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TKs % rating??

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  • #91
    Re: TKs % rating??

    Originally posted by TehArrow
    i had to register for this. i talked to this guy over msn and he blocked me after i started question his college experience.

    simple steps to understand THE REAL WAY to figure this out.
    1. load game
    2. join server
    3. kill teamate
    4. check score

    you with me? sure? ok.
    please state your score. im assuming its still 0-0 with a -2 or -4 for teamwork
    please take into notice that you just killed a person(a teamate) and your kill count did not raise.
    this means that one tk is not measured on global counts for you TOTAL kill count.

    so if you want the TRUE amount of times you killed a person in game you must take your BF2s stat number of enemy kills and add it to your teamate kills.

    this leaves you with the formula tk / (tk + kills) which is what EVERY ONE WITH A MATH EXPERIENCE IS TRYING TO TELL YOU.

    your way may work for a simple forum comparison, but in the context of the right way to do it, your method is wrong. PERIOD.

    there goes my first post :P

    hehehe welcome to the forums


    • #92
      Re: TKs % rating??

      you guys are asses... we don't care about TK to overall KILL ratio comparison...

      the guy wanted something simple... leave him alone. jackasses.


      • #93
        Re: TKs % rating??

        233 tk's
        10781 kills ==> 2.16%


        • #94
          Re: TKs % rating??

          Originally posted by TehArrow
          i had to register for this. i talked to this guy over msn and he blocked me after i started question his college experience.

          simple steps to understand THE REAL WAY to figure this out.
          1. load game
          2. join server
          3. kill teamate
          4. check score

          you with me? sure? ok.
          please state your score. im assuming its still 0-0 with a -2 or -4 for teamwork
          please take into notice that you just killed a person(a teamate) and your kill count did not raise.
          this means that one tk is not measured on global counts for you TOTAL kill count.

          so if you want the TRUE amount of times you killed a person in game you must take your BF2s stat number of enemy kills and add it to your teamate kills.

          this leaves you with the formula tk / (tk + kills) which is what EVERY ONE WITH A MATH EXPERIENCE IS TRYING TO TELL YOU.

          your way may work for a simple forum comparison, but in the context of the right way to do it, your method is wrong. PERIOD.

          there goes my first post :P
          Exactly, but you must realize that you're trying to convince someone that is drittsekk.


          • #95
            Re: TKs % rating??

            Originally posted by Cardini
            Exactly, but you must realize that you're trying to convince someone that is drittsekk.
            uh-oh...he's coming! i can hear him!


            • #96
              Re: TKs % rating??

              mine is 96 / 2422+96

              I have random bouts of immaturity with people im friendly with D:


              • #97
                Re: TKs % rating??

                Wow, I left this thread for 5 minutes, and it turned into an all-out flame war over NOTHING. I have to say, I hadn't laughed as hard as I did while reading this thread in a LONG TIME. Let's move on, shall we?


                • #98
                  Re: TKs % rating??

                  Originally posted by NorskSoldat
                  Again: Dont make ur self an fool, by raking down at my english skills... I dont have english as my primary language.. Look at my Location.. What does it stand??... Ahh.. Norway... Wich means I am Norwegian.. I am sure if u look at a globus, u will find my contry after a little while (Ask ur mother, if u r stuck)
                  Thanks for the tip, but you missed what I said. I didn't knock your English skills. I noted that it was obvious that it is not your first language and that you shouldn't make it harder for people to understand you by INTENTIONALLY using broken english. These stupid "U's" and "ur's" make it harder to understand you. Considering that you know that your english isn't perfect you would try as hard as possible not to make it any more confusing.

                  I would gladly continiue this debate in Norwegian, or any scandinavic language, if u prefer.. How about Swedish???? Or Danish???.. Pick one..
                  Oh.. Thats right.. U doesnt speak any of those...
                  Hypocrite. You whine that I am making fun of your English skills (which I was not) and then you turn around and make fun of my language skills? Practice what you preach.

                  Now.. I am gona explain this EASY.. So you might understand it.... All stats are based at EA/DICE´s loved/hatred statsystem (Still following me???.. Thats good.. )
                  Yes, and so is the percentage I am talking about. You are taking two numbers and combining them. I am taking THE SAME TWO numbers and combining them in a different way. The fact that you are focusing on this point just makes you look stupid.

                  Now.. If u still are following me, than you will agree, that the entire game, is based uppon the developers global statsystem, for the game??? Right???
                  I hope u still follows me...

                  Now, if the entire game, and its stats are based uppon one, single soruce, of information, wich is also defined as ur stat.. Than what should we base us uppon than??... Hmm.. I am gonna tell u.... The EA/DICE´s in game STAT!!!
                  Now.. I explained it pretty clearly in my first post, how, and why I did it... And 95% of the forum users, did understand it.. Except u, and a couple of other peolple, wich connects "GlobalKILL and TeamKILL".. Cause they both ends with KILL... well... Look again.. The stats are different..
                  You have Good things, wich is called "Team score.. Kills.. Commander scores".. ETC.. And u have bad behaviour: Team kills, team damage etc...
                  Once again, my simple little friend, I completely and 100% understand what you are doing. It just doesn't make sense for the current application. Say we were playing golf and you started to blow your ball into the hole and I said "that isn't the way you are supposed to play." That doesn't mean I don't udnerstand what you are doing, it just means that I know what you are doing is wrong.

