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Condition Zero Discount

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  • Condition Zero Discount

    On the heels of the new Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1.2 patch, is currently selling Condition Zero for only $19.99, that's $20.00 (50%) off! If you have been waiting for CZ to come down in price to buy it, now is your chance. Go ahead and hop on over to and have a gander. While the naysayers will tell you it isn't worth it; I recently bought CZ, and in my humble opinion, $20 is a bargain, especially with the new 1.2 patch.

  • #2
    Yes... If the new Cz looks like what its all up to be, then it may be worth 20 dollars. Maybe. I just want to see them implementing more cz stuff in 1.6. Like the whole dropping nades on death buisness. C'mon where's the love?


    • #3
      I'll consider it...still not sold on spending any money to get what I've already got with custom models and texture packs.


      • #4
        Now they discount it...? Bastards!!!


        • #5
          I am so so tempted now... I think a bank run to check my funds may be in order.


          • #6
            Zips wrote..

            I am so so tempted now... I think a bank run to check my funds may be in order.
            Lol how poor do you have to be to check your bank and see if there is enough leeway for a $20 spending spree?

            I wish I had waited to buy it until now, instead of getting it for $40 at EBGames a few weeks ago. Oh well, I got a lot of fun out of it already (at least $20 worth).


            • #7
              Think I'll actually buy CZ now!


              • #8
                To any and all who griped about the "high price", please proceed to shut your trap, go buy the game and enjoy. =^)


                • #9
                  I think it's sad that it's cheaper to buy it from Amazon considering Steam was supposed to cut out the middle man.


                  • #10

                    I'm not happy at all, because I was under the impression that CZ + CS multiplayer would be exactly the same.

                    It's clear now it's not, and it's split the userbase in 2, with CZ owners getting all the good updates, and normal CS users getting stupid updates like the whole crosshair business.


                    • #11
                      yea well, like valve said, the stuff from cz will be moved to cs next version.


                      • #12
                        o ya?! Well beat this sucku!


                        There are only 37 available as of this posting, so get it while ya can!

                        I still think there needs to be an OPTION in CZ multiplayer to play on CS1.6 servers... but CS owners need to fork out the extremely minimal price to buy CZ NOW!!!!


                        • #13
                          Amazon probably bought a billion copies to resell - they aren't moving due to game reviews = sale price!


                          • #14
                            I really can't believe some of the trolls on this board. Keep in mind that VALVe has updated CS for years for free. Buying CZ just to support the years of free updates is far worth the investment. Many of you bad mouth VALVe like it's the new trendy thing to do (Microsoft bashing ring a bell?). VALVe has done some great work and it's a shame some of you guys look for the smallest details to gripe about. Be happy they are still updating CS. Remember... a large percentage never bought CS and downloaded the mod for free. Give them a break. Remember... you are playing a product THEY made. Just be happy they have provided you with such a game that has a replay value that far surpasses many other titles out there. Talk about bang for your buck... try dividing how much time you spend playing CS into how much you spent on HL or CS or CZ (whatever your case may be). You will see the real value.


                            • #15
                              to wtaag, i say A----men! lol

