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Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

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  • Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

    Here is the story guys... I was playing on the "BLACK OPS 1" server (; and got into the chopper.
    Thank God, I finally had a decent pilot, and I was doing really great, downing almost all targets I shot at. As you can see by the shots (got a promotion BTW) I am clean:

    By the moment had 130 points, the admin, with no warning, kicked and banned me:

    What is pretty stupid, because:
    1. I was not flying.
    2. It was not an uncappable, and we were trying to capture it. I just mowed down people that spawned to secure the flag.
    3. I've never killed anyone in the carrier, althugh by their rules I could when we had all the flags.
    4. I was not cheating.

    Can anyone kindly connect to their server, and give me their website link so I can contact the admin:


  • #2
    Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

    hahahaha stupid admin...


    • #3
      Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

      You were kicked, not banned. If you have a problem, pursue it with

      Otherwise, talk to the admin, and probably earn yourself a ban in the process.

      His ruling was spawn killing, and that much I'll assume you were doing. Those rules are allowed (unfortunately) and you will have to abide by them.


      • #4
        Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

        MrBenis: No, I am banned because when I tried to re-join, I couldn't. I am trying to find their website, but I can't connect to the server.

        And there is no rule against spawn killing on cap-ables - even spawn camping on uncap-ables is allowed when you have all others (I am used to play there)

        Futhermore, I was not spawn killing, but securing the flag (the pilot was capturing it).
        I'd care less if it was a random server, but I am used to play there and I like the admins (ironically, the one who kicked me didn't know me).

        Can somebody connect and find their website (it will show during the LOADING process)?


        • #5
          Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

          Report the server to BFROE for abusive admin


          • #6
            Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

            Originally posted by MrBenis
            You were kicked, not banned. If you have a problem, pursue it with

            Otherwise, talk to the admin, and probably earn yourself a ban in the process.

            His ruling was spawn killing, and that much I'll assume you were doing. Those rules are allowed (unfortunately) and you will have to abide by them.
            actually if i remember right, you can't make rules on how to use a vehicle and a chopper hover over a capturable flag which he claims and has at least 1 pic to back up his story is a valid and honorable tactic and they coulda 50 cal'd or aa him instead of kick..., I am not going to take sides as I was not there but if his story is true his being kicked was a violation of the ROE as I understand them, but then in this world of differnt strokes for differnt folks you see a great variance of server rules, so I say to him, just find another server...


            • #7
              Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

              The simple fact is, with the stats system, and the well known knowledge that there are aimbots and hacks out there, you have to play to a mediocre or slightly better level to avoid getting kicked/banned. As soon as you start showing some skill, or owning, you'll get accused by an admin of being a hacker.

              I think one of the BIGGEST problems this game has is the fact that unqualified people can be admins of a server.

              Think of it this way. If you were running a company, and hired a person to do a certain job, that person hired needs to be qualified to do the job. If they are not qualified, they don't get hired. Or, if they looked qualified, but turned out not to be, they get fired, or thier role is removed or something. That's basically the way the real world works.

              But in BF2, all you gotta do is shell out some $$$ and you get a server you can admin. You are not qualified in any way to see if you are competent or mature enough to run the server. To me, that is a serious flaw. You will get immature, over zealous and jealous admins that kick/ban for people doing something that they don't like.

              Yes, it is ENTIRELY possible, if you get a good pilot and gunner, to simply have outrageous scores. Some admins simply can't see this because of thier ignorance or lack of skill.

              Its too bad really.


              • #8
                Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                i dealty ownage like that once, i had like 140 points or something . i didnt get kicked. the end.

                sucks man, too bad that happened, he might have used that reason as an excuse but kicked you just to be fair to others maybe?


                • #9
                  Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                  Am I the only one who noticed that you made the admin go 3 and 11.


                  • #10
                    Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                    Yeah, report him to BFROE. Basically, as BabySpinach pointed out, the admin got owned and couldn't deal with it. So he bans the person/people who are making it difficult for him to do the owning.

                    But what happens to an admin for admin abuse? I mean really... "You can't admin anymore?" That doesn't stop the idiocy from coming back.


                    • #11
                      Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                      I get kicked all the time when trying to fly heli's. I beat someone to the pilot seat and they get gunner and give me the bail out message, while their buddy waits outside. Doesn't take long really and I'm disconnected by an admin. Annoying really, but some servers are just lame.


                      • #12
                        Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                        Not a surprise, here's a forewarning everyone; stay away from black-ops servers. I am not being a hater or whatever. They abuse their admin powers constantly. I was kicked last fall for simply beating one of them to a jet and never went back. And I've heard nothing but complaints about them time and time again.

                        As for the OP, way to kick some ass buddy


                        • #13
                          Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                          Yeah I got kicked for "hacking" from their server a while back.


                          • #14
                            Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                            that clan is well known for being a bunch of twats. best advice? dont play there.

                            anyone else fancy invading it and mass tking them ? lol


                            • #15
                              Re: Kicked for massive chopper ownage =[

                              stupid admins...

                              i onced get banned for shock paddling the admin and 3 other guys...
                              no need to not gonna go back to that server anyways

