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Gamespot CS: Source Preview

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  • Gamespot CS: Source Preview

    In the midst of the CPL, GameSpot has put up a Counter-Strike: Source Preview. There is some new photo and video media, and some insight from Jess Cliffe and Doug Lombardi. Here's a tidbit:
    The Valve team also apparently took the opportunity to visit a firing range to not only record each weapon's distinctive firing sounds but also to record the way each weapon kicks and launches bullets. Like in the original Counter-Strike, weapons with a high rate of fire, like the Ingram MAC-10 submachine gun, are great for suppressing enemy movement, but they become less accurate the longer they're fired.
    New Shot:

    Read up!

  • #2
    More nice stuff..

    I'm hungry now...


    • #3
      Good, maybe if were lucky now the accuracy in CS:S will be a little less unrealistic than it currently is in CS 1.6.


      • #4
        Nice preview... Another great looking screenshot.


        • #5
          Cool. The pic looks reminiscent of Rainbow Six 3.


          • #6
            That video was awesome!


            • #7
              Looks like hunched is here to stay, eh? Lol.

              Looks good.



              • #8
                Edited by [user="260429"] @ [time="1091246597"]

                damn the video made me drool and jess said after the beta we wanna give it out tehre realse the shit and give it a reasle date?? how long will the beta last any ideas on that???

                my specs:

                intel p4 2.4 ghz 533 FSB

                ati radeon 9800 pro 128==== 1024.768 resoloution=100 fps...

                1 gig ddr 400 ram


                • #9
                  Starting to look better and better!


                  • #10

                    You guys missed that shot


                    • #11
                      God that was a great video... I didn't have time to watch it before but now that I did I think I have reached new levels of anticipation for this game above that which I already had. I didn't even think it possible.


                      • #12
                        anyone else notice that you can pick up grenades in cs:source


                        • #13
                          xlokix wrote..

                          anyone else notice that you can pick up grenades in cs:source
                          Cliffe made mention of that in the interview video there. They're integrating some of the smaller CZ perks into CS: Source. Maybe this is a good step towards integrating CZ: S and CS: S multiplayer components, and a majority of the CZ: Source updates will be found in Deleted Scenes...



                          • #14
                            And they are removing the shield!

                            I remember when the shield was whored like the AWP, ahh the bad old days...


                            • #15
                              Did it look like Lombardi was wearing medical scrubs?

                              If indeed the team went to a range, I'd be anxious to know if they have any different view on the weapons in CS.

                              If I know my CS lore right, and I'm sure I don't, Cliffe is left handed and either prefers to shoot left handed (which not even many left handers do) or has never shot a gun but believes he'd shoot left handed.

                              As almost all guns save a few ambidextrous rifles are made for right handers, the majority of humans being right handed (and the majority of left handers shooting right handed because of this.) So the ejection port, cocking handle, safety, etc are all positioned for easy access to right handers, and so that you don't get shells plinking you in the face as you fire.

                              Unforunately, all the guns in CS are animated and modeled for a left handed shooter. And when they're flipped to the right, the gun and animations are mirrored, so they no longer make sense (it's as if a right hander were shooting a bunch of custom made left handed guns right handed.)

                              "Shutup FC, no one notices, that's a dumb detail, blah blah blah." I notice - the appeal of using guns that exist in real life in a game is that they're represented accurately. They don't make racing games where the Porsche's have 6 wheels. While I know the custom community fills in some of the holes, it's not a complete fix.

                              Plus, I'd like to know their stance on hot reloads (reloading with a bullet already in the chamber).

