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what happend to my rank?

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  • #76
    Re: wtf happend to my rank?

    Originally posted by pinoy
    so base raping get ur stat wped eh? if u play in insomnia ull see im not the onlyong baseraping the usmc...iill sue ea for this crap if my stat is wiped out.
    your defence: WAH! LIEK OMG EA WIPED MY STATS!!!!

    ea: lol

    ea wins!


    • #77
      Re: wtf happend to my rank?

      Maybe he uses one of those programs that draw a red dot in the center of your screen and didn't mention it. I dunno, but people have gotten wiped for that before.


      • #78
        Re: wtf happend to my rank?

        Why use a program for that? Sharpies baby!


        • #79
          Re: wtf happend to my rank?

          Youre seriously going to damage your screen for a game?


          • #80
            Re: wtf happend to my rank?

            this is the eamil i sent to ea.

            hi..i dont really like the way u people at ea handle this kind of situation how would u just reset my stat for no good reason?. i didnt hack or stat padding and all i worked my time to get all the badges and to get to the major rank..all u guys said to the letter that i xploit. i dont xploit ok ill tell u that straight..u can tell by how many hours i spent playing bf2 just to get to that really really want all my stuff back in my bfhq. if i did something wrong pls tell me what is is so i can see how serious it is...pls i really really want to hear something from u guys..this is a very serious matter for me.

            ea replied

            Thank you for contacting the Battlefield 2 Support Team. After reviewing your account it has been found that you have abused the scoring system in order to achieve an unfair advantage. Unfortunately, evidence was found which matched or exceeded our current criteria for this type of abuse. Rest assured that your account, its stats and the abuse were fully reviewed and the evidence verified before taking any action.

            This action was taken for the benefit of the Battlefield online community and its members. I’m afraid that there is no further appeal process in this matter, and we hope that moving forward you will not attempt to abuse the Battlefield 2 scoring system again. As well, please remember that you will not exploit any bug or system in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service. We want to thank you for your cooperation in this matter and hope that you continue to support fair and safe game play.

            Thank you for writing us,

            EARep Amadeus
            Player Relations
            Electronic Arts

            seems like theyre accusing me of point is baseraping even a point farming?


            • #81
              Re: wtf happend to my rank?

              You probably killed someone too many times, he cried stat-padding and next thing you know he takes screenshots and submitted them.


              • #82
                Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                Go forth young man and baserape no more. I luv it.Sorry about your luck but I think all baserapers/stat padders,better wise up before you suffer the same fate.


                • #83
                  Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                  yeah ive played with u ,u tked me about 5 times for the j10 and numerous other people.


                  • #84
                    Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                    Amadeus? WTF?!?!

                    Anyways, what probably happened was that you were reset for making a little smurf cry.

                    You: 30-0 in the J-10, then shotd own, respawn

                    You're waiting for the J-10 and helping your team win because of your skill in it, when ol Smurfy McSmurfSmurf comes along

                    Smurfy: omg i whan plane

                    You: I'd like to use it because I'm doing well in it

                    Smurfy: omfg f u

                    smurfy gets in the plane

                    You [Teamkills - M95] smurfy

                    smurfy: OMFG WHY IM GONNA REPORTS JOO 2 TEH BFROE LOLOLOL!!11111

                    EA, being smurfs themselves, sympathized for McSmurf and reset you. It sucks, but that's what you get when you have a police state for game managers.

                    And EA should focus on resetting worse people: Hotel exploiters and hackers. Who cares if a smurf gets his brains blown out on his cockpit? The guy who killed him wouldn't do that if he knew he couldn't make up for those points. IF you don't like it, don't get shot down or man up an do it back. This ROE has turned the game into a bunch of sissies who wave the "ROE flag" at every little thing that pisses them off.

                    "omg u tked me ur gonna get wiped"

                    "omfg basraper ur done"

                    "hay y u take MY PLANE IM GONNA GET U WIPED"

                    "wtf u got the flag cap points u cheats ur gonna get pwned"


                    • #85
                      Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                      Originally posted by |]S[|Sonic
                      IF you don't like it, don't get shot down or man up an do it back. This ROE has turned the game into a bunch of sissies who wave the "ROE flag" at every little thing that pisses them off.
                      Gotta stop ya for a second.
                      Do you really think your actions in a game have anything to do with being a man?

                      Moreover, do you think being a disrespectful smacktard somehow makes you better than someone else?

                      "Manning up" is about taking responcibility for your actions AND it's effect on other people. A true "adult" understands that games are played for the amusement of the players, not the gratification of a single player.

                      Might I mumbly suggest you do up your fly?
                      Your e-peen is showing.


                      • #86
                        Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                        Originally posted by |]S[|Sonic
                        Amadeus? WTF?!?!

                        Anyways, what probably happened was that you were reset for making a little smurf cry.

