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Gamespot CS: Source Preview

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  • #16
    CS has never been about "ultra realism." It's been about having fun playing a game.


    • #17
      FightingChance wrote..

      Did it look like Lombardi was wearing medical scrubs?

      If indeed the team went to a range, I'd be anxious to know if they have any different view on the weapons in CS.

      If I know my CS lore right, and I'm sure I don't, Cliffe is left handed and either prefers to shoot left handed (which not even many left handers do) or has never shot a gun but believes he'd shoot left handed.

      As almost all guns save a few ambidextrous rifles are made for right handers, the majority of humans being right handed (and the majority of left handers shooting right handed because of this.) So the ejection port, cocking handle, safety, etc are all positioned for easy access to right handers, and so that you don't get shells plinking you in the face as you fire.

      Unforunately, all the guns in CS are animated and modeled for a left handed shooter. And when they're flipped to the right, the gun and animations are mirrored, so they no longer make sense (it's as if a right hander were shooting a bunch of custom made left handed guns right handed.)

      "Shutup FC, no one notices, that's a dumb detail, blah blah blah." I notice - the appeal of using guns that exist in real life in a game is that they're represented accurately. They don't make racing games where the Porsche's have 6 wheels. While I know the custom community fills in some of the holes, it's not a complete fix.

      Plus, I'd like to know their stance on hot reloads (reloading with a bullet already in the chamber).


      • #18
        Here... when MikeJ or if rizzuh gets on they can add this picture as well to the newspost. HTML formatted for their pleasure, and our protection.

        <div align="center" class="smalltext"><a href="/image.php?id=30517"><img src="/images/content/t_image_30517.jpg" width="200" height="150" border="1" title="click for a full image">

        More Counter-Strike: Source</div>


        • #19
          "the appeal of using guns that exist in real life in a game is that they're represented accurately". At least it is for me. I'm not asking for the entire game to be gutted, just the guns look right. :]


          • #20
            Zips wrote..

            Cliffe made mention of that in the interview video there. They're integrating some of the smaller CZ perks into CS: Source. Maybe this is a good step towards integrating CZ: S and CS: S multiplayer components, and a majority of the CZ: Source updates will be found in Deleted Scenes...

            lol i didn't even know you could pick up nades in cs:cz until now


            • #21
              Is it me or do the models look too small for the map?

              Is it me or should Cliffe (sorry, still can't get my head around the 'Jesse' bit) ditch the hat and wash his hair? ;-)


              • #22
                He needs some herbal essences pronto!


                • #23
                  FightingChance wrote..

                  If I know my CS lore right, and I'm sure I don't, Cliffe is left handed and either prefers to shoot left handed (which not even many left handers do) or has never shot a gun but believes he'd shoot left handed.

                  Unforunately, all the guns in CS are animated and modeled for a left handed shooter. And when they're flipped to the right, the gun and animations are mirrored, so they no longer make sense (it's as if a right hander were shooting a bunch of custom made left handed guns right handed.)
                  Gooseman did most of the CS models (later ones were done by Valve), and I believe he is left-handed and hence made the guns left-handed. Either that or he just found it easier that way.

                  I forget which.

                  The point is, Gooseman did it and we must get CS history correct for future generations. If we get it wrong, then it doesn't really matter, because they probably won't notice anyway, nor care, having been sucked into a detailed 3D world via wires pierced into their brains such that they have more important, less real things to spend their time with, like playing Tetris.


                  • #24
                    lol all good gamers have that "style"

                    NO SHIELD! what good news!! and if they really are going to a firing range.. this could greatly improve things, like being able to actually hit a barn door with a mac10 while running...

                    i'm liking the idea of the cz bits implementation, hope they port the hostage ai over nicely althought i highly doubt they won't do that due to all the masses of AI in HL2 anyway.. can't wait

                    gona go and get cz soon me thnks.. i want that beta!

                    and tetris has to be the most uber1337 game ever created by man, bar pong ofc...


                    • #25
                      It doesn't look like the muzzle flash causes any bright light in that new screenshot. Look at the guy in the dark, in the back.


                      • #26
                        nice to see they've converted the shit maps no one plays and not the good ones like nuke and train.


                        • #27
                          nice to see they've converted the shit maps no one plays and not the good ones like nuke and train.
                          Beat me to the punch; valve need to open their eyes.


                          • #28

                            Whats interesting is whether this is ingame or not. The terroist is standing with his legs open, which doesnt happen. Now perhaps he's using a para and to steady yourself you now stand still with your legs open?



                            • #29
                              "nice to see they've converted the shit maps no one plays and not the good ones like nuke and train."

                              Jeez, I wasn't aware they showed you the WHOLE game. Take a pill dude, they have converted pretty much all of the maps. If you don't see one you want get off your lazy ass and decompile then convert it to source when the game comes out.


                              • #30
                                Splatula wrote..

                                Take a pill dude, they have converted pretty much all of the maps.
                                Not all, I'm quite sure there was a list before and they were not included.

                                Edit: Found it-

                                cliffe: Thus far we've upgraded Dust, Dust II, Italy, Havana, Aztec, Piranesi, Cbble, Chateau, and Office. More classic maps will be added to this list over time.

                                Over time though....

