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Kicked for dropping car

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  • Re: Kicked for dropping car

    need to find that interview, where the devs said they had fun dropping cars on snipers


    • Re: Kicked for dropping car

      I just got kicked for standing ON the admins tank, while he was shooting everyone else. What else am i meant to do, just stand there and let him shoot me.

      So i came back after the kick, argued with him some more. and started dropping vehicles on his tank everytime he stopped. He got so pissed off, that he banned me. LOL


      • Re: Kicked for dropping car

        Again, Why do you not just host a non-ranked server then? That way you can make whatever rule that your heart desires. I agree that cartilliery is a cheesey kill, but is it against the ROE? And I do just leave servers with to many rules, My favorites are all servers that do not have rules other then the ROE, and you know what? There is very little of the base raping, car droping and glitch exploiting that goes on. Teams adapt and change thier methods of play instead of b1tching and moaning. I have found that it is the clan servers with all of the rules are the ones that most of this type of BS goes on. Clan members being the first ones to totally disregard thier own rules.

        Originally posted by =50k=MG
        why shouldnt a server have the right to having some of their own rules in place?

        if server owners had no rights to placing any custom rules whatsoever then bf2 would suffer as a result as lots including myself wouldnt even bother with hosting any bf2 servers.

        if you dont like the rules in place then just leave and find another server with no rules in place other than the basic roe.


        • Re: Kicked for dropping car

          Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
          Has anyone been kicked or banned yet for dropping a car on someone?

          I got kicked the other day for dropping a buggy on an APC trying to take a flag lol

          Also I seen messages like "Using cars other than support will get you banned"

          I remember someone mentioned something like this before.

          Good that is all I can say. Since when have you seen a jeep dropped on a tank or other vehicles? I have no pity for you and glad that the admin got you. Sorry I am very forgiving person however nothing more than gets my back up when some plonker drops a jeep to stop the other side from progressing further. I glad that admins are now doing this sort of thing and may be the new patch will put a stop to people who have found this exploit out. Lets hope they also stop the artillery on the ships nothing worse when sitting around waiting for action to happen whilst the jets blow the hell out of the ship and the commander blows up the ship with artillery. I think more admins should kick or even ban such people. Well done the admin who kicked you. :laugh:


          • Re: Kicked for dropping car

            Original quote:

            §1.8 Players may not use or exploit game mechanisms to artificially boost their score ("stats padding") and Server administrators may not knowingly allow or encourage this activity on their servers.

            Originally posted by {Sn][per}Farva
            But no one gets the kill for it. It just says whoever it no more. Not saying i'm for it...just saying no one gets anything for dropping cars on people, except maybe a laugh.
            Originally posted by Ephphatha
            Cartillery does not give anyone credits for the kill.
            Caretillery is done by a commander who wants to win. If you win, you get x2 points. You cartillery to increase your chances of getting your points multipled by two.

            How is x2 your commander points not a boost to their score (please notice I DID NOT say kill, It's juat as bad when the opposing team drops a jeep on your arty, thank you)

            Question: Do you use cartillery on twl? (or equivalent)

            We personnaly wait until the other team does it first.