                  But I asked for the percentage of ur TK´s, pr. Kills, as they are stated in the BF2 in games stats!!!..
                  I understand this. However, the way you are using it percentage makes absolutely NO sense. None what-so-ever. You are creating a ratio and not a percentage. You just unnecessarily changed it to a percentage.

                  And if you want to harp on using EAs stats, why would you call it a percentage? They do exactly what you are doing with kills and deaths. they divide # kills by the # deaths and call it a Kill to death RATIO. They don't multiple it by 100 and then call it a percent. They call it a ratio.

                  Whereever they use percentage, it is a percentage of a total. Like, with accuracy they do number of (hits/(number of missed shots + number of hit shots))* 100.

                  So if you are going to use their stats as the standard (which, IMO, isn't a great point) I am STILL right and you are STILL wrong.

                  Now... You and me cold surely debate forever.. I could say.. Hmmm.. It aint a TK, cause theoratitcly, you only wound the person, when u "so called team Kills him".. What if a medic revives him, while he´s wounded???... He still lives.. U didnt kill/team killed any... But u stikk got punished with a team kill, in ur stats, and -4 points... But I didnt asked for "nig-nag" talks, outside ur IN-game BF2 stats.. I asked for the STATS.. Wich it all are based uppon.... I clearly stated that in my first post, so that people like u (Not being a racist.. :laugh: ) should not confuse it.. But still u mangage to do so...
                  It doesn't matter. According to the stats, if you kill someone it counts as a kill for you regardless of whether or not you get revived. Say I shoot you, you get revived and I shoot you again. I get two kills.

                  I am making my point, once and for all.. (Like in the first post)... I am basing my stats uppon the IN game BF2 stats, wich clearly divide global kills, and TK´s... And thats why I asked for it...
                  As am I. I am using the SAME two numbers that you are using. You are manipulating them one way and I am manipulating them another. We are doing the same exact thing. This point holds absolutely NO water and just goes to show that you have no clue what you are talking about.

                  Now.. For all of u, wich actually took ur time, to read this TEXT, with a "perfect" :laugh: english grammar, I just have to state.. Some people does have to get fed by a spoon...
                  I have understood, from the begining, exactly what you were doing. It seems that the only one lacking understanding right now is YOU. . . and even after being spoon fed what I am talking about you are still too stupid to understand it.


                  • #99
                    Re: TKs % rating??

                    Originally posted by TehArrow
                    i had to register for this. i talked to this guy over msn and he blocked me after i started question his college experience.

                    simple steps to understand THE REAL WAY to figure this out.
                    1. load game
                    2. join server
                    3. kill teamate
                    4. check score

                    you with me? sure? ok.
                    please state your score. im assuming its still 0-0 with a -2 or -4 for teamwork
                    please take into notice that you just killed a person(a teamate) and your kill count did not raise.
                    this means that one tk is not measured on global counts for you TOTAL kill count.

                    so if you want the TRUE amount of times you killed a person in game you must take your BF2s stat number of enemy kills and add it to your teamate kills.

                    this leaves you with the formula tk / (tk + kills) which is what EVERY ONE WITH A MATH EXPERIENCE IS TRYING TO TELL YOU.

                    your way may work for a simple forum comparison, but in the context of the right way to do it, your method is wrong. PERIOD.

                    there goes my first post :P
                    No.. I blocked u, after u added me, from out of nowhere.. And started by calling me an idiot... Yelling.. .TeamKILL.. KILL KILL KILL.. Its all simular.. All of the words contains "Kill" .. And so on.. Blah blah blah.. When I asked for a serious opinion, he continiued: Idiot.. KILL KILL TEAM KILL ETC.. So there werent any point in continiue with u.. I had actually been more "logic" to talk to a parrot, than to continiue that with u, there..


                    AGAIN.. To the boredom... You are talking about "details", like u KILLed a team mate.. And even if EA/DICE dont concier that as an " Global kill", and divide those into groups... If u wonna talk details.. Okey.. If u TK (Or rather.. Wound one.. Cause thats what u r doing..), and the medic revives him... U still get registered with a TK??? How is that??? He didnt die????? Why did I get registered a Team kill, for someone I only hurtet a little, but wich is in a perfectly condition now..

                    That doesnt matter

                    Cause I base it on EA/DICES STATS system.. And as explained in my first post...


                    • Re: TKs % rating??


                      Someone brought up a legitimate point near the begining about his stat. He then started calling other people illogical and accusing them of lacking math skills.

                      He brought this all on himself.


                      LMFAO, BTW. . . Funnt reason to join the forum. . . the stupidity was irresistible, I understand fully.


                      • Re: TKs % rating??

                        I give up... you guys argue amongst yourselves.


                        • Re: TKs % rating??

