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TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

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  • #31
    Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

    Originally posted by [MyIS]Spawndemon View Post

    I fail to see how we have turned our backs on PC gamers. All of the games we cover are PC (aside from GTAIV which will most likely be PC). Now how is that turning our back on PC? Posting console news just opens our audience to more and attracts more people that maybe aren't so hardcore into PC. It doesn't affect you guys, no one is forcing you to read or participate in console discussion. Some of you take this way too seriously. Whatever happened to when gaming was meant to be fun? Regardless of what system it's on...

    GTAIV is console only....according to Rockstar on their website. And actually, quite a few other games are multi-platform or console only. for example, Orange Box is multi, so is COD4....while Bad Company is console only.

    In any case, as the business paradigm has changed, PC games have mostly suffered. Frontlines: Fuel of War is the best example so far. That game plays like crap on the PC yet it's not that bad on the 360. And that is a real crying shame because the game is actually very's just buggy as all get out.

    I'm currently writing a huge article on the state of all things PC gaming. We need some solidarity to prove that we are still a very viable customer base. WoW is NOT the be all end all of all things PC. Yes, PC gaming is becoming more aimed towards social networking and that in itself is having a tremendous effect on how games are designed.

    I'm seeing way too many games go console only and this "support" is at the expense of the PC crowd.

    I usually tend to support companies that have a backbone, not those spineless jellyfish that cave in to every trend. Yeah...I'm a rebel lol. But Total felt like home when it first came about. Instead of trying to be good at everything, why not be good at something...but be really good. I call that priority of focus. You can never be everything to everyone.

    So yes, my list was slanted towards the PC because that's my home.


    • #32
      Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

      Originally posted by sava700 View Post
      What?? Why are you going after me here?? There are several others that said pretty much the same thing as I did.

      He even asked for a discussion on the subject..

      I gave my insight just as everyone else in this thread including staff that did the same thing be it positive or negative and even neutral.

      I even spent a few extra mins to make sure the post was as constructive as possible and per the policy as possible.
      HERES WHY !!!!

      since TGN has obviously turned its back on PC Gamers
      flat out ignorant and way offbase...... you never have anything nice to say about anything.... then outright acuse us of "turning our backs on the pc gamers"
      you have the right to your opinion... as i have the right to reatliate and defend my position :salute:

      it seems as though you hate it here and want to groan about everything


      • #33
        Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

        Originally posted by [MyIS]Tim View Post
        HERES WHY !!!!

        flat out ignorant and way offbase...... you never have anything nice to say about anything.... then outright acuse us of "turning our backs on the pc gamers"
        you have the right to your opinion... as i have the right to reatliate and defend my position :salute:

        it seems as though you hate it here and want to groan about everything
        Us old folks don't have alot of nice things to say because we see things from a different perspective. I know you see $$$. I see $$$ leaving my pocket lol. There are alot of things going on that have left many of us disgusted with the current state of PC gaming. And I see many of those negative things revolving around $$$. Generally speaking, the PC gamer is now playing second fiddle to the console gamer.

        but this is all off topic so I'll leave it alone for now.

        I would LOVE to interview you are one part of my article that is missing so far.


        • #34
          Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

          consoles are for the most part under-powered PCs. look at the xbox360 - the parts that make it up are all PC parts, assembled the same way and what was current two years ago, yet gaming devs are finding more ways to get more and more out of those pieces than what was originally developed and released for xbox360.

          i for one don't care what platform i play on as long as the platform gives me the best experience with the best graphics and the best way to control the action i play. right now PCs give a better way to control the games i play (mostly fps and mmo) but when consoles have out of the box capability built in to use a keyboard/pad and a mouse, then PC gaming is in serious trouble.

          think of the monetary dynamics right now. as someone who has both a top running gaming rig that can run crysis on very high in dx10 and owns an xbox360, i would play on my PC all the time, but at what cost? A high-end performance rig can cost up to 10x what a console will cost you right now and it will be obsoleted within 18 months of purchase by evolved hardware and games that only cater to the set who upgrade their machine every 18-24 months. A console only requires that you upgrade when the newest console comes out. You can get years and years of use out of that console without ever putting a dime into upgrading it. If I am looking at that from a purely monetary stance - upgrade $$$ every 18-24 months to play highest end games or no upgrade $$$ to play highest end games for 2-3 years... hmm tough call. And don't give me the "graphics" snobbery about how graphics are sooo much better on PCs. They are if you shell out the cost of a console or more to upgrade your system to play with those "graphics".

          PC gaming isn't dead, it is however on life support. As a purely business perspective - as a developer, do you develop for the platform that is uniform and unchanging (console) or develop for a platform that can range infinitely (PC) and all the time and money that gets put into developing a game. The market for consoles is SO much more than PC right now and that personally saddens me, I love PC gaming, but if a console can WASD and click natively... my PC becomes obsolete for games.

          As for developing games - it's a business, not a hobby. Businesses go to where the money is in the end. You can pretend that they do it because "it's a hobby" but right now, the money is going into consoles because that's where people are spending their money... its cheaper to get into, it's cheaper to maintain, and in the end - it's probably much cheaper to develop for since it's a static platform.

