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NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

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  • NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

    Counter-Strike vs. Strippers. Which of these two gathered the majority of attention from two competing teams in a Moscow LAN event?
    A few rounds passed but the guys played it cool and hung loose. Then the girls got tired of dancing on the tables, trying to carry away the desperate gamers, and decided to take up the heavies: the bras went off!

    But still, it was impossible to put an attention of those hopeless men off. The game was drawing to a close and the ladies were sweating as much as they could, but the eyes of the tough players were nailed to the screens tight.

    And finally the game was over. Victory of forZe team. How hard the girls didn’t try, game is a game.

    [/spoil]I'm beginning to believe we should have a Picard facepalm emote just for this type of story that comes along once in a blue moon. But hey, congratulations to team forZe for winning the LAN event in Moscow! I'm sure there will be more than enough jokes made at your expense that I don't have to bother with one here.

    The story comes to us originally from English Russia and brought to our attention by Kotaku. More images and a bit more on the story can be found over at English Russia.

  • #2
    Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me



    • #3
      Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

      Wow... I'm speechless....


      • #4
        Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

        Well, they aren't incredibly attractive.


        • #5
          Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

          I think this needs the best story on CS-Nation ever reward... it's either this or the time a checkers strategy guide was used as a counter-strike strategy guide, either way, it's epic.


          • #6
            Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

            Originally posted by Death-M0nk View Post
            ... it's either this or the time a checkers strategy guide was used as a counter-strike strategy guide...
            I believe that was chess actually, though it doesn't look like we're ever going to let that go are we? As for the news post... Um... That's ****ed. I don't think I have more to say regarding that matter.


            • #7
              Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

              It was checkers. "Control the center!" Ahh, the memories. In your defense, though, a lot of the comments were "this sounds like a bad chess strategy guide" and such, so it'd be easy to get the memory confused.

              I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later. A coffee shop near where I live recently opened up where all of the baristas are young women clad in bikinis. I haven't been there myself, as I typically only go to coffee with female friends, but I think it's sad (but unsurprising) that society is still fine with objectifying women for the sake of marketing.

              As far as this situation... seems it would be incredibly distracting to have some stripper's fat back spilling over onto your keyboard or mouse pad and her head bobbing between your face and your screen as she gropes your manhood. They pretty much just stopped short of lapdances it looks like. I value women, so I don't have much respect for or desire to watch strippers, and this whole debacle is pretty much a turn-off to me.

              Still, I'm sure there will be the more base guys who will throw out insults at these guys, calling them nerds and homos because they remained focused and committed to their purpose and teammates instead of some trashy strippers they'd never see again. Personally, though, they have my respect for keeping that focus, while the organizers of the event definitely do not have my respect.

              Unrelated, but the English Russia does have some cool pics of people reenacting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stuff around Chernobyl, if you're into that kind of thing.


              • #8
                Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

                discipline, dedication and determination FTW!


                • #9
                  Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

                  I know where my dedication would have been... Fuck CSS, give me strippers any day



                  • #10
                    Re: NSFW: Strippers or Counter-Strike? The Community Never Ceases to Amaze Me

                    Shit, I wouldn't mind getting killed in a couple of rounds...

                    But yeah, I'm more of the long-term relationship kind of guy, so stripclubs aren't exactly my sort of thing, but I guess once in a blue moon it would be enticing.

