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Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

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  • #16
    Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

    Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
    Thanks for letting us know that the J-10 is way better than the F35 and starting a whole new thread.
    Just wake up call, and btw, this is my first post and don't frequent these forums much (heard it doesn't do a whole lot of good anyway), did a search, and found no Thread Titles describing this. Sorry, didn't mean to "cramp" anyones style.

    Maybe it would be better to "ADD" and additional "Wake Up" post on this subject on EA's BF2 Forum?

    If they fixed this problem, those who like a good dog fight won't always be so disappointed, not to mention the frustration of flying a hot air balloon against an over effecient jet. Yes, take off the extra .5 on lock delay for the F-35 if that is the problem. As it is, the Jet is somewhat more aerodynamic, no problem, fly high, gain speed, and the F-35 becomes a speeding bullet.


    • #17
      Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

      We know the J-10 is the undisputed king of dogfights.


      • #18
        Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

        Yea the j10 seems to just bounce missles off from the f35...I did however shoot a couple down using ground AA sites.


        • #19
          Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

          Lol everybody knows that DICE and EA are too retarded to figure out that the maximum missile turning radius is less than the maximum J10 turning radius.


          • #20
            Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

            LOL I don't even bother getting in any plane but the J10 anymore except for rides because I know I'll be shot down like a deer in a straight jacket.

            That's essentially bull IMO. You don't even need flares in the J10, just kick in the afterburner and pull hard to one direction, they fly right past you.


            • #21
              Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

              Originally posted by SmallCrater
              Lol everybody knows that DICE and EA are too retarded to figure out that the maximum missile turning radius is less than the maximum J10 turning radius.
              Flying the F-35 has it's rewards, as in, "YOU LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES", however negative it may seem with the J-10 superiority, pilots must learn to adapt and overcome this nuisance, by doing a vertical take off (help avoid kills by cheap kill base rapers), and gaining maximum altitude, keeping an eye out below for J-10's. Swoop in behind, and fire your guns. Alerting the J-10 pilot with lock-on tone, is not a good idea, in most cases, he just out turns the HS and YOU. If you ask me, they should just delete the F-35's missile capabilities and use the jet strictly for transport or bombing bases. Dogfight? Forget it, unless it's a newbie pilot. Let's put the "FUN" back in BF2, and fix this please.


              • #22
                Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                he used flares. Press x next time your locked on by an enemy, see what happens.


                • #23
                  Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                  Originally posted by EC-Paulus-
                  he used flares. Press x next time your locked on by an enemy, see what happens.
                  Don't be ridiculous. I think I know what happens when a pilot drops flares. The missiles follow them instead of the jet. Right??

                  Not the case for me. The J-10 already dropped flares, and evaded my gun. He must have thought that he escaped, because he smoothed out and headed straight. I switch to missiles, and Fwoom! Fwoom! 2 missiles fly right above and right below him.


                  • #24
                    Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                    Originally posted by Casey
                    Don't be ridiculous. I think I know what happens when a pilot drops flares. The missiles follow them instead of the jet. Right??

                    Not the case for me. The J-10 already dropped flares, and evaded my gun. He must have thought that he escaped, because he smoothed out and headed straight. I switch to missiles, and Fwoom! Fwoom! 2 missiles fly right above and right below him.
                    yeah the J-10 is complete bull****... you'll learn over time, that you shouldn't even bother with missles on the J-10. Cannon is the only effective way of killing them.


                    • #25
                      Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                      Originally posted by EC-Paulus-
                      he used flares. Press x next time your locked on by an enemy, see what happens.
                      Flares are nothing more than obvious as to why some HS strafe away from the target Jet, this is not the issue. When your flying straight behind a J-10 (he does not see you), and hear the steady lock-on (he still doesn't react), and you fire off two, four or all six at once, doesn't matter! They all miss (lucky if one connects), so this is the only reason I would take the time of posting these issues. Not because I don't have more important things to do on a Saturday, well, accept to play BF2

                      I use my flares like clockwork, I also time activation, right before missles are close, then hard bank. Flares could be improved as well, as they don't always act as a decoy. I also shut my afterburners down for less heat if that is programmed in. I've tried just about everything.


                      • #26
                        Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                        Even if you switch the roles and you're in the f35 and he fires missles at you, you launch your flares the damn missles STILL hits you even after taking evasive manuevers :hmm: . F35 needs some tweaking, but what's odd is that when put up against the mig's they tend to do alright.


                        • #27
                          Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                          I was mucking around in a near empty oman server the other day. the bloke in the mig took me down with ease whenever he got on my tail. if i got on his tail, he evaded most missiles and i could only get him with guns. Now, the thing is he said that the f35 has a huge hitbox. I believe at some point in the forums someone has also said you might as well be flying the essex.

                          As regards the J10, i normally get hit in it regardless of evasive manoevres, and when fighting against it i tend to prefer simply to drive it off the boats and choppers, rather than simply taking it out. Sure, my score hurts, but the team has a better chance of notching up a win!


                          • #28
                            Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                            Originally posted by baggygreen
                            I was mucking around in a near empty oman server the other day. the bloke in the mig took me down with ease whenever he got on my tail. if i got on his tail, he evaded most missiles and i could only get him with guns. Now, the thing is he said that the f35 has a huge hitbox. I believe at some point in the forums someone has also said you might as well be flying the essex.

                            As regards the J10, i normally get hit in it regardless of evasive manoevres, and when fighting against it i tend to prefer simply to drive it off the boats and choppers, rather than simply taking it out. Sure, my score hurts, but the team has a better chance of notching up a win!
                            I see your point, but with more practice, and a good Joy Stick, You'll soon be taking out the F-35's, Choppers and Boats with ease, which may not give your team much of a chance for credits, but almost a sure win. This is why the F-35 must have a fighting chance.

                            Being that the Airfield on Wake Island is a capable base, I can see why EA gives the J-10 a better fighting ability, not to mention, a much faster jet respawn time. But then there are plenty of AA IGLA'S to add Air Defense as a counter measure. If your quick enough (lucky enough) to get to Wake's Airbase with the F-35, you can take out the aircraft before the J-10's and choppers have a chance to take off. But to remove "almost" all HS Air to Air accuracy from the F-35 is prepostereous, as those who love to pilot, do so love to dog fight. :box:

                            BF2 Tracker has also had numerous threads on this subject, favoring over 90% the F-35 needs better Air to Air efficiency (the other 10% being exploiters of the J-10 or non-pilot players).


                            • #29
                              Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                              Did anyone know that the J-10 can outrun it's own A2A missiles? Try it out and see for yourself.


                              • #30
                                Re: Air to Air HS J-10 vs U.S. Aircraft Exploit

                                J-10 cannot be shot down. and the F-35 is a missile magnet. How DICE thinks this is balanced is beyond me.

