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Why do you hate stat padders?

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  • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

    padders with higher ranking (due to padding) can get to be commanders over non-padders. that's the only way it can possibly affect me right now. i don't give a rat's arse about leaderboard rankings.


    • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      Your one peice of work, you know that?

      I believe Alex98uk, and you can correct me if Im wrong, that the TotalGamingNetwork Rules says and I quote: • Spelling Police WILL NOT be tolerateYed, period!

      Members are expected to conduct themselves as civilized individuals here with some level of maturity and decorum. That means showing courtesy to staff, other members and guests. Avoid excessive cursing and absolutely no personal attacks, bashes or bigotry.

      if you had any brains at all and know anything about other countries that some do say "Make a moutain out of a mole" It depends on what country your in. But I wouldnt expect daft people llike you to know that. I'd love to see some screenshots of the Commanders, BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A GODDAMN FACT THAT THE COMMANDERS ARE ADMINS AND SIT IN TANKS TO ENFORCE THE RULES, SEEING AS I USED TO DO THIS DAILY FOR A LONG, LONG, LONG, TIME.
      Stephen you can't quote the rules about personal abuse and then just go ahead and do it yourself because it destroys your credibility - your mana.

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      Incorrect. Thats hearsay and you can't speak for them all. I can own your arse on any Pistol and Knife Server, and I'll be dammed if I can't own you on a normal server. I doubt there is a person who plays on Pistol and Knife who cant kick your arse on a reg server.
      O rly? Even those guys on padding servers who let rip with the G36E laying out crowds of lame padders until they're kicked. Could they kick our arse too even though they can't even pad? And where's their right to have fun and not be told how to play, why do they get kicked?

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      They have that personal right, but they dont have the right to bash players for playing on a different server. Sorry Folks, your Freedom of Speech doesnt cover online or your bashing.
      I'm sorry Stephen but it does, you are not God.

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      One Sided, Bias, and plain stupid comment. I would expect that from a kid. Like I said above, I still play on both Pistol and Knife and ROE Servers and I am normally the top medic in every match in kills, heals, etc. I can also take your *** down with a sniper round to your head.
      Pistol and Knife (when ranked) are ROE servers, which is nearly all of them. That's what sniper rifles are for Stephen, and the Medic thing, meh, medics always come out on top, support is a bit harder, then assault even harder. Show me a dozen assault scoresheets on 64/64 with you on top and I'd be impressed.

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      Idiot, thats a new account, it has 21CW tags.
      Err, that's my point Stephen, how can we validate what you say if you only post up a noob account with almost no history to it. Oh, and btw, that personal abuse is against the rules you have been happily quoting to others.

      Originally posted by TGL|Stephen
      EDIT: As you think we cant pub using ROEs, you want to do a scrim then? The stat padders against you lot in this thread? Or how about we pub tonight? I/O, no bunny hopping, or dolphin diving, that makes you a noob that cant play.
      I'd be happy to scrim on a team of anti-padders vs. pro-padders. My time zone might make it a bit difficult, and my ping might get me kicked, but lets follow this up. How many are keen?


      • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

        I'd be happy to scrim on a team of anti-padders vs. pro-padders. My time zone might make it a bit difficult, and my ping might get me kicked, but lets follow this up. How many are keen?
        Im on the island next to you, I get the same ping.


        • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

          Originally posted by TGL|Stephen View Post
          What God.......... There isnt one.

          Im on the island next to you, I get the same ping.
          USA isn't an island. Same ping to where? I ping 250-320 to USA.
          Not much interest in the battle from others.
          Thread is doomed. You haven't countered the points made, I'll assume you have no argument against them.


          • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?


            <<<<<<<<<< Look, Im in Brisbane now

            You haven't countered the points made
            I will once I get out of LA:X, Cant be bothered doing a debate at a airport.


            • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

              Originally posted by TGL|Stephen View Post
              I will once I get out of LA:X, Cant be bothered doing a debate at a airport.
              That's counter-intuitive.

              One would think that it's precisely because you're waiting in an airport that you could afford to engage in a debate.


              • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                One would think that it's precisely because you're waiting in an airport that you could afford to engage in a debate.
                Ya, Im already stressed out enough, dont need a debate to add to it McDonalds wouldnt accept my money (Which is AU) so Im running on empty and Im here for the next 24 hours at LA:X, well almost 24 till I can get my connecting flight to AU. The currency exchange is closed too, its 5:06 am here, been here since 11 PM LA local time.


                • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                  The pro-padders can't win the argument. The only decent point they can raise is they might like a play style not available on vanilla ranked. But since 99.999% of them pad on ranked only and will never go anywhere near an unranked server it's obvious the vast majority of padders are in it for streaks, badges, points, ranks and unlocks. They're simply cheating their way to what others earn by the rules.

                  Personally there have been times I'd like to have done things on ranked servers that are not allowed. But I haven't, because if I'm honest it would have been cheating, pure and simple. Just because a bunch of guys might insist it's not cheating will not change my mind.

                  There may of course be exceptions to this, like Stephen, but he hasn't been able to provide a player account that backs up those claims.


                  • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                    I think it's bologna I have to earn my stats the long hard way & these weasels give them selves free pts.


                    • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                      HAHAHAahhaha this thread is a good read :laugh: And it's all over something that really, doesn't matter..


                      • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                        Originally posted by xX5N1P3RXx
                        HAHAHAahhaha this thread is a good read :laugh: And it's all over something that really, doesn't matter..
                        Same can be said of Religion and Politics.


                        • Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                          They eat babies.

                          Oh yeah, and they take up slots that legit players can be using and contribute nothing to the game.

