to go infantry, and when to take a tank etc. But people who out rank and think that they should throw it in your face, do not impress me.


                            • #59
                              people who assume they are better than others simply by comparing their ranks are foolish. the only way is to prove yourself by actaully winning the map.

                              also, sometimes i venture out and try new things and suck at it. noones perfect at everything, im not very good at planes. i agree with the idea that its more fun to try new things rather than to whore stuff all the time.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ozziegt
                                Actually SPM isn't just about playing medic. It's combat, repairs, reloading units, and capping flags as well. And you have hardly played support at all so I don't know what that means...
                                I don't always play on ranked servers, and that isn't my only account.

