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1.4 problems thread

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  • #46
    Re: 1.4 problems thread

    Originally posted by JerseyBricklayer
    i know god damn it... i chould school u noobs. some1 said my connection probaly suked. and of course thats porn on my desktop... every strait mail should, well not realy porn, just hot celbs . from
    judging from your idiotic grammer and poor spelling, i doubt you could school "us noobs".

    just because you have a fast internet connection doesn't mean your an "ub3r l337 n3tw0rk3r"

    normally i don't care much for spelling/grammer nazi's, but when you claim that you can "school" people and then follow it up with a post like that, well then you should take a good long look at the school you go to.


    • #47
      Re: 1.4 problems thread

      Originally posted by Heavy552(AWG)
      No problems here.

      Actually there is one.

      POE2 refused by punkbuster demanding reverting BF2 to unmodified content.
      No problems here. All is well.

      TIP: If your having problems do a fresh install and then apply the 1.4 full patch. Mine runs like a dream now. No CTD at all.

      Now to go test the new map.


      • #48
        Re: 1.4 problems thread

        Originally posted by KristianSax
        Man, I thought it would take more time for this BS to arrive ... guess I was wrong.
        When will we see someone posting that with patch 1.4 EA really killed the game while having mortally wounded it with 1.3 and then the same poster logs on to play BF2
        Do you play the game???

        Doesnt sound like you played it much...I used to be on EAs side for the most part...Until 1.3 came out...I had NO problems what so ever with BF2 up until then and low and behold I started getting my first taste of CTDs...

        Also running a server I have seen many more of the issues that joe schmo player wouldnt know of....

        EA in it's nerfing of the game has made it so unstable...Note this is why they didnt want to change anything severly this time around for they were afraid it would mess up the game code....


        • #49
          Re: 1.4 problems thread

          Originally posted by JerseyBricklayer
          i know god damn it... i chould school u noobs. some1 said my connection probaly suked. and of course thats porn on my desktop... every strait mail should, well not realy porn, just hot celbs . from and hers a zoom in of my net speed... lmao 22mb/sec on cable
          Show a trace... Not speedtest *******.....

          U clould play BF2 on a 128K line if you had good pings....

          I see you have Comcast... Ding Ding there is your problem


          • #50
            Re: 1.4 problems thread

            Red/Blue tag still exists.



            • #51
              Re: 1.4 problems thread

              God damn, i was hopeing people would actually be somewhat postive that they are attempting to fix the problem, but all i here is people bitching and whining, about their problems. I'm not a huge supporter of the company that makes it, but look, Battlefield 2 is a great game, if you hate 1.4, go back to 1.3, and play on the 1.3 servers, no problem.

              and what is with all the connection ********?
              I'm downloading from file planet now at 458kbs, on a normal DSL line, not some godly 22mb a second **** LOL, why would you really need that? unless your downloading an entire site of porno in 1 day.

              I tried 1.4, and even though i do have a problem with some of the things, its not that extremly bad of a patch, its a 10000x better then 1.3 , thats for sure.

              I guess, people will flame my post, but whatever, just goes to show you who really is negative.


              • #52
                Re: 1.4 problems thread

                Originally posted by SuperDonkey
                Do you play the game???

                Doesnt sound like you played it much...I used to be on EAs side for the most part...Until 1.3 came out...I had NO problems what so ever with BF2 up until then and low and behold I started getting my first taste of CTDs...

                Also running a server I have seen many more of the issues that joe schmo player wouldnt know of....

                EA in it's nerfing of the game has made it so unstable...Note this is why they didnt want to change anything severly this time around for they were afraid it would mess up the game code....
                No I'm just ranting here for the hell of it.
                Of course I play it and have had a couple of CTD and servers crashes too.


                • #53
                  Re: 1.4 problems thread

                  Originally posted by CA_Killer87
                  God damn, i was hopeing people would actually be somewhat postive that they are attempting to fix the problem, but all i here is people bitching and whining, about their problems. I'm not a huge supporter of the company that makes it, but look, Battlefield 2 is a great game, if you hate 1.4, go back to 1.3, and play on the 1.3 servers, no problem.

                  and what is with all the connection ********?
                  I'm downloading from file planet now at 458kbs, on a normal DSL line, not some godly 22mb a second **** LOL, why would you really need that? unless your downloading an entire site of porno in 1 day.

                  I tried 1.4, and even though i do have a problem with some of the things, its not that extremly bad of a patch, its a 10000x better then 1.3 , thats for sure.

                  I guess, people will flame my post, but whatever, just goes to show you who really is negative.
                  He downloads at 2mb/ canadian friend used to download at 5mb/ps until Microsoft took over his ISP - lol


                  • #54
                    Re: 1.4 problems thread

                    Originally posted by JerseyBricklayer
                    i know god damn it... i chould school u noobs. some1 said my connection probaly suked. and of course thats porn on my desktop... every strait mail should, well not realy porn, just hot celbs . from and hers a zoom in of my net speed... lmao 22mb/sec on cable
                    wow did your e-penis grow another CM, no one cares go away


                    • #55
                      Re: 1.4 problems thread

                      this is great ... the anticipated whining whiners have arrived!

                      and this is for download boy ... hahaha


                      • #56
                        Re: 1.4 problems thread

                        Is the unlocks option for unranked server only for dedicated servers?


                        • #57
                          Re: 1.4 problems thread

                          "I didn't participate in the Beta testing of 1.4. I'm not downloading it and have never played it, but EA sucks. I'm going to sue them. They stole my money. Everything is broken and they never fix anything. My computer crashed in May of 2002 and it's their crappy netcode that is to blame! I'm never playing EA titles again. I have an awesome ping and am better than all of you. I can't wait to download the patch and pwn you all"

                          <obligatory and self-promoting BF2 Stats signature here>

                          ----An average comment made on this thread by players of BF2.


                          • #58
                            Re: 1.4 problems thread

                            Why are people trying to stick up for EA/DICE.

                            I install the incremental, and the game wont even ****in load. So dont start about whiners. Dice have made the whole BF2 online network laugh at their Customer Service attempts, and will have suffered because of it.

                            It's a joke.

                            And I cant find my BF2 CD as I was using a mini-image, so now I cant even reinstall and try the full patch.



                            • #59
                              Re: 1.4 problems thread

                              Originally posted by JerseyBricklayer
                              please... i got an asus a8n-32sli deluxe with 2 seprate 10mb/ connections on asus lan link or whatever, totaling about 22mb. i spent about 5 grand on my pc hardware, and i build pc's... so dont give me that "its ur connection" ****. an heres a pic of my dl speed for proof
                              Forgive him, he's drunk. All the time.


                              • #60
                                Re: 1.4 problems thread

                                anyone else having this problem? -

