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Half-Life 2 Coming this Summer

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  • Half-Life 2 Coming this Summer

    Recently, Valve Software has announced that their highly anticipated sequel, Half-Life 2, will be targeted for release this summer. When Gabe Newell, founder of Valve, confirmed last year's source code leak, HL2's release date was set for the 2003 holidays. This is Valve's latest release date change since last year's incident. Doug Lombardi, Valve Software's director of marketing, confirmed the company's progress:
    [Valve] is currently targeting this summer for the completion of Half-Life 2.
    Valve also does not plan to reveal any additional information until this year's E3 in Los Angeles. Any other information concerning Half-Life 2's status can be found here. Also, be sure to discuss this topic on the CS-Nation forums.

  • #2
    gg double post


    • #3
      Yet another 6 months..

      What can I say though, I'll be among the masses, tackling and punching others in the groin when I'm in line for HL2.


      • #4
        Valve This summer:

        "Umm this summer? that's a typo we meant next summer!"



        • #5
          yay, I can wait another few months..


          • #6
            Yea I read this on slashdot a while ago. No big deal, I rarely ever get a chance to play games these days.


            • #7
              Thats a long way away. Doesn't suprise me that much though.


              • #8
                gumplunger wrote..

                Thats a long way away. Doesn't suprise me that much though.
                Mean either. Valve has been known for their release date changing.


                • #9
                  hl2 this summer.

                  yeah right.


                  • #10
                    I thought the media said Holiday 2003 and April 2004, Valve hadn't released a second official date yet after September 2003 was pushed back.


                    • #11
                      So as soon as I start my first year of college I can get some good habits going right away... Hopefully they mean July or August so I can have 2 days to beat it, otherwise I will be skipping some classes for a day or 2. I cant just stop playin a game.

                      One time my friend and I raced through HL on difficult and I beat it in about 5 hours I think. He gave up. Just curious how long it has taken people to beat the original HL. I'm sure anybody could beat my time. I beat Blue Shift in 2.5 hours cuz I watched a movie while I played... sad sad, at least it didnt cost ME anything.


                      • #12
                        I'll believe it when I see it in stores.


                        • #13
                          Doodleman3 wrote..

                          I thought the media said Holiday 2003 and April 2004, Valve hadn't released a second official date yet after September 2003 was pushed back.
                          Exactly... Plz don't put false statements on Valve employee's mouth. And this is a "current target summer" as in "we'll try to sort things for summer by we still can screw it again".


                          • #14
                            It's actually gonna be pushed till the HL2 graphics are outdated- just like cs:cz. In fact, they'll still be handing out coupons for HL2 in Radeon 2700000s.


                            • #15
                              I hope it comes out then. I dont want it to turn into a joke like cs:cz and even worse TF2

