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What do you think REALLY NEEDS TO BE CHANGED for the next patch?

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  • Originally posted by Super Six Three
    DUDE!!!Someone already made a thread about this!!!
    Does not matter if 100 threads exist. His topic asked what "really" needs to be changed and I responded. Respect the post and don't be a troll.


    • I love the game. Huge improvement over previous versions. Still, they needed to think the game play out a bit more, or test it better. Here's my wish list:

      1. Get rid of bunny hopping (this isn't Quake or CS)
      2. Replace jump with climb (need to be near object of climbing like walls, guard rails, etc..)
      3. Leap frogging (jumping then shooting then going prone= exploiting)
      4. Chopper should not be able to take over flags (drop off ppl then they take the poisition like in real life)
      5. Fix vehicle TK ( it's too sensitive)
      6. Remove ability to fix choppers in mid air (you land and repair as in previous BF versions)
      7. Give points for sabotage (if not already done. I.E. blow up command post or arty)


      • BFHQ support for 1.5 world contries...


        • Tie the bullet deviation to the stamina. The lower your stamina, the worse your aiming. Hopefully should prevent the bunny hopping.


          • I would like to be able to pick up or disarm mines\clays\C4 that you placed yourself.


            • Originally posted by Grapeapplesnapple
              I would like to be able to pick up or disarm mines\clays\C4 that you placed yourself.
              I don't know about this one. I can understand the ability to disarm your own stuff, but not so it can be used again.


              • Fix the Light Machine Guns, they are so friggin unaccurate, take away the stupid heat bar. Make it more accurate but with a lot of recoil standing up.
                Maybe making the bipods flip down for going prone.

                When mutiny'ing a commander make it so 2/3 of the team have to vote yes.

                Tk system overhaul.

                Make a warning indicator when going into an artillery strike.

                Make mines more team friendly.

                Technical Fixes, optmizations blah blah.

                On the map Songhau Stalemate, take away the fog, I can't see a thing and it basically ruins what could be a great map, thats why nobody plays it.

                When reloading the standard engineer shotgun (excluding MEC) If I was to press fire it would stop reloading and let me shoot with how many he just put in.

                Auto-Login feature, Lag of Ranked Servers (netcode), Delay of Stats update to BFHQ, Takes ages to actually login.

                Maybe add-in things that you originally cut, theres a gaping hole in the carrier underbelly which would be great an LCAC? Laser Guidance for artillery or passing airplanes.

                Dolphin Divers, the people that jump and prone with 100% accuracy. When proning maybe give a 1 sec delay until firing.

                A melee attack, sometimes I run outta ammo and the guy is 2 inches away from me and I can't do anything. Ability to roll over while prone. Ability to lean while standing.


                • How many times have you joined a server just before the round ends? Server info should display the time left if there's a limit.


                  • one thing that really pisses me off in this game is wondering what round we are on. i hate joining a server, hitting tab to see what round it is (1 of 3, 2 of 3, or 3 of 3, for example), and it has Wins:114 and the other team Wins: 120. WHO CARES how many global wins there are for each side. These values should be reset after switching to a new map


                    • Im not going to read all 100+ replies and these are probably posted several times.

                      1. No flag caps unless you are on the ground. Helos must land.
                      2. Jumping should take a big chunk of your stamina bar (like 1/3) and when you are out of stamina you cant jump anymore.
                      3. No shooting while you are going prone or at least horrible accuracy while you are going prone or standing up.


                      • Most of the complaints/suggestions in this thread that aren't about bugs are really just from people that can't use the weapons right or don't want to actually use strategy.

                        You're complaining about the machine guns? Have you ever held one of those, let alone tried to fire one off? I haven't shot one, but I've been to the armory on the AF base I live by, and just by the weight, it would be a lot worse than it is in the game. They get extremely hot, and with some of the machine guns, the person using it has to carry extra parts with him when they overheat. You can't just have an incredibly strong, rapidly firing gun with a huge mag that is really accurate carried by a single person.

                        "Same for the Black Hawk Main Battle Airtank - they went down so easy in Black Hawk Down (the movie) - in game they are allmost invincible."

                        -Blackhawks are very good helos in real life, hard to take one out. The reason the two went down in Mogadishu is the the Somalians were "whoring" with the RPGs, and the thousands upon thousands of Skinnies swarming all over the place. Did you notice how many of the Somalians the Blackhawks took out?

                        And with the whole helo-taking-a-spawnpoint, that crew is making themselves extremely vulnerable by being really close to the ground, and some anti-tanks could take them out fairly quickly if they were close. I think that a helo taking a spawn point is fair game if they can stay close to the ground and prevent anyone from getting close to them.

                        This thread is meant for suggestions to improve the game, not to bash it.


                        • 1. Friendly showing Red.
                          2. TK/Punish....everything about this is ****ed up.
                          3. Perhaps a Pilot Kit would be nice? Have to have the kit to fly?
                          4. Bunny Hopping.
                          5. Possibly a Sweet spot to hit on the tanks to take them out quicker?

                          I know I could think of more..just can't right now...


                          • a team side message that there is no more commander. Start a map and the commander is there, then he leaves the game. A message would be nice cause most don't check to see if the commander is still there...

                            Smarter autobalance.
                            Switch the newest person who joined the game to the other side. Not someone who has been there and has the most points.. or is the commander...

                            Boot Idle players. Very annoying when it's 10v10 and 6 are afk for over 10 minutes...


                            • a more severe penalty(intead of -2 for killing yourself) to those with no skill who only grab a plane or helicopter and fly into enemy planes\helicopters.
                              It destroyes the fun of the game and only proves that no skill is needed.

                              A -8 would be good.


                              • Realism in terms of what happens when you get hit (get rid of a enegry bar for a start) BF2 needs a system similar to Americas Army.

                                Secondly there should be a reward system for sqauds who obey orders form the commander and perform well to encourage people to play as a team

