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Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, & Former Infinity Ward Employees

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  • Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, & Former Infinity Ward Employees

    I'll be honest here. I let out the longest sigh ever before I started to type up this news. Yes, it's Bobby Kotick running his mouth off again.

    This time to both CVG and Edge about EA's business model and how it apparently sucks horribly compared to Activision's, blasts the former heads of Infinity Ward, and bad mouths Tim Schafer.

    First up, let's see why he blasts Tim Schafer.

    "Tim Schafer. The guy comes out and says I'm a prick. I've never met him in my life - I've never had anything to do with him," he told Edge.

    "I never had any involvement in the Vivendi project that they were doing, Brütal Legend, other than I was in one meeting where the guys looked at it and said, 'He's late, he's missed every milestone, he's overspent the budget and it doesn't seem like a good game. We're going to cancel it."

    "And do you know what? That seemed like a sensible thing to do. And it turns out, he was late, he missed every milestone, the game was not a particularly good game..."

    To be fair, many people have called Kotick both a "dick" and a "prick", ourselves at TGN included. But alright, fair enough. Kotick was insulted and fired one back at Schafer, seems like fair game there.

    However, Kotick continues on to insult EA's business model and how EA "removes the identity" of a company when they take them over, unlike Activision. Riiiiight...

    "The core principle of how we run the company is the exact opposite of EA," he says. "EA will buy a developer and then it will become ‘EA Florida’, ‘EA Vancouver’, ‘EA New Jersey’, whatever. We always looked and said, 'You know what? What we like about a developer is that they have a culture, they have an independent vision and that’s what makes them so successful.' We don’t have an Activision anything - it’s Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer.

    "That, to me, is one of the unassailable rules of building a publishing company. And in every case except for two, the original founders of the studios are still running the studios today. The only thing that we try to do is to provide a support structure to make them more successful. If you do a really good job - and a lot of our studios do - you get to pick what is, in my view, the most difficult thing to pick in the industry: to make original intellectual property."

    If you thought that was everything, think again. He continues on to say that EA has "lost its way" and is struggling to acquire some really great people.<!--more-->

    "The thing is, it doesn’t work that way - you can’t be a floor wax and then decide that you’re going to become a dessert topping," he says. "That doesn’t work, it’s your DNA. [EA’s] DNA isn’t oriented towards that model - it doesn’t know how to do it, as a culture or as a company, and it never has... Look, EA has a lot of resources, it’s a big company that’s been in business for a long time, maybe it’ll figure it out eventually. But it’s been struggling for a really long time. The most difficult challenge it faces today is: great people don’t really want to work there.

    "It’s like, if you have no other option, you might consider them. They have some… the team that makes Madden is a really great team, it’s been able to manage, capture and keep some good people. But we have no shortage of opportunity to recruit out of EA – that’s their biggest challenge: its stock options have no value. It’s lost its way. And until it has success, and hits, and gets that enthusiasm back for the company, it’s going to have a struggle getting really talented people, which is going to translate into less-than-great games."

    On the subject of the former heads of Infinity Ward, Zampella and West, Kotick stated that he felt betrayed by two people whom he had considered his friends.

    "It shook my belief in two specific people, who were my friends," Kotick told Edge.

    "The frustrating thing about that is, the stuff that these guys did, I never would have expected them to do. We're a public company, we've got ethics obligations, and the things they did were... I would go to jail if I did them.

    "You can't use the company and the company's assets for your own personal benefit, and you can't use the leverage that you might have for personal benefit – you're not allowed to do that! And so we didn't have any choice."

    Kotick revealed he knew Infinity Ward staff would leave en masse following the split, but insisted all will be fine in the end.

    "There's 70 really talented people at Infinity Ward who are focused and engaged – and in the last six months, we've had something like 5000 resumes, so it's not like there's a shortage of interest in working there.

    "It's one of those things where you get personally disappointed in people you trust and call friends. When you're betrayed by your friends, what do you do?"

    Apparently going off on a rant against everyone is what you do.

    Is it fair to say that Kotick is trying to play the victim here and that he's trying to make it seem like Activision is infallible, especially with his statements against EA and how Activision apparently can do no wrong with the companies under their control. Yeah, right.

    Kotick, speaking strictly as a gamer and as a member of the community, shut the hell up. You're coming off as a prick of the highest order right now and with your statements made recently. Seriously, just shut up. I can't imagine the headache you're giving your PR team any time you open your trap.

