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do you have native languages on or of?

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  • do you have native languages on or of?

    I have them turned on

    its fun, hearing the chinese medic or them mecs while throwing granades will never get old, its hilarious:laugh:

    Ive been playing this game for about 10 months or so and I still laugh every time I hear this

  • #2
    Re: do you have native languages on or of?

    I switched to engrish, GLENADE GLENADE.


    • #3
      Re: do you have native languages on or of?

      I use it cause when i'am a sniper and i hide if i hear some weird language then it must be an enemy nearby or when they are throwing grenades u can get ready to run


      • #4
        Re: do you have native languages on or of?

        Turned mine off to improve loading times.


        • #5
          Re: do you have native languages on or of?

          Originally posted by md_adli
          I use it cause when i'am a sniper and i hide if i hear some weird language then it must be an enemy nearby or when they are throwing grenades u can get ready to run
          only downside I see is when an enemy is showing up blue thus they sound the same as your team mates.


          • #6
            Re: do you have native languages on or of?

            I have it on, it's surprising how loud voices are in this game, helps me get lot's of kills


            • #7
              Re: do you have native languages on or of?

              Couldn't tell friend from foe so off it went. Couldn't understand what they were saying. So, Unglush it is.


              • #8
                Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                Kanglish rules!!


                • #9
                  Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                  I turned mine off so i dont have to read what a teamate wants from me.

                  lil_jimmy...that avatar is AWESOME Mind if i sport it too?


                  • #10
                    Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                    I keep it on, because it helps me out if theres enemies nearby and i wasnt aware of them otherwise.


                    • #11
                      Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                      Native languages on. That way, it's possible to hear the enemy when they're nearby, and be sure that they're the enemy.


                      • #12
                        Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                        Got them on: a nice part of this game will get lost if you turn them of.


                        • #13
                          Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                          I have them on, I used to have them off.

                          I played with them off for a few months..did a re-install, never turned them off again.
                          Guess Im used to them, I think I would forget I wasnt on PLA or MEC if I heard english...Id prob TK more.


                          • #14
                            Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                            Originally posted by asdasdasd
                            Imo english vo only is for dumb incompetent uneducated and unemployed yankees that also switch to USMC every round
                            I hope that was said in jest!!!!! cos i think some people who said they have them off are not septics...


                            • #15
                              Re: do you have native languages on or of?

                              Originally posted by md_adli
                              I use it cause when i'am a sniper and i hide if i hear some weird language then it must be an enemy nearby or when they are throwing grenades u can get ready to run
                              I agree (minus the hide part). ITs saved my butt a few times when I hear a forign voice on the other side of a wall.

