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Nations at War v3.7 Released

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  • #46
    Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

    Originally posted by PBAsydney
    Are you guys serious? The Bradley DOES NOT have 4 laser guided missiles, it has 2 wire-guided missiles. I understand you make it 4 because of the fact that you can't edit models, and creating a new model is hard work. (But hey, we did it).
    Want a cookie? But hey, where's your playable beta?


    • #47
      Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

      Sorted the Mod works a treat.....signing up


      • #48
        Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

        Originally posted by MadSlob
        Sorted the Mod works a treat.....signing up
        good stuff.......hope you enjoy it!!


        • #49
          Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

          I know some of you are dissing this mod and some of you praise it well listen up.. to make a better mod you need to hear the negative people preach the good news..


          • #50
            Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

            The Phalanx Anti Air in each mainbase is sure a good idea...until you've got no other spawnpoints and an enemy sitting in there. At least on the map Desert Rats ( i think) you will have no chance to get the enemy out of there. I know your mod is still work in progress, but please change the AAs like they are in BF2 Vanilla - only the Team that owns the Base can use them.
            Despite that, i like the changes in your mod.


            • #51
              Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

              Looks interesting. Will have to try it.


              • #52
                Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                whoah! and they fixed the sniper rifles.


                • #53
                  Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                  Originally posted by =::DesertRat::=
                  I played Desert_Rats(aka El Alamein) and I had a blast...It felt very much like DC, hell lot of fun, even with 4 people in total
                  ya, i played a lil 2v2 and it was pretty fun, although when it was 7v8 it was even more exciting when an enemy jumped in our wasp defence. then it was not so fun,but usually when that has happened the person gets out after he/she gets 'ahw' maybe 6 or 7 kills. of course not fun for you, but usually everyone has got out and apologized for getting in it in the first place. as i have been told by some NAW's, supposedly this is forbidden in their tournament. Maybe, you guys should kick people who dont abide by that rule in your server. or maybe not, it is not a big problem.

                  if i were asked to rate this mod; out of mods = 8 <--- it needs a lil more innovation, overall = 9.5 <--- imao bf2 is a 9 (w/ the higher ceilings alone, it deserves a higher score than the stock game). if bf2 had higher ceilings and higher view distance the game would have been more balanced. of course, it might make the game less stable, since it is already a memory hog. its just that, if you had a higher ceiling, the jets would bother infantry and ground targets a lil less. the view distance would help jets find other jets at a greater distance and therefore be a more engaging air battle. ground aa would also be able to see and lock at greater distances. but what do i know? its only my opinion. sorry for the tangent.


                  • #54
                    Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                    your opinions means a great deal to us at naw,we aim to try and better the mod and with the input so far recieved we will be certainly be looking at a few fixes and issues that have been brought to our attention.with any luck we may have an updated version soon along with the stinger model fixed...ill post more as i get it,remember you will hear it first right here so stay tuned..


                    • #55
                      Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                      not to beat a dead horse, but its still alive! the aa is gonna ruin your mod if you dont change it. a guy by the name mcrr stayed in it for over 10 minutes. what was worse, is that we had all the bases. it was like he was doing it out of spite. then on another map, with a naw on their side it was 3 of us v 6 of them and they were slaughtering us. i guess you cant expect people to act any different in this mod than they do in regular bf2, but at least have an admin there to kick or warn someone for doing it. and maybe cut autobalance on since people cant stand losing and have to outnumber the other team. and maybe cut on vote kick for those annoying people that come in, at least then you have a fighting chance to kick the people tk'ing and stat padding in the wasp defence, which you say is not allowed in your server. most people come in your server desiring a better experience, but honestly everytime i go in someone is getting angry as can be over something that could be remedied very easily. please change the aa before you lose some interested persons.

                      very nice job correcting the accuracy of the L85A1. and imo the medic on village lost needs something better for a main gun, maybe like an AK.


                      • #56
                        Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                        can you be alittle more specific on the aa?was it in main base or at a flag?
                        if it was in main base they will stay for the simple reason of base campers and imo there a good pesky people away,but we are lookin at the aa being team specific on flags and main bases and the armour of it being changed as its a little over powered.
                        Im mostly on the server when i can and moderate it and there is other admins who also go on,i will change the auto balance as of now but this will be turned back off on battle days wich commence on the 7th jan this will be a scrim to look over 4 or 5 new maps wich will be used for tourney play.


                        • #57
                          Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                          i am referring to the wasp defence aa at the main base. can it be made where enemies cannot get inside of it like the uss essex deck gun? that would fix the main base raping for sure.


                          • #58
                            Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                            I d/l this the other day and played for a couple hours and I love this mod . So I convinced one of my buddies to try it out and we get on a server last night and one of nations at war devs were base raping with the air defense for like 20 minutes. I cant believe that one of the devs from the mod team would do such a thing especialy when there were only 8 people on the server . Do you guys want people to play this fing thing or not . Is that how you devs treat people who d/l your mod ? Thanks for making me look like a dic# to my buddy for telling him to play it !


                            • #59
                              Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                              yes, i have noticed a high amount of people playing this mod only to be annoying and not playing seriously. it is almost like since it is not ranked they could care less of their demeanor while playing the mod in this server. or maybe they are the type that could care less of others' experience.

                              most people come in your server desiring a better experience, but honestly everytime i go in someone is getting angry as can be over something that could be remedied very easily.


                              • #60
                                Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                                i am referring to the wasp defence aa at the main base. can it be made where enemies cannot get inside of it like the uss essex deck gun? that would fix the main base raping for sure.
                                <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
                                we are looking at it being team specific.

                                I d/l this the other day and played for a couple hours and I love this mod . So I convinced one of my buddies to try it out and we get on a server last night and one of nations at war devs were base raping with the air defense for like 20 minutes. I cant believe that one of the devs from the mod team would do such a thing especialy when there were only 8 people on the server . Do you guys want people to play this fing thing or not . Is that how you devs treat people who d/l your mod ? Thanks for making me look like a dic# to my buddy for telling him to play it !
                                My appoligies to you.on a side note can you remember the map?maybe i can pass on some relevant info wich may help the issues some maps have and fix this so it doesnt happen again,yes you will get the odd **** who will try and baserape and most of the naw guys refrain from doing this as this is very against the tourney rules,there is a radius wich they are not alowed to go beyond,and maybe in the future we may see that if you go nr a main base ur health dissapates hence no more base rapeage...but we will see!!! ;-)

