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Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

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  • #46
    Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

    Originally posted by zipp0r
    ok well there is an arguement as to why it shouldnt be as good as a j10 or a mig. usa attack from a carrier, it wouldnt be right if they had an unstopable force of planes invading due to things like, the carrier cant be capped, the majority of maps where usa invade, they can capture all bases quite easily. hence the defenders airforce needs to be strong.

    now i dislike you using the word exploit, as it blatently isnt! yea the f35 gets hit nearly all the time, but its role is no longer flying around attacking everything, it needs to be used wisely, that is avoiding enemy and diving in for a quick and worthwhile attack and then legging it. several pilots can do this very well including myself, yes you dont get as many kills as you used to (30or40 kills and 0-3 deaths is likely), but it takes hard work and skill, sadly many people lack that and they die time after time after time.

    now i take it your unhappy about not being able to use missles? ever use dumbfire missiles? i use them all the time, no locking and instant death for the target, they cannot evade them at all. its something pilots need to know how to do, but again sadly most do not. theres a;so cannons which i also use alot, but it seems no other pilot is capable of using them (ok some do but its rare), they normally spam all 6 missiles and hope for a kill and then go back to get some more, thats not really dogfighting, theres no skill or fun to it, its just plain gay :laugh:

    the best solution to the problem is to increase the lock time for all planes, im not sure what the best amount would be, but it needs to be enough for a skilled pilot in any plane to break away. maybe missiles could get a boost if that happened ? its something that will certainly need thorough testing and definatly not a quick addition to a patch with bugger all testing like dice normally do.

    now maybe i along with other top50 pilots should be beta testing to strike a good balance as its not always easy to convey how things should work by words on a forum to people that likely dont understand much about the aircraft in the game. and what dice do pickup always seems to go incredibly wrong.
    I see your point, and admit you have a valid arguement. Thank You!
    Btw, The U.S. wouldn't arm itself with a knife in a gunfight, I think the Raptor would have been implemented in place of the F-35 against the J-10 and it's superior S2A missiles. I know, it's an arcade as they say, not real, but at least even it up, we're not all "REAL" military pilots right?

    My problem is that we have a total of 4 maps that include the F-35's in-efficiency, or the J-10's over efficiency "HS" only!!! that being Wake, Gulf of Oman, Daquin Oil Fields, and Dalian Plant, that makes up for over half the Air Maps, so it takes much of the fun out of Dog Fights, which I like as compared to bombing, bombing and bombing, which pretty much just P***es everyone off, including my own team (i.e. TK Punishes for high points, own team wondering why they don't have targets, Voted out of game, or banned, constant name calling, etc,.) Take Gulf of Oman for instance, they have a 5 bomb load capacity for "VERY EFFICIENT" bombing (Su-34), not to mention highly accurate A2A, but try to attack it with an F-35 and missiles just fly on by. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

    The problem I'm having is, why do the majority of all "NON-U.S.M.C. Jets" have better "MISSILE LOCK" Capabilities? Now add BF2 AeroPhysics to the non-U.S. jets with faster speeds and turning agility (making them much harder to hit), "constant" patch updates with no feedback as to what was changed, therefore leaving it up to us to try and figure out why Non-U.S. Jets are less efficient and why newbies (less air time) get all the credit?
    It does get pretty frustrating as this is not a flight simulator, so why give most if not all the advantages to Non-U.S. Planes? Took Patch 1.3 (almost a year later) just to spruce up the A2A on the F-15 and F-18), and that was only because enough people made complaints, as I am doing now.

    Seems pretty fishy to me, Right DICE "SWEDEN", "CANADA" (ummm, both non-U.S. :hmm: but the U.S. being the biggest consumer and server rentals of BF2, seems it's true, everyone hates us Americans, either that or they know we would dominate hands down as pilots using accurate U.S. missiles and aircraft. BTW, Where the HELL is the Raptor?

    Edit: I've read all the specifics Duck1 wrote in this forum, and am already aware of how to shake a J-10, but when you have two of them....FK ME RUNNING!


    • #47
      Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

      I don't act like I know it all, although, I do know enough. I fly A LOT. I know all the tricks in the book, all that you've said is nothing new to me.

      'dumbfire' is a new term to me, but I use the same method to kill J10s. I'm not saying it's almighty, because it is not, IF you know what you're doing. But it damn sure is overpowerd when it's up against an F35B! And I'm sick and tired of the magnet-like missles.


      • #48
        Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

        Originally posted by ACECOOL
        I see your point, and admit you have a valid arguement. Thank You! Btw, The U.S. wouldn't arm itself with a knife in a gunfight, I think the Raptor would have been implemented in place of the F-35 against the J-10 and it's superior S2A missiles.

        My problem is that we have a total of 4 maps that include the F-35's in-efficiency, or the J-10's over efficiency "HS" only!!! that being Wake, Gulf of Oman, Daquin Oil Fields, and Dalian Plant, that makes up for over half the Air Maps, so it take much of the fun out of Dog Fights, which I like as compared to bombing, bombing and bombing, which pretty much just ****es everyone off, including my own team (i.e. TK Punishes for high points, Won team wondering why they don't have targets, Voted out of game, or banned, constant name calling, etc,.) Take Gulf of Oman for instance, they have a 5 bomb load capacity for "VERY EFFICIENT" bombing, not to mention highly accurate A2A, but try to attack it with an F-35 and missiles just fly on by.

