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Nations at War v3.7 Released

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  • #16
    Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

    for some reason the mod crashed to the desktop on me after I choose a certain map


    • #17
      Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

      ^^ the same thing happened.

      the first map played ok though. not bad but the personal weapons have not been tweaked


      • #18
        Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

        Oh well.. they are human so there fore screw up sometimes..


        • #19
          Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

          dont forget tanks and all are 50000 times its speed


          • #20
            Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

            I copied all the Level folders from "bf2" to "naw" and everytime I start a Local Server or Single Player...I get a CTD


            • #21
              Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

              hehehe sounds like somone didnt beta test their mod


              • #22
                Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                cool mod mayby it will be the hit. you have to danload maps from there site
                you have too put them in levels folder


                map :'Village Lost v4' is outstanding trybut to DC!? -yes


                • #23
                  Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                  Originally posted by 666PROTECTOR
                  cool mod mayby it will be the hit. you have to danload maps from there site
                  you have too put them in levels folder


                  map :'Village Lost v4' is outstanding trybut to DC!? -yes
                  Alright, thx


                  • #24
                    Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                    yeh when u dl the mod,goto and dl any of the maps to try it out or jump on the server stand port and there may be a few guys allready there,map currently running is Desert Rats v.5
                    theres also a ts server wich you are invited on at
           not sure if passy is req but if it is try recon.


                    • #25
                      Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                      Originally posted by [naw]manx
                      yeh when u dl the mod,goto and dl any of the maps to try it out or jump on the server stand port and there may be a few guys allready there,map currently running is Desert Rats v.5
                      theres also a ts server wich you are invited on at
             not sure if passy is req but if it is try recon.
                      O nice, a server...

                      btw, I thought the mod is awesome...good ideas...needs some tweaking with the HUD for some weapons...but overall I give it a 9.5/10 (so far, just wait till FH2 comes out :P)
                      -.5 for the custom skins, because the lightning makes them too bright, and they look lame


                      • #26
                        Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                        Looks pretty cool!
                        I might download it if the downloading problem everyone is having is fixed!:salute:


                        • #27
                          Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                          I can get everything but the shortcut to work, anyone able to distribute just that? it's no biggie for me to activate it each time, but still would be nice to just jump in the mod instead.

                          I don't agree with everything in the mod, but between the changes and the maps, alot has been done, and enough of it is warranted, or just a good idea period.

                          I think assualt should get the M203 back, the give it to the supply troop, that also has a machine gun, and nerfed against armour, but double shot and big splash damage rocket launcher. All the other classes seemed to have gotten the right changes, the engy is a walking explosives house, with 5 claymores, I think 4-5 C4, and mines.

                          I'm also a big fan of the carrier phalanx system now at ground bases, it's gonna make attacking a some of those main bases a whole other thing.


                          • #28
                            Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                            i just copied the files to bf2/mods/naw

                            but it still doesnt work all i get is a error message
                            mods/bf2/shaders/staticmesh.fx not found.

                            does anyone know what i did wrong?


                            • #29
                              Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                              I have followed the instructions on installing the mod from the website and found that the darned thing CTD.Very disappointing.


                              • #30
                                Re: Nations at War v3.7 Released

                                MadSlob...Ok,do you have it installed on a diff hdd?and did you change your gfx settings? set them to medium if not also i posted some support on the forum if you are still having probblems im more or less allways on team speak to give support there aswell and mystiqe i also posted there aswell for your probblem..

