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Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

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  • #76
    Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

    Originally posted by LtChair
    Report the server to BFROE for abusive admin
    if he was breaking the rules, or the admin thought sure he was, why try to report them?

    It's smacktards like you who cry report! report! everytime some other tard makes a mistake (or just doesn't care) and then whines on here, someone says report them. They have no right to kick an idiot from their server.

    Asshats. This game is slowly going the way of the ****tard.


    • #77
      Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

      Originally posted by Scott_995
      Churrasco i belive you because that has happened to me twice.
      the first time i was a commander in the gunner seat of the Ah1Z and i killled 4 peple in a row then the adimn kicked me with no reason
      Commander Flying??*holds laugh*(im sorry) UMM I wonder why you got kicked. you are clueless of our rules, check them out sometime


      • #78
        Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

        yea i hate when they say spawn killing when ur tryin to secure a flag

