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do you have native languages on or of?

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  • #46
    Re: do you have native languages on or of?

    Originally posted by step2ice
    Yeah they're terrible indeed. Uninspired, boring and completely out of place.
    Maybe another reason no one plays Euro Force anymore.
    Agreed, especially the Frenchie guy... "Thaenk - you!"

    Liked the German commander's voice though... "Vee supply your location now." It's a pity that they totally mangled the Brits though, it's especially bad in SF... sounds like a bunch of drunken American unemployed commercial voice over has-beens doing their best take on what UK soldiers would actually sound like.

    But yeah, nobody plays EuroFarce anymore. There was just something so deeply lame in that expansion...


    • #47
      Re: do you have native languages on or of?

      i like the voices(not ef ones)it adds a different dimenson to gameplay,like u see some middle eastern guy and he statrs shouting in american "i need a medic!"


      • #48
        Re: do you have native languages on or of?

        Originally posted by SnowControl
        Can i switch the sounds to whatever i like? Are there .ogg files for every radio command? I could've changed it to the british one from BF2SF, then i could both understand it, and it would differ from the american speech. Punkbuster is probably gonna get me for this....

        Native languages on, and thats how its gonna stay.
        I hope i could do that too

        but punkbuster may not allow it


        • #49
          Re: do you have native languages on or of?

          i didn't even know you could turn them off since a few days ago, but either way i don't really care so i leave it on


          • #50
            Re: do you have native languages on or of?

            how do u turn it on?


            • #51
              Re: do you have native languages on or of?

              Originally posted by FSK300
              They'll look at you funny. Iranians are Persians, not Arabs, and they speak Farsi, not Arabic.
              damn. you never know though, maybe there'll be a few renegade arab medics strutting around. could happen....


              • #52
                Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                i have it turned on, its usful if theres no Uav to know that enemies are close so you can kill them, if everyone sounded the same you would'nt know if they were bad guys or your own team mates.


                • #53
                  Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                  I have english first i thought it was cool. But then it got furstartatng becuase i never knew what was happening with people spotting stuff out


                  • #54
                    Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                    I turned it off at one point to see if it made it easier to know what was happening around me. It did but it had a major drawback. I could not tell when the enemy was near and sometimes got pwned because I reacted too slow to nearby enemy I thought were friendlies.

                    On another note, do you guys think that some of the MEC (Pharsi) language is hella funny. For intsance, the MEC female voice sounds like it is saying:

                    Shattered busted hymen. :laugh:

                    Anyone else agree?


                    • #55
                      Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                      Originally posted by NOSKills001
                      I turned it off at one point to see if it made it easier to know what was happening around me. It did but it had a major drawback. I could not tell when the enemy was near and sometimes got pwned because I reacted too slow to nearby enemy I thought were friendlies.

                      On another note, do you guys think that some of the MEC (Pharsi) language is hella funny. For intsance, the MEC female voice sounds like it is saying:

                      Shattered busted hymen. :laugh:

                      Anyone else agree?
                      I agree, the MEC voices are hilarious, like throwing grenades and when they get killed. But i have English only since i like to understand what they say, and it is less of a performance hit on my system.


                      • #56
                        Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                        On, as it get's kind of annoying. Forget what side I'm on lol