                          Originally posted by evilzucchini
                          Thanks for the tip, but you missed what I said. I didn't knock your English skills. I noted that it was obvious that it is not your first language and that you shouldn't make it harder for people to understand you by INTENTIONALLY using broken english. These stupid "U's" and "ur's" make it harder to understand you. Considering that you know that your english isn't perfect you would try as hard as possible not to make it any more confusing.

                          Hypocrite. You whine that I am making fun of your English skills (which I was not) and then you turn around and make fun of my language skills? Practice what you preach.

                          Yes, and so is the percentage I am talking about. You are taking two numbers and combining them. I am taking THE SAME TWO numbers and combining them in a different way. The fact that you are focusing on this point just makes you look stupid.


                          Once again, my simple little friend, I completely and 100% understand what you are doing. It just doesn't make sense for the current application. Say we were playing golf and you started to blow your ball into the hole and I said "that isn't the way you are supposed to play." That doesn't mean I don't udnerstand what you are doing, it just means that I know what you are doing is wrong.

                          I understand this. However, the way you are using it percentage makes absolutely NO sense. None what-so-ever. You are creating a ratio and not a percentage. You just unnecessarily changed it to a percentage.

                          And if you want to harp on using EAs stats, why would you call it a percentage? They do exactly what you are doing with kills and deaths. they divide # kills by the # deaths and call it a Kill to death RATIO. They don't multiple it by 100 and then call it a percent. They call it a ratio.

                          Whereever they use percentage, it is a percentage of a total. Like, with accuracy they do number of (hits/(number of missed shots + number of hit shots))* 100.

                          So if you are going to use their stats as the standard (which, IMO, isn't a great point) I am STILL right and you are STILL wrong.

                          It doesn't matter. According to the stats, if you kill someone it counts as a kill for you regardless of whether or not you get revived. Say I shoot you, you get revived and I shoot you again. I get two kills.

                          As am I. I am using the SAME two numbers that you are using. You are manipulating them one way and I am manipulating them another. We are doing the same exact thing. This point holds absolutely NO water and just goes to show that you have no clue what you are talking about.

                          I have understood, from the begining, exactly what you were doing. It seems that the only one lacking understanding right now is YOU. . . and even after being spoon fed what I am talking about you are still too stupid to understand it.

                          Again.. Now..I asked u, if u would like to continiue this debate in any of those languages, wich wouldnt make it so hard for u, to understand difficulti, broken english, as "U, UR and all those other hard words, u have problems to understand"...

                          I had explained WHY the formula, was based uppon what it actually were.. But you just simply doenst understand it..

                          I wanted to know ur percentage of the STATS based system, wich defined the stats, as it does.. In diffent kind of groups... As it is.. If I wouldnt, than I wouldnt explain it like it... If u have seriously big issues that EA/Dice dont define Team kills and Kills as total kills, and simply wont understand WHY they did it, then talk to then.. But they choosed to do so, this way.. And I agree with them.. And therfor based the "thread" uppon it.. Like, again.. Most people did understand..

                          Like it, or disslike.. Id understand it, but dont like it.. Than take it up with EA or DICE.. Dont jerk u self, in here, and destroy a realtivly ok thread (Before u started to post), my little friend

                          Accused other of lack of math skills?? I stated whats an fact.. .Some people didnt know how to calculate it, and therfor "asked" for help, something we gave them.. There aint anyything wrong it it.. But its still a fact...


                          • Re: TKs % rating??

                            basicly put the way you should be saying your case is that you get .00XXX teamkills PER kill.
                            which sounds silly in itself

                            edit: that doesnt even look right. just accept it that our formula is proper :P


                            • Re: TKs % rating??

                              Again.. Now..I asked u, if u would like to continiue this debate in any of those languages, wich wouldnt make it so hard for u, to understand difficulti, broken english, as "U, UR and all those other hard words, u have problems to understand"
                              Huh? I don't understand.

                              I had explained WHY the formula, was based uppon what it actually were.. But you just simply doenst understand it..
                              No, my formula is based upon what it actually is. Not yours. Yours is just an over manipulation of numbers that would confuse people to what you actually mean.

                              I wanted to know ur percentage of the STATS based system, wich defined the stats, as it does.
                              As does my percentage. Don't you see that?

                              If u have seriously big issues that EA/Dice dont define Team kills and Kills as total kills, and simply wont understand WHY they did it, then talk to then.
                              No, I have absolutely no problem with this. In fact, I think it is the best way to do it. However, my point is that the more meaningful stat WOULD combine the two.

                              Most people did understand
                              No, dumbass, everyone understood.

                              Dont jerk u self, in here, and destroy a realtivly ok thread (Before u started to post), my little friend
                              Make no mistake, it was a relatively good thread until you started getting all condescending and arrogant and telling people that they lack math skills and logical. You started the decline of this thread, noone else. You could have easily just disagreed and said that this was a special stat that didn't take that into account. . . however, instead, you started acting all high and mighty and telling other people that they are illogical. Anyone can go back to the second page of this thread and see that it was all you.


                              • Re: TKs % rating??

                                Wow this thread has seen more action than a high school slut! This morning, I was on page two. Came back this afternoon and we're on page *6*?! WTF?!

