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Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

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  • Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

    The latest issue of Game Informer (you know, the one hitting subscribers' hands now with a massive Portal 2 blowout?) may have included a huge reason for PlayStation 3 owners to once again voice their disdain for Valve. Listed in the release platforms for Portal 2 are the Xbox 360, PC, and Mac. The obvious omission being the PlayStation 3 from the release list.

    Needless to say, the fans are not pleased. PS3 owners on both the Game Informer forums and are livid about this news. Here are a few choice comments.

    Fuck Valve. Valve is a video games developer - their one purpose is to develop video games and they can't be bother to figure out how to develop for one of the major consoles.

    Not that I'd buy the game on a console anyway (it's more of a PC game), but still, it's laziness. How come EVERY other major third-party dev has been able to figure the PS3 out?


    Even as a PS3 owner myself, I don't see the point in trying.

    Valve is still full of Microsoft fanboys no matter what we think.

    Even if they did make a PS3 version, they would make sure it was a piece of crap on our end. They would then wait 3 years later and then have their founder Gabe Newell come out and say, "Well I'm sorry you PS3 owners had to play this piece of crap. Does it make you want to buy an Xbox now?"

    Although I like Portal, I despise Valve right now.

    And yet, for Valve being "Microsoft fanboys" they curiously seem to forget that they're now working on Mac releases, but I digress. What is your take on the fact that another Valve title isn't making its way to the PlayStation 3?

  • #2
    Re: Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

    I guess these "fan boy" critics have not the read the 1000 plus (insert sarcasm here) interviews with Gabe Newell/other top Valve heads saying that programming for the PS3 sucks. I mean, did these people forget how terrible the Orange Box was on the PS3? lol


    • #3
      Re: Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

      My advise to PS3 owners is to either get an Xbox 360 or a decent PC so they won't miss out on Valve games. It's that simple.


      • #4
        Re: Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

        PS3 stop complaining like little kids, get a 360, mac, PC and enjoy the rest of Valve like we all do. PS3 dev. is sooo bad its not even funny and not even worth the time and effort to learn and make for that console.


        • #5
          Re: Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

          Um... Question. Pretending that PCs have redundant design issues similar to the PS3, then do all of these arguments in the comments here also apply if game developers stop developing for the PC? Basically our solution is to stop complaining and get the console developers develop for? Just wanted to make sure we would agree to switching consoles if we lack the "required" console chosen by developers. Kind of like saying we need a Xbox 360 for Alan Wake; my point being that a similar experience could have been produced on the PC/PS3, though not necessarily Alan Wake due to exclusivity deals. I personally think those who obtained a PS3 feel rejected for being unable to enjoy all the games they wanted to play. Kind of a pain to spend that much money over an incomplete experience. And the same applies to PCs sometimes; there are households who don't believe in multiple entertainment electronics that all do the same thing. If people believe that is the household decision's fault, then I would imagine the answer to my main (top) question would be "yes."


          • #6
            Re: Portal 2 Not Coming to the PS3, PlayStation 3 Owners Rage

            Consoles suck. Always have. Always will. Deal with it. Bought a console? Your own ignorant fault.