          Am I excited for PC games? Sure. One I didn't see on the list is the next "WoW-killer", Age of Conan. There are high hopes for that one too, but again it's a niche market and until there is a killer app for PCs that brings people back, it will continue to decline and that market share will go to consoles. Sad but true...


          • #35
            Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

            In My opinion Spore should be replaced by Battlefield BC and MC Wii replaced by L4D

            Vika:GT5 Doesn't come out till next year


            • #36
              Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

              id's Tech5 engine is you can develop on any platform simultaneously.

              The ability to mod helps to keep PC centric games on the PC's....for now.

              Here is something to ponder:


              April 2, 2008

              NPD: 72% Of U.S. Plays Games, Only 2-3% Own Multiple Consoles

              NPD: 72% Of U.S. Plays Games, Only 2-3% Own Multiple Consoles Sales tracking group NPD has announced the results of a new gaming study, showing that 72 percent of the U.S. say they played games, online play still lagging behind offline, and an overwhelming minority owning more than one next-gen system.

              NPD says the number of game-players has grown from its last study, up from 64 percent the year prior. More than half of that 72 percent, says NPD play games online, but relative to "total U.S. population," online gamers have only risen slightly from 40 percent in 2007 to 42 percent.

              90 percent of online gamers said the PC was their platform of choice, compared to 19 percent for console and portable systems, and 3 percent for cell phones. Younger players make up a good percentage of online players, with 40 percent of online gamers between 2 and 17, with 18-24 year olds only making up 10 percent.

              As for online console players, 50 percent were Xbox 360 gamers, who spent the most time per week playing online compared to PC and PS3 owners. Finally, NPD says only three percent of respondents said they owned two of the three next-gen consoles, and only 2 percent said they owned all three.

              Said NPD analyst Anita Frazier, “Despite the buzz in the industry regarding online gaming, it is still relatively small compared to offline gaming. There is still a large, untapped market for gaming in general and online gaming in particular.”

              There are business decisions that are hurting PC gaming in general. Forcing people to buy Vista to get a DX10 experience has not helped, it might even be a conscious scheme. there isn't anything in the DX10 API that prevents it from being on XP.

              What I find tremendous irony is in this: TGN is attempting to cater to a gaming segment which has to use a PC to access that information. This is why I love the PC sooooo much, because I can do things on the PC that nobody on a console can do...all while playing games on my platform of choice...the PC.

              Also, right now, NPD doesn't take into account digital downloads or PC numbers may jump up quite a bit as far as sales go.


              • #37
                Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post
                What I find tremendous irony is in this: TGN is attempting to cater to a gaming segment which has to use a PC to access that information. This is why I love the PC sooooo much, because I can do things on the PC that nobody on a console can do...all while playing games on my platform of choice...the PC.
                I don't have to use a PC to get to this information - I can use a console (Wii) or a blackberry, an iPhone, an iPod touch w/ WiFi, a smartphone... etc.

                Point is - PCs are not exclusive to accessing the internet and sites contained therein. And you're right, you can do lots of things on a PC you can't do on a console, like Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Photoshop...

                Listen to the podcast - we have a guy who doesn't want anything to do with consoles, much like yourself, yet he also understands that consoles may be the way of the future because of the simplistic nature of the console. They may be for dim-wattage bulbs, but there are more dim-watted bulbs that will spend more money on consoles than there are smart folks who want to throw $1-2k at PCs when the next "Crysis" comes out.


                • #38
                  Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                  Originally posted by [RS]Rec.Stu View Post
                  I don't have to use a PC to get to this information - I can use a console (Wii) or a blackberry, an iPhone, an iPod touch w/ WiFi, a smartphone... etc.

                  Point is - PCs are not exclusive to accessing the internet and sites contained therein. And you're right, you can do lots of things on a PC you can't do on a console, like Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Photoshop...

                  Listen to the podcast - we have a guy who doesn't want anything to do with consoles, much like yourself, yet he also understands that consoles may be the way of the future because of the simplistic nature of the console. They may be for dim-wattage bulbs, but there are more dim-watted bulbs that will spend more money on consoles than there are smart folks who want to throw $1-2k at PCs when the next "Crysis" comes out.
                  I have a smartphone and TGN doesn't display on it properly...I would love for it but currently it doesn't. I can't say if it works on Skyfire or not (NDA)

                  As for the future, I don't think consoles are the future, I think we need unified architecture on the PC...possibly ditching DirectX and going all OpenGL. One can wish lol. the only thing good that I can think of about consoles is that the PS3 is a BEAST at Folding@Home.

                  EDIT: I just checked my MotoQ, and now...TGN works on it. The old site didn't render correctly but now it does....I do believe I sent a PM or an email about it. Kudos to whoever made that happen.


