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What gets your goat up most in this game?

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  • #91
    Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

    1. People switching from pilot to gunner in choppers and making every shot.
    2. Dolphin divers, bunny hoppers, etc.
    3. Complete idiot vehicle drivers, for example, this one guy drove the MEC tank onto the golf course and just sat there.
    4. Captains, Lts., Majors, Colonels, etc. who think they are so good and they really suck and then take your commander spot only to "lead" your team to a defeat.
    5. Rammers.
    6. EA.
    7. DICE.
    8. Hotel glitch on Karkand
    9. Getting baseraped when the other team doesn't have all of the flags.
    10. Idiots who don't listen to my rules on my server then, after I kick them, come back and excessively TK me.


    • #92
      Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

      I'm usually quite chilled when I play, or tipsy so most of it doesn't get on my t@ts, but if I had to list a few:

      1. Wildlife - aka dolphins and bunnies; neither require skill, so ffs fight like a man, or at least with a bit of pride!
      2. A$$hole teammates who drive/fly off without giving you a lift, even though you shouted 'hey I need a ride'.
      3. Exploiters and teamkillers.
      4. ******* commanders who insist on playing like the rest of us grunts, only to ignore their duty.

      Umm.... there's probably more, but that'll do for now



      • #93
        Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

        For some reason, commanders want to help me replenish my supplies all the time. So, as a sniper I get killed a few times and have to wait for the oppurtune moment to get to a good place to stay at, whenever I reach that place I either get TKed from another sniper, thinking that I'm an enemy or get squashed by the supply truck that falls on the top of the building where I am...

        AND when BF2 just randomly quits.


        • #94
          Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

          The Dolphin diving/Bunny hopping:

          Medics I noticed are very often guilty of this, I hate crouching from prone to see someone with thier back turned 15m away so I pop up and fire at them only to have almost enough shots to finish him, So he whips out his med pack and starts jumping away as I hit him but his *hop*hop*dive* combo gets him out of it 5/10 times so as soon as he sees you realod he just drops to his belly and full autos you until you drop.

          Firing lanes:

          An example of this is when you see a person run behind a dumpster then try to pop his head around the other side and shoot your gunner while you drive by in a hummer so you pop out while your gunner supresses the corner that he's trying to return fire from. You go around the opposite corner to see that the angle is covered so you double back to the corner your previous gunner is chipping at with the 50. When you go back around there just as the enemy dives to prone there and you fire at him so does the gunner and he just ends up wasteing you.

          (^ that wasn't to clear was it)

          Whoreing tanks:

          Whoreing in general is bad but the tank variety peeves me most. They sit there and wait half the game for a tank to spawn then this particular person hunts you down and blasts you before a chopper eats him. And so he waits again and refuses to fight or cap CP's or do anything productive until he gets "his" vehicle. Yes armour is part of the game but doesn't it just get downright annoying sometimes .

          The seemingly pointless nerfing of whatever I kit I like to use. I used to play assault almost exclusivly but I sometimes switched to spec op to take out armour when I was on my own. Of course the next patch comes out and nerfs the GL. Now the m203 whoreing did get old, when they would pop around the corner and fire a grenade straight at the ground and kill you and likely themselves or at least cause damage to themselves. And since that's all they used they would promplty die once they ran out of grenade to launch. None the less while I would play with the FN2000 I would rarely do this, although I was guilty of it on occasion mostly when there was an entire squad just around the corner and they knew I was there and I had no hope of eliminating them myself. Well after that patch I still used the kit with less success due to targets at longer range being more dificult to kill with a GL quickly and effectivly. Then finnaly the damage the FN2000's rounds to was reduced to nearly the m16 except it was nowhere near remotly as accurate as the 16. I rember when I was able to kill unarmoured enemies (medic, sniper, spec ops) with 2-3 solid torso shots, now it takes 4-6 at the very minimum, At this I finnaly switched kits to medic not to farm points but mostly to use the G36E.

          Kit imbalences:

          The support and altough hypocritically the medic class are rather grossly unbalcened, especially if the medic has acces to SF weapons. The support dive-snipe is very hard to beat, plus they can take so many rounds that even if you can get the drop or the first shots there's still a good chance you'll go down. And the medic with the G36E can be nigh unstopabble with his weapon thats almost the same as the specops except it dosen't have full auto but a burst instead, which can be as deadly or more so when used properly with its virtual no recoil ability.

          Mostly it basically comes down to those four things; Poor shot Tk's, Kit imbalences, Vehicle whoreing, and exploting the infantry fireing stances. But I had to go and make a big rant about it. And as far as the spelling/grammar goes....hoked one fonics wrokde phor mea.


          • #95
            Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

            Ooh, thought of another one:

            5. 'Players' who spend the best part of a round waiting for 'their' jet/chopper/tank/apc/etc to spawn, when the team is being pounded by the opposite side.

            Worse still, are those who will tk for it.... point 3.


