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what happend to my rank?

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  • #91
    Re: wtf happend to my rank?

    No offense Mr. Mod but there is always two sides to any story. To basically tell him he can't appeal is a slap in the face to anyone that plays the game. EA is basically saying "we are always righ in the matter, no need to hear your side of the story". To me, that is the worst way to run any business. In the end what EA is saying is this " We have so many subscribers that our customer service is unnecessary." "We can be a-holes and lose a few people but since they've bough the game already we don't lose" "**** your side of the story"


    • #92
      Re: wtf happend to my rank?

      Same as trying to appeal to a PB Hardware Ban...


      • #93
        Re: wtf happend to my rank?

        Originally posted by pinoy
        seems like theyre accusing me of point is baseraping even a point farming?
        a carrier filled with players is like a farm when some eejit comes along and bombs it they get shed loads of points hence point farming... is that so hard to understand and why is it people find it hard to play honestly?


        • #94
          Re: wtf happend to my rank?

          You know a spell check on your letter to EA would be basically just sounded like an idiot with words like xploit.

          I understand that you might be from another country but a spell check is universal. When you write about something like this, you must sound professional. If I recieved a letter as badly written as that, I wouldnt really want to respond...


          • #95
            Re: wtf happend to my rank?

            Didn't EA release something with out spell check once?


            • #96
              Re: wtf happend to my rank?

              What happened to my rank?
              it got wiped...sry just had to make that smart *** comment.


              • #97
                Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                Originally posted by Ali G
                it got wiped...sry just had to make that smart *** comment.

                Thanks for letting us know so early.


                • #98
                  Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                  I agree, I spell check would have been good. But at the same time it's not his job resume we're dealing with. And If I'm not mistaken there are two gunner positions on the carrier. Are they just for show or are they there because EA and Dice expected people to attack the carrier? I'm confused on how someone can get stats wiped because they attacked the carrier over and over. Just as everyone else says, if you don't like it spawn somewhere else. Wake has to uncaps. Do they erase stats for the people that camp at both ends of the island in tanks shooting anything that spawns on the small island with arty? The basic fact is that Wake is ment to be difficult for the US team. there are multiple spots to spawn on the carrier. If you don't like being killed then don't stand in the middle of the carrier running around throwing medic packs everywhere. If the guy is playing using legal game mechanics and the server doesn't prohibit base raping then I don't see how he can get a char wipe. It makes no sense at all to me.


                  • #99
                    Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                    apparently its the famous bf2 glitch


                    • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                      He didnt get wiped for that.

                      You see carrier rapers are of a certain breed, if you will. They rape carrier over and over and grow very hungry for even more points.

                      My past experience with this complete noob tells me that he would statpad and exploit.


                      • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                        pnwed by EA.


                        • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                          If his main goal is to attack the carrier over and over I don't see how he doesn't get bored with the game. But anyway, that's how he get's his points. If I ran around shooting people all day on foot would I get wiped? If all i wanted to do was heal and revive would I get wiped? If the server would have put "no baseraping" in their rules then it would make sense. But if they didn't then he didn't do anything wrong.


                          • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                            Honestly I think EA's actions are plain stupid. No chance to appeal, no presenting the evidence to you to be able to see what actually happened...its plain stupid. If it was in court, they would have to show you all the evidence..but since we always have to press the "I accept these terms and blah blah" to just install the game, we fall under their rules and their stupidity.

                            I hate to say it, and I am sure there would be people that would hate me for saying this, but if I was wiped and not only never was shown why and did not have the ability to appeal, I would go on a rampage in the game. And I don't mean to gain points, oh no, I would be the most evil player out there. I would gain so many bans from servers that i'd have more bans than points in the game. Why? Because it's total s**t that they can reset someone for reasons like that. It is part of the game, boo hoo...stop crying and deal with it. So they were raping a carrier...isn't that why they have not one but 2 essex guns?! Heck I rarely ever see anyone use the second gun. And after my rampage, as I said in an earlier post, I would take my box and CD, go buy some 12 guage shells for my shotgun, take it up to the range, and have a field day on BF2. There would not be anything left of the game or box but a pile of dust after I was through with it.

                            BF2 is a video game, meant for enjoyment. Because it has online features, it means that someone is always going to win, and someone is always going to lose. People who cannot handle losing are what ruin this game. I play for fun, and honestly it is a blast. But when I get people that whine instead of doing something about the problem (IE jet raping the carrier so KILL the jet!), it ruins it. Yes, this is whining about whiners, but what else are you going to do about it. Jerks and a**holes are the very reason I left online gaming for years before returning to it with bf2...and you know what, it's only gotten worse.

                            Play the game for fun people, stop complaining, stop having the game changed with every patch, and just have fun. Trust me, it's much more enjoyale


                            • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                              He wouldn't even be able to rape as much if the vehicle spawn time on Wake wasn't so f'ed up.


                              • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                                in response to your last statement:

                                LOL EA WIPED YOUR STATS!!!! LOL LOL

