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Gamespot CS: Source Preview

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  • #31
    Great interview movie by Gamespot.. That's why I have an account there, they always have these quality (pre-release) movies of games and interviews etc..

    Can't wait to play CS:S beta.. Got a bit worried when Cliffe said 1 maybe 2 weeks after cafe owners for which pre-loading still hasn't started..


    • #32
      Splatula wrote..

      "nice to see they've converted the shit maps no one plays and not the good ones like nuke and train."

      Jeez, I wasn't aware they showed you the WHOLE game. Take a pill dude, they have converted pretty much all of the maps. If you don't see one you want get off your lazy ass and decompile then convert it to source when the game comes out.
      they've already said maps like nuke and train wont be converted initially and we will have to wait for them which means constant clan matches on dust2 in the mean time....


      • #33
        Edited by [user="6035"] @ [time="1091280465"]

        Seaweed wrote..

        they've already said maps like nuke and train wont be converted initially and we will have to wait for them which means constant clan matches on dust2 in the mean time....
        It's time clans learned to play the other maps aswell.. Like Piranesi, I still think that map has potential to be a good warmap (with the new layout)..


        • #34
          tell that to the cpl and im sure clans would play them


          • #35
            I've been playing CS for over 5 years now and I am constantly amazed at how very little some of the other maps are played. It's almost like some dumb, wierd peer pressure thing. When a map vote comes along at the end of a session, everyone picks Dust and Aztec. Again. When you ask these people "Why didn't anyone else pick Chataeu?" The answer invariably is "I don't know that map as well". Perhaps because you spend to much time playing Dust. Chateau and Piranesi are actually 2 very fine maps. When you have 2 teams on there who DO know these maps, you get some very intense gameplay. Choke points have been carefully set up especially on Piranesi.

            So many custom maps I've seen are even better than the the official maps but so very few people bother. (Go find cs_shogun_final. You'll see what I mean.) If Valve only made Dust, Dust2, Aztec, Train and Italy, everyone would bitch that their weren't any new maps. Instead, you have literally thousands of maps that have been created in the last 5 years. And for those of you who used to complain that "Chateau lags too much", it wasn't the was your computer.


            • #36
              the cpl choose their map list - leagues follow suit and clans play and practise the maps which they are likely to play competitions on. If the cpl included chateau etc im sure more people would play them.


              • #37
                Seaweed- You're this point. But it was like that before leagues were even around. It's just worse now because of leagues.

                I've done the league thing and it was fun for a while. Now though, league matches seem so...scripted. Everyone seems to play the exact same strats in the same 3 or 4 maps to the point that they are boring.

                "You stare at the door with a awp, I'll stare at this door with a awp...etc." After 3 years of playing league matches that rarely differ from one another, I went back to finding pub servers that attracted elite players and where different maps were regularly used. It seems there are many who also felt as I did. There are a large contingent of former league players out there. Anyway, I got off topic there. I'm sure that Valve will get around to releasing all of the classic maps on Source. Maybe some people will actually try some of the ones they are releasing now and not let it become a cycle of Dust, Dust2, Aztec, Dust, Dust2, Aztec.


                • #38
                  Edited by [user="214802"] @ [time="1091292404"]

                  Shuzer wrote..


                  You guys missed that shot
                  i like the stance as he's firing in that shot, it looks pretty damn dramatic and makes more sense than the current animations.

                  wish the shadows would make more sense though - shadows in games tend to be arbitrary and completely ignore subtle light sources... ie. in the screenshot on the cs newspost the shadow should 'climb' the wall


                  • #39
                    I feel the same Stagger.. I hope CS:Source will revive CS for me again, and I hope league's etc will play more maps.. But they have to stick to the official maps because you cannot expect everybody to learn all these 3rd party custom maps.. That's also why I disagree with the CPL using it's own maps like fire etc which we here in Europe never play, they should just use 1-2 more of the official maps like Piranesi etc, maps everybody has by default..

                    When I and my clan become active again in CS:S we will try to play wars on these other maps aswell.. See if it works out..


                    • #40
                      No-one going to answer my stance query?


                      • #41
                        azz0r wrote..

                        No-one going to answer my stance query?
                        Probably because no one knows for sure. Maybe it's a stance used when not moving as a wider base would provide better support? I somehow doubt that though since the force of the gun would dictate you would have one foot in front of the other.

                        Just wait until all things are finalized before speculating on some stuff... Might be for the best.


                        • #42
                          "The Valve team also apparently took the opportunity to visit a firing range to not only record each weapon's distinctive firing sounds but also to record the way each weapon kicks and launches bullets."

                          I highly doubt that is true.


                          • #43
                            Equalizer! wrote..

                            I highly doubt that is true.
                            Why do you have reason to doubt it?


                            • #44
                              Could Gabe fit through any door besides the Valve specialised doors?

                              Only joking, I didnt mean it


                              • #45
                                azz0r wrote..

                                Could Gabe fit through any door besides the Valve specialised doors?

                                Only joking, I didnt mean it

                                I think mainly the CS staff went to the shooting range. You know... "Cliffe and Co."

