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"Crash Course" DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

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  • "Crash Course" DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

    <div style="float: right; padding: 3px;">
    </div>Valve has just announced their next major pack of Left 4 Dead downloadable content. The DLC, entitled Crash Course, offers up single-player, multiplayer, and co-op gameplay to owners of both the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Left 4 Dead.
    Entitled "Crash Course," the latest DLC delivers new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay to both platforms. Targeted for release in September, "Crash Course" bridges the gap between the end of the "No Mercy" campaign and the beginning of "Death Toll" in the original game, expanding the game universe with new locations, new dialogue from the original cast, and an explosive finale

    While containing both Survival maps and a Co-operative Campaign, the primary goal of "Crash" is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes, resulting in a streamlined version of the game's existing Versus campaigns. A recharge timer for infected teammates has also been added, and item spawn behavior has changed for more balanced gameplay.

    "Since the release of Left 4 Dead last November, the design team has been excited about creating new experiences for this world and allowing players to do the same, by releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools," said Gabe Newell. "We're working with the fans toward the ongoing entertainment value of the product."

    The DLC is slated for release this September and will be free for PC owners and just 560 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360 owners. Stay tuned for more details on Crash Course.

  • #2
    Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

    OK, this goes some way to making me eat my words about being disappointed because the announcement of L4D2 mean the L4D we paid for will never be finished / receive significant support beyond the survivor mode.

    Thx Valve


    • #3
      Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

      Now I hope people can finally stop bitching about L4D2.


      • #4
        Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

        I still wish that L4D2 would be made into an expansion rather than a completely seperate game. But great announcement none the less.


        • #5
          Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

          Originally posted by snkcube View Post
          Now I hope people can finally stop bitching about L4D2.
          I with you on that, but I agree with others on other things. Personally I'm very excited to see Valve release some new content, I grow bored with the current stuff and the download content kinda messy, bit of a pain in the butt to deal with wish it could be a bit better. I can't wait .


          • #6
            Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

            Two things come to mind with this news post:

            1. Will the L4D2 Boycott group mention this news post? As of this post, they have not done so yet (then again, they haven't updated this month yet either).

            Update: Yes they have. Unfortunately the news poster (Agent Of Chaos) continues to exercise "cautious optimism" to say the least... They are (assuming he represents the group) still skeptical about the overall support and completion of Left 4 Dead 1, though they claim credit for influencing VALVe to push through with this "very first DLC." (They do not consider the Survival Pack nor the Authoring Tools to be DLC.)

            2. Will this DLC be compatible with L4D2? Seems like a waste of time, money, and effort to branch off updates to two games in an exclusive manner if this is the case; hopefully VALVe has a decent plan going when they reassured us about the potential community segmentation issue. Don't get wrong. It would be beyond stupid to make L4D2's content compatible with L4D for very obvious reasons, minus the trickle updates to fix or improve minor features such as CS:S's/DoD:S's trickle updates.


            • #7
              Re: &quot;Crash Course&quot; DLC Announced for Left 4 Dead

              Originally posted by snkcube View Post
              Now I hope people can finally stop bitching about L4D2.
              Has anyone considered that this map pack, along with the influx of L4D treatment/updates only came around after the community lash back on L4D2?

              None of this may have come around if it weren't for the community getting extremely upset.

              So I understand why you are all trying to defend "Valve" but in reality, I'm sure Valve North just got pissed with Valve South's blunder, and is trying to remedy the issue.

              GJ Gabe, keep kicking them in the ass for fucking up! I might just buy L4D2 after all if this keeps up!

