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CS 1.6: Various other improvements

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  • CS 1.6: Various other improvements

    Online petitions, boycotts, death threats, Valve employee effigies. It's patch season friends! And this time they didn't even bother to tell us what changed, so here's a best effort re-cap of what they managed to squeeze into the latest Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam update. If I've missed something, or got something wrong, let me know!

    Various other improvements:
    • awp & scout now have a small delay on your ability to fire, zoom, or reload after switching to them from a different weapon or item.

    • the crosshairs have been scaled to look the same on all resolutions. they are slightly larger depending on your resolution.

    • new headshot icon. you can now see which weapon was used to make the headshot.

    • de_nuke is now brighter, the floating box exploit in the ramp room was fixed, and the outside box near window is no longer destructible.

    • de_cbble is also brighter, you can no longer climb the vines, and the bomb plant exploit at bombsite b was removed. new t spawn points as well as various other changes and additions.

    • sniper zoom-crosshairs have changed slightly.

    • using nightvision now turns your crosshair bold red.

    • flashbang and nightvision usage can be seen in spectator mode.

    • new rounded vgui menus on scoreboard, motd, team selection etc.

    • solid radar can be toggled on or off with the command cl_radartype (1 or 0).
    Here's a look at some of the changes:

    These updates also affect the Condition Zero 1.1 patch. The next few weeks will be interesting to say the least.

  • #2
    I asbolutely detest this update


    • #3
      Edited by [user="195810"] @ [time="1083275193"]

      now i just have to wait for my cdkey to be assigned to another account and i can play... where's my customer support?! grr! don't update CS! make your customer support better!!! > ah well, i think i'll like the update -- i want to see everybody complain

      ::Prepares for flames::


      • #4
        i don't like it that much, the edges of the new radar look kinda crappy too.


        • #5
          i cant take the new crosshair... custom sprite here i come...

          all the rest seem ok


          • #6
            To add even more fun, programs like Classic Weapon Names that changed my weapon names back to the actual names of the guns is no longer compatible. Now I'm stuck using a "Nighthawk" instead of a Deagle once again.

            Once again, I freaking hate Valve and this update.


            • #7
              Edited by [user="181293"] @ [time="1083275991"]

              The crosshair I can adjust to, it's not so bad. The AWP delay kinda pisses me off, expecially since I sucked with it and ignored it for 3 years, then just started practicing with it and got very good over the last couple of months. The delay isn't that big a deal though, I'lljust have to practice and get used to it. Maybe it will balance things a little better, and shut the anti-AWP noobs up a little bit. But the delay on the Scout SUCKS, period. Scoutzknivez isn't anywhere near as fun now. Granted, since you move so quickly with the Scout you can just take it out a few extra seconds before you normally would, but in Scout maps it's nice to switch to knife to aim with the crosshair, then quickswitch to Scout, zoom, and fire. And it's not just the zoom, you can't fire for that span either, so you can't quickswitch to Scout and try to noscope right away. The autosnipers were unaffected, so I think the Scout should definitely have been left alone. I mean, nobody has ever complained about the Scout being abused, at least nowhere near to the degree people have complained about the AWP for years, and the autosnipers since they got pimped a while back. But I digress. I really like the new sniper zoom crosshair, a little cleaner and less obstructive. And personally I dislike the new headshot sprite, but I've replaced it with the old one anyway. All in all, I could have lived without the update, but I'm glad they listened to the community's request for changes, and I'll just adapt to the changes I didn't necessarily want.


              • #8
                Edited by [user="12792"] @ [time="1083276241"]

                Radar -great!

                headshot icon -nice idea

                The awp scope delay is really disapointing to me... I know everybody has a different opinion on this, but to me, regardless weather it fixes an exploit or not, it really takes one of my favorite weapons to use and make it no fun at all to play with now.

                The crosshairs, at least for me are so huge i find it really hard to determine where I am aiming. Maybe I have something setup wrong, but the way it is now its just so big it's close to having no xhairs at all at long range.

                In the end it seems some of the fun of CS is gone for me with this update. For me thats all that matters. I am disapointed.


                • #9
                  I think this was a pretty good update but the crosshair change seems a bit strange. AWP delay will take time to get use to, and i believe it will change how the weapon is used. Lots of other good improvements in here though.


                  • #10
                    I despise what they have done to the awp.

                    fastswitch with the awp is pointless now as a means to switch to pistol to move quick out of target, then move back and fire, its so bad...

                    i hate it...

                    and im sure the "awpers" of cal, frod, johnny r, shag, and others will just love this.. rofl


                    • #11
                      finally.. started updating just now....


                      • #12
                        hmmm the awp is only being made slower cos of all the newbies moaning :/

                        Also once sign of a shield update, those lame close counter 1on1s with shield pussies really detracts realism from cs


                        • #13
                          I like the patch. 90% of people don't like it, but that's the way it is with every relatively major update. People will deal with it.


                          • #14
                            gumplunger wrote..

                            I like the patch. 90% of people don't like it, but that's the way it is with every relatively major update. People will deal with it.
                            quoted for truth


                            • #15
                              I like it, I like it a lot! Some of the additions will help in league play (Upping power and accuracy will draw more people to use a wider variety of guns) and the general 'knowing' that Valve is keeping this game going is comforting