                  • #39
                    Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                    Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post
                    As for the future, I don't think consoles are the future, I think we need unified architecture on the PC...possibly ditching DirectX and going all OpenGL. One can wish lol. the only thing good that I can think of about consoles is that the PS3 is a BEAST at Folding@Home.
                    The problem is that the businesses that would be mostly responsible for the "unified architecture" in PC gaming are also the same ones making components for consoles. Double dipping and competition in the same breath. They make money both ways so why would they want to settle on a single architecture when they can make more money the way it currently is?

                    A console basically is a PC now. It has gaming, it has PC parts, it has basic social functionality (messaging, chat, VOIP, internet). The only thing missing is the WASD and using your mouse.

                    Listen, I'm a PC gaming enthusiast, but it's us against multi-billion dollar entities that won't ever agree to a unified way of doing things. When they have done that - guess what they built? A console.


                    • #40
                      Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                      I am very glad to see I have started such a big discussion on the topic.

                      I have many friends who are like you execpt for they are console people and anti PC gaming, like many of you are pc people and anti console people.

                      Either way it doesn't matter it's all about preference.

                      you are all naming games and complaining about them all NOT being on the list. well those are all PC games, unless I miss read you all named PC games that you think should be on the list. YES TGN has double the number of PC only gamers then console or crossover gamers. But either way you have to respect the other side. The console side is a VERY big part of gaming. They have a lot of big titles coming out this year as does PC, and handhelds.

                      After reading such the heated debate/discussion I will look into doing a Big Releases for each system. Not sure If i will or not which is why i did this one to cover everything.

                      I have nothing wrong with you guys saying that you think "this" or "that" should be on the list. But I do ask you to respect that PC's are not the only gaming platform in existence.



                      • #41
                        Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                        for the record.... i am a pc gamer and will always be
                        however in 2008 most games are catoring to the console.....

                        we don't make the news.... we just report it :salute:

                        i agree its a sad day for the pc gamer.... but i believe theres something around the corner that we have yet to see

                        /me crosses fingers


                        • #42
                          Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                          Originally posted by [RS]Rec.Stu View Post
                          The problem is that the businesses that would be mostly responsible for the "unified architecture" in PC gaming are also the same ones making components for consoles. Double dipping and competition in the same breath. They make money both ways so why would they want to settle on a single architecture when they can make more money the way it currently is?

                          A console basically is a PC now. It has gaming, it has PC parts, it has basic social functionality (messaging, chat, VOIP, internet). The only thing missing is the WASD and using your mouse.

                          Listen, I'm a PC gaming enthusiast, but it's us against multi-billion dollar entities that won't ever agree to a unified way of doing things. When they have done that - guess what they built? A console.

                          Consoles may become full blown PC's. What is stopping it? If the Nvidia RSX or ATI Xenos concepts can be laid into a PC GPU, then of course it will mean that XBOX's and PS3's will be able to be user upgraded. I see that as the next logical step for consoles which brings them closer to being outright PC's. I do see the value of the console as a platform of innovation but our beloved PC games are being trashed in the process. I don't care if a console port is made, what I care about is that my game plays just as smoothly on the PC (relatively speaking). If all things were equal, PC should win because it's a platform of immense customization.

                          But back on topic, TGN was born of BF2...a PC game. I'd like to see it retain that PC centric stance.

                          Those were the days....but that was before MyIS came into the scene as well. People forget that....and then those guys went on to Fever Gaming which no longer exists.


                          • #43
                            Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                            ^^ totally understand what your saying..... but you cannot expect us to lay down and not adapt with the enviorment....

                            we'd be left in the dust..... as for the mainstay... it will always be pc... as long as their is a market for it.

                            But back on topic, TGN was born of BF2...a PC game. I'd like to see it retain that PC centric stance.
                            the first vehicle was horse drawn..... if change never happened, we'd still be feeding our cars straw :P (mild attempt at humor)


                            • #44
                              Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                              Consoles even now are becoming more customizable, on PS3 you can buy a bigger hard drive and swap them out.

                              Once I have enough money I will be buying a PS3 (hopefully this summer) which would be my 1st console since the PSONE, and N64.


                              • #45
                                Re: TGN's Big Releases of 08' Top 10 List

                                Originally posted by [MyIS]Tim View Post
                                for the record.... i am a pc gamer and will always be
                                however in 2008 most games are catoring to the console.....

                                we don't make the news.... we just report it :salute:

                                i agree its a sad day for the pc gamer.... but i believe theres something around the corner that we have yet to see

                                /me crosses fingers
                                Look, I don't look at MyIS or Total as just a business. You could be a business as well as an agent of change. You could tell Frank DeLise that FFOW needs to be fixed and until it does, you won't support them with a dedicated site and won't be needing their sponsorship. You could do that if you wanted to...and I think it would be fantastic in the message that it would send. But because $$$ are won't happen. I'm not here to mess with your livelihood. But I can't help but wonder if in the long term, you, as well as the community, wouldn't be better for it.

                                So in general, I think you have some power to make things better for the PC gamer. Yes, it might hit you in the pocket in the short term...but long term, everybody wins...even KAOS because they get to push THQ with additional manpower and development dollars.

                                I think you have that power....and I also think you bear that responsibility. This site exists because of the fans....well, your base needs help in collectively speaking out.

