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What next for the Battlefield Series???

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  • #76
    Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

    When you say the very near future its either modern or futuristic. Maybe with some of the newer guns but it would still be modern.
    I mean sometime between 2008 and 2015. Mostly the same weapons and vehicles as BF2 but maybe with a few that are only protoypes right now.

    I wouldn't want it to be some sci-fi scenario like the Command and Conquer games or anything involving the apocolypse or aliens, just a large, plausible war in the very near future. Maybe Russia falls back into communism or something.


    • #77
      Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

      Originally posted by Sir. Tasty View Post
      Korea, ww1?
      Korea would just be like 1942 on BFV maps the korean war was only 5 years after WW2. WW1 is really old I dont know if either would have a big enough fanbase for just one of those wars.


      • #78
        Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

        It might be interesting if it were maybe some wildwest cowboy stuff maybe...maybe. Probably a little slow, but...dynomite for grandes, arrows for snipers, gatlins for, well gatlins, **** I don't know.
        Also maybe some kind of human -vs- alien, fight for planet Earth stuff:shock: . Kinda like Starship Troopers or something, might ber kinda fun to be a giant mutant spider/ scorpion/cockroach thingy or something.:yay:


        • #79
          Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

          There will be no good new BF games, only the same old s*** with prettier graphics and more bloom. Lets be honest, EA sucks when it comes to doing something new and revolutionary.


          • #80
            Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

            i really hope they go with WWII, want to go back into the well designed vehicle based maps where you could actually drive a tank and take down planes with it, and where plane flying actually takes skill since there are balanced planes, instead of planes that just turn faster then the enemy plane or the heat seekers just dont follow the enemy plane.

            aaaaaand i want my engineer bolt action rifles back.

            i want to go back into the 3 theaters of WWII on europe africa and the pacific all with awesome maps and balanced gameplay.

            basically i want a remake of BF1942


            • #81
              Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

              The think with WW2 like I said before is it gets boring and old after a few years. They need to move out of the real theaters the game was in and it might get a bit more interisting. What about a map based around the Nazis assualting a british defensive position along the nile in central africa near the jungles. or a reversed D-Day on london. Maybe a full scale battle of moscow for control of the city center.

              I dont know anything but please add somenew theaters.

              Originally posted by L3adCannon
              There will be no good new BF games, only the same old s*** with prettier graphics and more bloom. Lets be honest, EA sucks when it comes to doing something new and revolutionary.
              No Ea sucks at maintaing it and customer support, BF1942 was revolutionary at its time.


              • #82
                Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                Oh come on guys, this is an easy one seriously, whats the one "theatre of war" they havn't done yet....

                Yeah, corny, but just wait till we find out what they're really planning.


                • #83
                  Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                  I wouldnt be suprised to see Battlefield pong.


                  • #84
                    Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                    Originally posted by Demichev View Post
                    When you guys talk about civil wars be more specific. There have been many civil wars.

                    Anyways, IF they release a new game I think it will be Second World War based. However, too many companies have focused on the Western Front, you guys have to remember that it was on the Eastern Front and by the Red Army that 75% (about / or over) of the Axis Forces were destroyed.
                    Yeah and if it wasn't for shear numbers you Ruskies would have gotten a pasting and let's not forget where you got the weapons to fight with.

                    I hope they revisit the second world war.


                    • #85
                      Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                      Medieval, eh? Here goes:

                      Battlefield 3: Fellowship of the Sniper
                      Battlefield 3: At Scope's End
                      Battlefield 3: Crusades (Richard the Lion Heart).

                      On a more serious note, a 1916 set Battlefield will be very interesting with good graphics, exemplary teamplay (over the hill!!), tedious trench warfare, planes that throw grenades and can be downed with huge cannons, and retard tanks. Not to mention scope(less) snipers and massive artillery bombardment that hits no-one.

                      Either that or just stick to the current modern stuff and create new mission types and souped up graphics. I'll never get sick of setting booby traps or sniping.


                      • #86
                        Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                        What next for the Battlefield Series???



                        • #87
                          Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                          I've said it once and ill say it again

                          DO BFV JUSTICE

                          use what EA has learned so far and make a new bfv with all the old maps and new ones.


                          • #88
                            Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                            1942 Remade would be nice, if they featured lesser known parts of the war, if they move away from the d-day/bulge they might get a bigger fan base as it wont just be the same cod game it will be in parts they have never played in.


                            • #89
                              Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                              They will not go back to 1942 they would have too much competition hell Call of duty is still giving BF2 competion in Xfires top which came out around the time of 1942. Most WW2 gamers would get MoHA instead of BF2 while BF2 will have to compete with CoD4 if they stay in the modern era. One reason Bf2 has been so succesfull is that many people like the modern game but they had no competion.

                              WW2 has been done to death a remake of 1942 would not last long. I acctually think BF2 atlantis would be better then another El Alamean map.


                              • #90
                                Re: What next for the Battlefield Series???

                                Originally posted by DesertFalcon
                                IF EA was smart they would scratch the futuristic crap *** BF2 has outlived 2142.

                                Yeah i agree, i'd like to see bf3 with maybe a middle eastern theater & of course some european , asian mapps, just a little of everything would be nice except for outter space IMO.