            Edit: even better, those numptys who who stand around waiting, without checking the map to see that jets 1 & 2 are already flying, and have been for most of the round!


            • #96
              Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

              Whine asses that run around TKing everyone thinking they are funny....


              • #97
                Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                when you go in to a server and take the tank and get kicked for not taking a wrench along with the armor.


                • #98
                  Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                  When people TK themselves in front of jets and then punish, I think it's funny. it doesn't bother me. I look at it as the price you pay for being in the jet. Funny human nature.

                  TKing for the jet is funny too, I don't know why, but it's always cracked me up. Never done it- I don't fly much, but watched before.

                  Bunny hopping bugs me- it looks so stupid in an otherwise relatively cool game.

                  RUles rules rules in servers is just plain stupid. It's a wargame! Play as hard as you can to wipe out the other team. Make them suffer. Kill them! Those are the rules I like. If your team sucked *** so bvad there's only one flag left and they're wiping you out there... tough nuts. Learn and play better next time. Rules are for whiners. Oh please... "No hovering..." or "No attacking the uncaptruable flag..."

                  Give me a break. The way to avoid being RAPED is to coordinate as a team and defend the terrain you take a little- like the US is doing in Iraq- oops, I guess their getting raped (and raping) over there too, maybe they should impose an arbitrary rule. LOL


                  • #99
                    Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                    -Vehcle stealers

                    -Runway blockers

                    -People that TK for a vehicle then promptly crash it. Don't take it if you suck.

                    -Getting baseraped

                    -Arty ruining a good firefight


                    • Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                      Originally posted by GeoffRowley
                      When people expect to be equal to a tank, or plane. They are stronger and more powerful then you, deal with it. You are NOT on par with a plane or tank. Damn..

                      Thats a coincidence man I hate the exact opposite of this, people who think they are pro and are entitled to an advantage because they can get to, or tk for a vehicle faster than anyone else.


                      • Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                        claymores. They are just stupid, and one of the many inadequacies of infantry combat in this game. They cannot be disarmed, and stay even after the soldier who layed them has died


                        • Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                          for some odd reason i hate when im playing on strike at karkand and hear " enemy boat spotted"


                          • Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                            dolphin diving no question. it is almost a guaranteed kill with little risk of getting killed. people complain about bunny-hopping being cheap and nubish but personally think dolphin diving is much much worse.


                            • Re: What gets your goat up most in this game?

                              1. When I am in gunner seat of chopper and i spot enemy chopper/tank for pilot and he ignores it and flys past them so I can't shoot them and consequently we end up getting smoked by chopper...

                              2. When I get in gunner seat of chopper with a pilot and then he tells me to get out because he wants his friend or clan member to gun for him... Then when I refuse to get out because I got in first, he goes to the outskirts of the map, just dips the noes out of bounds so I get slayed and he flies back and picks up his friend. GOD that ****es me off just thinking about it. Or if he is too lazy to do that, he just rolls the chopper over and blows us up.

                              3. The usual morons standing infront of jet forcing tks.

                              4. Jet tkers.

                              5. People running infront of my tank and getting run over, then proceeding to punish me.

                              6. The way F-35 missiles hopelessly float by the J-10 I have a lock onto while the J-10 missiles will kill me instantly while in an F-35.

                              7. When the USS essex gunner shoots me down from soooo far away even thought I am not near carrier but somehow he can still see me.

                              8. People the talk **** for absolutely no clear reason.

                              9. People stealing tank while I repair it.

                              10. MEC that camp the arty sites on karkand and just rape rape rape.

                              11. How even though I hit the abrams first with the T-90, I still manage to get killed.

                              12. how the TV guided missiles will just go RIGHT through other helis/tanks sometimes due to glitch.

                              13. Of course, the constant CTD's.

                              14. Servers crashing 5 times a day.

                              15. bunny hopping with jumping into prone over and over again while spraying an MG and I somehow die.

                              16. How eryx/SMAW will go through jeeps and not blow up when I am trying to shoot them because they are about to run me over.

                              17. Tkers. Period.

                              18. Negative score due to jerk offs forcing tkes.

                              19. Constant base rape. I mean a little is alright, but over and over and over and over and over is just stupid.

                              20. When you wait for chopper/plane and 2 seconds before it spawns you get hit by arty. I hate that. Not saying its cheap or anything, just bad luck I guess.

                              21. glitch when tank gets thrown into the air on karkand and comes down and takes away half my health.

                              22. People who plant claymores at the entrances of a spawn point.

                              23. People who scream "RAMMER RAMMER!!!" when you accidently ram a plane or heli that you didn't see or because you couldnt pull up fast enough. But I do hate people who ram constantly on purpose. Or when you shoot them down and then crash into debris and they still yell RAMMER even thought it wasn't a ram at all.

                              24. People who do flips in choppers while I am in gunner seat over and over again. Everyone has seen it done, most people can do it. Enough.

                              25. Last but definitly not least. RED TAG BUG.