  • #2
    Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

    Thanks for not putting a question mark at the end of the headline like what most news media sites do, since I find the forceably added ambiguity a cheap and pathetic trick to avoid direct statements (which is why I read here). And actually I was just thinking about the PR staff... I've noticed they're unusually silent when Mr. Kotick is being perceived as making slanderous comments and ethically questionable business models; aren't they supposed to jump in with defensive comments and downplaying the attacks against Mr. Kotick as "blown out of proportion and out of context," or are news media sites intentionally ignoring their press releases? I do find this incredibly strange how an established CEO of Activision is fighting against the industry through (mostly) the internet. My question here is pretty important actually, and so is my next question: are the Board of Directors going to find a new CEO, or will they continue supporting Mr. Kotick based on his experience and previous accomplishments? I suppose shareholders don't care, so perhaps the Board doesn't need to care. This is all very confusing...


    • #3
      Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

      Ugh this guy is a damn prick, I can't wait to see him crash and burn with all his statements because I think the world of gaming will get a great lol out of it. I enjoy reading the news here, and stuff like this just makes me question where the gaming industry is going; to think about it this way, he might be doing all this for a reason that is unknown to us. I've seen stuff like this before in the past with companies that are about to release something big or do some major buy out of a HUGE asset in the market to scare off competition or to get them pissed off. But to be honest, the way he says thing doesn't make me think that so much any more because of the way he words things and are attacking specific companies in the industry.


      • #4
        Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

        Originally posted by [MyIS]Zips View Post
        "... We always looked and said, 'You know what? What we like about a developer is that they have a culture, they have an independent vision and that’s what makes them so successful.' We don’t have an Activision anything - it’s Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer.

        "That, to me, is one of the unassailable rules of building a publishing company..."
        I just thought I'd make a childish post for amusement purposes, so try not to analyse this at all since it doesn't actually make a point. Actually, I'm basically sinking to his level, so amusement and irony! It's a twofer!

        Mr. Kotick, you have Activision Blizzard, Inc. well before you made that comment, so blah!

        (Told you I was being childish... Seriously, I don't believe anything went wrong with Starcraft 2 minus the discouraging triple retail release system they have going, so I doubt Activision "infected" Blizzard in any way, shape, or form. Oh and my questions in the previous post still stand, since I still find this odd.)


        • #5
          Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

          Honestly, he strikes me more as a slippery eel. He doesn't play video games. To him, selling video games is not a matter of 'make something people will like playing,' it's a matter of 'make people give you more money.' If he could sell a bucket of manure for $40 bucks per month membership fee (and you only ever get the 1 bucket but you still have to pay a monthly fee for it with a ten year contract and a $5,000 cancellation fee) then he would. Because he doesn't care what he's selling, he only cares about the bottom line of making more money.

          Now in some cases, that's a nice, capitalistic attitude. But no so much when it comes to creative works. The more of that attitude you push on something that is essentially a creation, a form of art and/or entertainment, the more the art suffers in quality until ultimately a point is reached where it's no longer desirable and therefore the demand is gone and therefore all the profit crashes too.

          All his interviews and comments are slick wheeling-dealing comments somewhere between "We can make money better than anyone else" and "People are stupid for not taking advantage of the money-making opportunity this presents." In other words, greed is his bottom line and it shows.

          The only reason he's in business is because he took over a company that actually makes good games. Now he's going to run it to the ground (after making tons of money first) and then consider himself a success...because he made the tons of money first. And then when his cash cow dies from lack of nutrition, then it's not going to be his fault at all.

          I've said it before, he's more actively and effectively killing video games, as the CEO of a video game company, than any stupid (now disbarred) lawyer has ever been.


          • #6
            Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

            This guy sounds like a jerk.
            I like him already!

            Srsly, EA sucks at making games. And when I say that, I mean that EA can't make a single game I completely enjoy. There's always something retarded I wish wasn't in the game at all.


            • #7
              Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

              But that's what's so ironic about Kotick dissing EA!

              EA sucks because they got greedy. They started worrying more about marketing, about acquiring other gaming companies, they were one of the first to have ads in their games for crying out loud. And so although what Kotick says is true, about great people don't wanna work at EA...he's heading down that same road himself. I mean, great people don't wanna work at Infinity Ward anymore, now do they? Has he already forgotten THAT mass exodus?

              The ignorance-induced hypocrisy creates irony that would be quite amusing if it just wasn't so freakin' sad.


              • #8
                Re: Bobby Kotick Sounds Off Against EA, Tim Schafer, &amp; Former Infinity Ward Employees

                Well, when he hits rock bottom there's always the "I told you so"

