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whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

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  • whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

    wait in line for the chopper or jet or w\e

    was playing on some server a few days ago and got kicked for cutting the line, this and "squad up or get kicked" rule are some of the most stupid rules

    this rule is also slowing the game down alot

  • #2
    Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

    I think the idea behind "wait in line" is to prevent TKing and all that nonsense. It also means that if some waste of space gets in the cockpit, then he'll have a short stay as pilot. He'll have to wait for the rest to get a second chance.

    I don't usually fly so I don't get a headache from any of this.

    "Squad up" rule... Meant to promote teamwork, but does not in any way. What's so hard about joining a squad? There's nothing saying you have to work with the squad.


    • #3
      Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

      slowing it down for If you expect to just run up and snag a jet/heli that other people have been waiting there for then you can stfu. The squad up or get kicked rule makes sense too. You contribute more in a squad than you would lonewolf. There is NO reason to be lonewolf. In a squad you can AT LEAST provide an extra spawn point (when leader) or have access to an extra spawn point (member). If its the rules, then follow them. I dont see why its bad to be in a squad. Caps lock, click, caps lock....thats all you need to do to join or start a squad.


      • #4
        Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

        Originally posted by ShadowMafia
        slowing it down for If you expect to just run up and snag a jet/heli that other people have been waiting there for then you can stfu. The squad up or get kicked rule makes sense too. You contribute more in a squad than you would lonewolf. There is NO reason to be lonewolf. In a squad you can AT LEAST provide an extra spawn point (when leader) or have access to an extra spawn point (member). If its the rules, then follow them. I dont see why its bad to be in a squad. Caps lock, click, caps lock....thats all you need to do to join or start a squad.
        I love you too

        its slowing it down because you have admins siting there and kicking people that are already in the chopper

        I dont mind if someone gets in the chopper before me but I dont wanna get kicked coz I get in the chopper first like 3 times in a row

        once the pilot gets kicked the chopper falls down and exploades or w\e then u have to wait for it again, thats just one example

        lets not argue about the squad up rule too much, I already had a thread on that before


        • #5
          Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

          They should have done it like Crysis is going to do it. See Below:

          Once your team captures a zone, it doesn’t just start manufacturing the goods. It provides the means to manufacturer but you first must of all order your desired machine or vehicle through your PDA and have a certain number of credits available. Your PDA will provide you with a key code so that no one else can take what you’ve ordered.


          • #6
            Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

            Originally posted by NatureBoy_Wooo
            They should have done it like Crysis is going to do it. See Below:

            Once your team captures a zone, it doesn’t just start manufacturing the goods. It provides the means to manufacturer but you first must of all order your desired machine or vehicle through your PDA and have a certain number of credits available. Your PDA will provide you with a key code so that no one else can take what you’ve ordered.
            We're talking about DICE and Crytek.

            The most unoriginal developer, versus the most original developer.

            I'll let you decide which.

            Far Cry(PC) = Best Game Ever


            If I'm holding down E, and I get in, it's mine for the taking, you can stand under my wing if you want/complain to an admin...but it's just a pub. I don't mind getting force tked and punished and/or kicked/banned. Plenty of private servers I can go on. Plus there's mods and BF2Pro(which I desperately need to get better at).


            • #7
              Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

              i think its fair that first person waiting where the jet is gets it. and not every one fight for it. everyone deserves a go at flying the jet


              • #8
                Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                I think it's stupid because it's rarely enforced. If it were enfored 100% of the time, I'd like the rule. But since it's only when you cut an admin in line, its a load of bullsh*t


                • #9
                  Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                  if someone's been waiting there, you really shouldn't cut in line

                  if you had waited, would you like someone cut in front of you, over and over again? wouldn't it be frustrating that 3 ppl pressed "enter" faster than you?


                  • #10
                    Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                    Originally posted by lamah
                    if someone's been waiting there, you really shouldn't cut in line

                    if you had waited, would you like someone cut in front of you, over and over again? wouldn't it be frustrating that 3 ppl pressed "enter" faster than you?
                    Just so you know you only have to hold the enter vehicle key... Not mash on it repeatedly.


                    • #11
                      Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                      Originally posted by [AH1z]Predrag
                      wait in line for the chopper or jet or w\e

                      was playing on some server a few days ago and got kicked for cutting the line, this and "squad up or get kicked" rule are some of the most stupid rules

                      this rule is also slowing the game down alot
                      The best soloer/team should get the vehicle, period. I've never actually seen a server enforce this rule...

                      For the record, when I see that someone has been waiting a long time for the heli, I LET him take it with my offer of being a pilot or gunner. If the two seats are already spoken for, I grab a transport and find another one...

                      Of course, if the team is losing and we're in serious need of a good heli, I'll cut in line.


                      • #12
                        Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                        If you spawn, and you see one or two people on the helo pad or hanger you should just go someplace else instead of being an a$$ hat--simple as that.


                        • #13
                          Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                          Originally posted by =TOL=elitemafia
                          Just so you know you only have to hold the enter vehicle key... Not mash on it repeatedly.
                          it works for when you're waiting for the vehicle to spawn? didn't work for me in the past, but i'll try again, thanx


                          • #14
                            Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                            Last night on the 7recon server, or how ever they spell it I noticed this rule.
                            I was thinking it odd.
                            But after a few rounds of it it made sense.
                            Only a few people with a sense of sportsmanship hung at spawn spots, we all were civil and cool about it. I would fly a bit, screw up etc.. then hand it off to the other guy, he would say thanks and I would wait for him to finish.
                            Now if one of us were having a good run the other would go do something else and the line would shorten for people in the back.

                            all in all the one of the most civil experiences Ive had with vehicles in Bf2.

                            Oh course this will always be frowned apon in the internet "pwn you all" respect none!! base raping "I must KILLLL" greedy uncivil manner the internet and mutiplayer games have spawned.
                            The worse attitudes and manners are displayed on the net and on online games everyday...but time to time youll see rays of sportmanship and civilness shine through.


                            • #15
                              Re: whats your opinion on "wait in line" rule

                              My personal preference is to play on servers with the wait in line rule because it means you have a chance to fly whereas most other servers you'll have to wait only for someone else to get the jet, and only probably get punished for the teamkills you're forced to do at takeoff...
                              That's why I think it's a good rule - it guarantees that every one gets a chance to fly, what's the problem with that?
                              I sometimes find servers with rules I don't like but it's hardly worth whining about it on a forum - I just disconnect and find another server...