        The problem I'm having is, why do the majority of all "NON-U.S.M.C. Jets" have better "MISSILE LOCK" Capabilities? Now add BF2 AeroPhysics to the non-U.S. jets with faster speeds and turning agility (making them much harder to hit), "constant" patch updates with no feedback as to what was changed, therefore leaving it up to us to try and figure why Non-U.S. Jets are less efficient. It does get pretty frustrating as this is not a flight simulator, so why give most if not all the advantages to Non-U.S. Planes? Took Patch 1.3 (almost a year later) just to spruce up the A2A on the F-15 and F-18), and that was only because enough people made complaints, as I am doing now.

        Seems pretty fishy to me, Right DICE "SWEDEN", "CANADA" (ummm, both non-U.S. :hmm: but the U.S. being the biggest consumer and server rentals of BF2, seems it's true, everyone hates us Americans, either that or they know we would dominate hands down as pilots using accurate U.S. and Non-U.S. aircraft. BTW, Where the HELL is the Raptor?
        dalian, dragon valley, wake island are j10 vs f35
        fushee pass is j10 vs f18 <-- great map for dogfighting, lame for everything else.
        gulf of oman 1 mig29 vs 2 f35's, totally fair, since the su34 can help out.
        kubra dam f18 vs mig29 <-- unfair on the mec as the f18 is a tough plane to take out.
        op cleansweep, f18 vs mig29 <-- again unfair on the mec as f18 is tough to take out.
        zetar wetlands 2 mig29 vs 2 f35's <-- totally fair
        daquig oilfields j10 vs f18 <-- totally fair

        seeing it put down like that, its actually not that bad planewise 3 maps are tough for usa with the remaining 6 being fair or in their favour. and the mig29 gets hit just as easily as the f35.

        i have seen no difference in f15 and f18 missiles from 1.3, this is the first ive heard of it.

        you will notice when usa is on a land based runway they get good jets.

        like i said before the best thing you can do is push for improving the A2A missiles so that lock on time is longer and to hold the lock to hit. the answer is not to nerf loads of planes or make them all the same, that would be boring and no challenge. you wouldnt want every car in the world to use a 1000cc engine would you? a ferrari with 1000cc engine and a ford escort with a 1000c engine would be sooooooooo boring.


        • #49
          Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

          Originally posted by zipp0r
          dumbfire is when u shoot them without lock, its by far the best way to kill a plane instantly, works a treat on all planes including the j10 and f18.

          patch 1.2 and above has made pilots think about their game more since if you fire your flares and get away, you must stay away untill they are reloaded. you cant just go around and expect to live. if you fly like a nub you will die like a nub.. simple.

          from your post you seem to think the j10 is the almightly god and theres nothign that comes close, YOUR THE KINDA PERSON THAT ANNOYS ME. the j10 isnt that much better, it can easily be followed in anything if you know what your doing, dont waste the burner and use it only when needed e.t.c. the f35 does not require everything else to be nerfed down to its level, just a longer lock time, which if your any good you will get away.

          so dont act like you know it all, because you dont, just like most other people with similar views.

          Are you kidding me? Nothing can follow a J10 unless a braindead pilot is behind the stick.

          If I'm in a J10, I have nothing to worry about from other aircraft.

          Whether DICE does anything about it at this point, doesnt really matter to me. When I play BF2, its mostly armored fury maps, no A2A


          • #50
            Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

            Originally posted by zipp0r
            dalian, dragon valley, wake island are j10 vs f35
            fushee pass is j10 vs f18 <-- great map for dogfighting, lame for everything else.
            gulf of oman 1 mig29 vs 2 f35's, totally fair, since the su34 can help out.
            kubra dam f18 vs mig29 <-- unfair on the mec as the f18 is a tough plane to take out.
            op cleansweep, f18 vs mig29 <-- again unfair on the mec as f18 is tough to take out.
            zetar wetlands 2 mig29 vs 2 f35's <-- totally fair
            daquig oilfields j10 vs f18 <-- totally fair

            seeing it put down like that, its actually not that bad planewise 3 maps are tough for usa with the remaining 6 being fair or in their favour. and the mig29 gets hit just as easily as the f35.

            i have seen no difference in f15 and f18 missiles from 1.3, this is the first ive heard of it.

            you will notice when usa is on a land based runway they get good jets.

            like i said before the best thing you can do is push for improving the A2A missiles so that lock on time is longer and to hold the lock to hit. the answer is not to nerf loads of planes or make them all the same, that would be boring and no challenge. you wouldnt want every car in the world to use a 1000cc engine would you? a ferrari with 1000cc engine and a ford escort with a 1000c engine would be sooooooooo boring.
            N.A.S.C.A.R. and most "Official" Stock Car, or Race Car Tracks have specific rules, that pretty much make each vehicle within the same specs. So yes, there would be an even chance for individual opponents, the winner's are usually those with the best all around skills, but that's beside the point, I am not trying to compare side by side, I just want the F-35 to show Air to Air Capability, so it can at least hold it's own, as they are armed with HS Missles, they just don't work worth a MO FO (excuse the language).

            I litterally see most U.S. Jet "MISSILES" flying right past the Non-U.S. jets, on the other hand, when I fly NON-U.S. jets, The missiles actually work, and "NEVER EVER" do I have problems taking down my target. If you were to ask the majority of players, I bet most would take the Non-U.S. jets in a dogfight, Bomber for Bomber, Jet for Jet. The ratio should speak for itself, The Majority of Most Pilots in any forum I've been, agree. Claiming that the F-18 is superior to a Mig-19 is (in my opinion), is false. I fly these flying tins like nothing else in the game, and can testify to the fact, the F-18 has just recently been updated "again" in this last patch, and can "NOW" fire it's missiles with better accuracy, equal to that of the Mig. I'd still rather have the Mig, as I have better luck with them.

            Yes, maybe they can change the F-35's Missile capability's now. Thanks for your input Zip.