                        You: 30-0 in the J-10, then shotd own, respawn

                        You're waiting for the J-10 and helping your team win because of your skill in it, when ol Smurfy McSmurfSmurf comes along

                        Smurfy: omg i whan plane

                        You: I'd like to use it because I'm doing well in it

                        Smurfy: omfg f u

                        smurfy gets in the plane

                        You [Teamkills - M95] smurfy

                        smurfy: OMFG WHY IM GONNA REPORTS JOO 2 TEH BFROE LOLOLOL!!11111

                        EA, being smurfs themselves, sympathized for McSmurf and reset you. It sucks, but that's what you get when you have a police state for game managers.

                        And EA should focus on resetting worse people: Hotel exploiters and hackers. Who cares if a smurf gets his brains blown out on his cockpit? The guy who killed him wouldn't do that if he knew he couldn't make up for those points. IF you don't like it, don't get shot down or man up an do it back. This ROE has turned the game into a bunch of sissies who wave the "ROE flag" at every little thing that pisses them off.

                        "omg u tked me ur gonna get wiped"

                        "omfg basraper ur done"

                        "hay y u take MY PLANE IM GONNA GET U WIPED"

                        "wtf u got the flag cap points u cheats ur gonna get pwned"
                        So feel its ok to TK for equipment, cause your "doing" well with it?? That makes you sound like the people you are complaining about, and hence why the ROE exists at all and why the BFROE and BF2RS people are here to enforce it


                        • #87
                          Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                          Originally posted by |]S[|Sonic
                          Amadeus? WTF?!?!

                          Anyways, what probably happened was that you were reset for making a little smurf cry.

                          You: 30-0 in the J-10, then shotd own, respawn

                          You're waiting for the J-10 and helping your team win because of your skill in it, when ol Smurfy McSmurfSmurf comes along

                          Smurfy: omg i whan plane

                          You: I'd like to use it because I'm doing well in it

                          Smurfy: omfg f u

                          smurfy gets in the plane

                          You [Teamkills - M95] smurfy

                          smurfy: OMFG WHY IM GONNA REPORTS JOO 2 TEH BFROE LOLOLOL!!11111

                          EA, being smurfs themselves, sympathized for McSmurf and reset you. It sucks, but that's what you get when you have a police state for game managers.

                          And EA should focus on resetting worse people: Hotel exploiters and hackers. Who cares if a smurf gets his brains blown out on his cockpit? The guy who killed him wouldn't do that if he knew he couldn't make up for those points. IF you don't like it, don't get shot down or man up an do it back. This ROE has turned the game into a bunch of sissies who wave the "ROE flag" at every little thing that pisses them off.

                          "omg u tked me ur gonna get wiped"

                          "omfg basraper ur done"

                          "hay y u take MY PLANE IM GONNA GET U WIPED"

                          "wtf u got the flag cap points u cheats ur gonna get pwned"
                          People like you are what make this game crap, i mean why shouldnt smurfy get the Jet? Just because little miss Carrier Rape is doing well in it someone else shouldnt get a go?


                          • #88
                            Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                            Originally posted by pinoy

                            Thank you for contacting the Battlefield 2 Support Team. After reviewing your account it has been found that you have abused the scoring system in order to achieve an unfair advantage. Unfortunately, evidence was found which matched or exceeded our current criteria for this type of abuse. Rest assured that your account, its stats and the abuse were fully reviewed and the evidence verified before taking any action.

                            This action was taken for the benefit of the Battlefield online community and its members. I’m afraid that there is no further appeal process in this matter, and we hope that moving forward you will not attempt to abuse the Battlefield 2 scoring system again. As well, please remember that you will not exploit any bug or system in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service. We want to thank you for your cooperation in this matter and hope that you continue to support fair and safe game play.

                            Thank you for writing us,

                            EARep Amadeus
                            Player Relations
                            Electronic Arts
                            What the heck?

                            Why these guys don't speak clearly and directly instead of this diplomatic garbage?
                            What are "abuse", "advantage", "criteria" and "evidence"?

                            If I were them, I would reply something like:

                            Reason: Glitching
                            Details: Karkand Hotel Wall Glitching
                            Server: Someserver []
                            Date: Feb 31 2006
                            Evidence: The following screenshots - links.

                            Have a good day.



                            • #89
                              Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                              I still don't see why they don't say specifically what he was doing. I mean these scripted EA replies are fvcking annoying. First they give a viague reply that of what he was doing without telling him specifically.

                              Then they tell him he can't appeal it? How the sams ****ing hell ignorant is that? To wipe 100's or 1000's of hours of someones game time away and then to bascially tell them there is no appeal. We EA are always right and there is no point in your side of the story. I hate those goddamn corporations.


                              • #90
                                Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                                To set an example for those who think of cheating/exploiting in the future.

                                It's a way of EA talling us "We don't take **** from anyone"

