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Community Update

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  • Community Update

    The official Battlefield 2 website has been updated today with some more news about the 1.2 patch. One additional feature that will be released with the patch is the ability progress to officer ranks, rather than just enlisted ranks. Read the full update below:<br><blockquote>By now, you have all seen the list of fixes in the next update (1.2). We are still trying to nail down a few final items and put the final touches in place.<br><br>Here's a list of additional items to look for in version 1.2:<li>UAVs are now visible in the world so if you are being scanned, you can know about it and take action against it.<li>Rank progression is no longer limited to the enlisted ranks. All officer ranks are now available.<li>Bug that allowed players in vehicles to contest a flag from outside the flag radius is now fixed. <br><br>I’d also like to take this opportunity to clarify some confusion stemming from our updates. The first item is on the topic of grenades. Players will still be able to toss grenades while jumping. Although the ability to fire while jumping has been removed, players will still be able to initiate a grenade toss prior to jumping and follow through with the toss, thereby gaining themselves some extra distance. We understand that there will be some adjustment in tactics required when the patch comes out but we are confident that the community will quickly come to grips with the new tactics.<br><br>The second item is on the topic of the booster packs. We have not created the maps as a separate expansion pack requiring a separate server. The booster packs will increase the content of the base game and thereby may be run on a server in regular rotation with the original maps.</blockquote>

  • #2
    Re: Community Update

    Originally posted by Ace101
    The second item is on the topic of the booster packs. We have not created the maps as a separate expansion pack requiring a separate server. The booster packs will increase the content of the base game and thereby may be run on a server in regular rotation with the original maps.</blockquote>
    Glad to hear this


    • #3
      Re: Community Update

      Are they reworking the enite ranking system again?


      • #4
        Re: Community Update


        Especially the map rotation thing.


        • #5
          Re: Community Update

          i still feel that this patch is going to suck more than it will rock! well at least i get a new sniper rifle but it will suck just like all the other sniper rifles!:shakehead


          • #6
            Re: Community Update

            This patch will save BF2 gameplay.


            • #7
              Re: Community Update

              I'm wondering if they will restructure the officer ranks so that there will be some filler for 50000-200000.

              So the question is....these maps will run on bf2 but not sf or will they run on both? I really am hoping that 1.2 creates 'map harmony' and if you don't have the booster or expansion and that map comes up...see ya. Seriously, we have 3 day SF on our server and 4 on BF2...thinking of switching those numbers around. It sure would be nice to have a maplist of the best of both worlds and then add the booster pack maps to the list and run with it. But no, then we would only have to buy one ranked server(I kid, I kid...just poking fun at the way we have to have two diff servers running one for bf2 and one for sf).

              I like bf2 a lot and enjoy new content and since this is the main game I play I will be the guy who shells out the money for new content. I haven't played many other game as of late but I'm not aware of an equal stat system as far as FPS go to what EA/DICE has done with BF2. I am really greatful for the whole bf2stat thing and how I can follow my activity as well as the rest of my clans and see what other people are doing in the game.



              • #8
                Re: Community Update

                wish they would release a date to look forward to


                • #9
                  Re: Community Update

                  Love the fact that the booster maps will be integrated into the normal map rotation. Hoping that the patch allows this functionality with the SF Expansion Pack, seeing as how my clan has switched back to just one server running BF2 Vanilla, and I want to play SF, but also spend more time playing with my clanmates.


                  • #10
                    Re: Community Update

                    Originally posted by AT39
                    Love the fact that the booster maps will be integrated into the normal map rotation. Hoping that the patch allows this functionality with the SF Expansion Pack, seeing as how my clan has switched back to just one server running BF2 Vanilla, and I want to play SF, but also spend more time playing with my clanmates.
                    Our clan is in the same boat, we actually dropped our second ranked server due to lack of interest in the SF expansion. I'm glad to hear they aren't going to confuse the map situation any further but I think its imperative they make whatever changes are necessary to allow ALL maps to be played together on a single server. If I knew at the time that BF:SF was in essence a standalone product I wouldn't have bought it. It doesn't appear to be fixed in the upcoming patch but lets hope they make it a priority in future patches...


                    • #11
                      Re: Community Update

                      So if I don't get the boosterpack and I join a server that runs the boosterpack I can join it? Am I understanding this correctly?

                      If so, man they so shoulda' did this with SF, some maps on there I'd like to see in BF2van. I mean we can carry over the weapons and all but not the maps.

                      Also what chace does the ordinary server have if a server runs Boosterpack Euro along with its regular rotation... I mean really would you play just a regular server if server A offers 3 newer maps and all the shabang from Euro and server B doesn't?

                      Justa' question if I am getting this correctly.

                      I so plan on getting the boosterpack though


                      • #12
                        Re: Community Update

                        Originally posted by David Champion
                        So if I don't get the boosterpack and I join a server that runs the boosterpack I can join it? Am I understanding this correctly?
                        Correct, but you will be booted if you dont have the booster and the server loads up a booster map.


                        • #13
                          Re: Community Update

                          Originally posted by Rico
                          Correct, but you will be booted if you dont have the booster and the server loads up a booster map.
                          Yay my prayers are answered. I think they included that info because i pm'ed the DICE CE on here with that question.


                          • #14
                            Re: Community Update

                            Anyone know if there will be a retail version? I'm not big into the whole buy and download games idea quite yet.


                            • #15
                              Re: Community Update

                              Originally posted by derrickkolba
                              i still feel that this patch is going to suck more than it will rock! well at least i get a new sniper rifle but it will suck just like all the other sniper rifles!:shakehead

                              You really should wait until the patch is released before you start whining. Or, better yet, go ahead and release your fist-person shooter to the public. As you can clearly do much better, I am in full anticipation of it's release.

                              I'm pretty sure it has already been stated that the boosters will be downloadable, and not have a retail version.

